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Liu Qi POV

Liu Cong and I sat at the 2 secondary seats at either side. Based on the rules, Liu Cong and I have to seat at the head of each row, but because of my hatred for her, I sat on the other end of my row.

On the other side, Cai Mao and Lady Cai were leaning against the pillars. I wonder what they are thinking about now. Be it them, me or Liu Cong, none of us made a sound or move and only sat down quietly. The only sound was that from the master of our household– My father’s pacing.

As I knelt in the main hall, I looked at the pillars in the hall lethargically and counted them over and over to kill time. Yes, 21 pillars, no doubt about that. Thereafter, I looked up at the ceiling and looked at the carvings in the ceiling.

The whole hall was still filled with red decorations for uncle’s farewell banquet. Yet at this time, no one seemed to have any cheer at all. Be it the neat rows of cushions or the colourful decorations, they’d seemed like a nice thing to have earlier but now I began to feel that they were laughable and unneeded.


Just then, I detected Liu Cong’s gaze on me and felt irritated so I turned away.

She’s been staring at me for a while now and when she saw that I wouldn’t meet her gaze, she lowered her head and drew circles on the ground with her finger despondently.

Haa… Huu… I gave a long sigh. I sigh a lot usually but this one was just to try to relieve some of the stress that filled my heart. The last time I felt this nervous was when I just entered the military. Back then, I didn’t know anything at all, only that I was about to go to a hellish place.

And now, all I could do was to recite uncle’s name over and over in my heart and hope for good news.

Lights drove away the darkness of night from the room. If they can’t find anything soon, there will be no point searching further.

I looked up at Cai Mao and Lady Cai. They both had grave expressions on their faces. Cai Mao was actually frowning slightly, a departure from how expressionless she usually was, and her eyes followed father. Lady Cai was trembling and she was mumbling something under her breath as though she were praying. She’s probably praying for uncle’s death.

I looked at father once more who was pacing about with an anxious expression. I can tell that father feels the same way as I do and he doesn’t wish to see his blood brother die.

Un, uncle won’t die. I firmly believe that. Though we’ve not known each other for that long, we’ve had many harrowing experiences in our short time together and uncle has always been able to live through each one somehow.

I believe that this time won’t be an exception.

Yes, I believe that.

*Ka*… *Ka*… *Ka*…

What’s that sound? The clinking of armour?

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Just then, the clinking of armour could be heard from outside. When I listened closely, I found that the sound was hollow, which meant that the wearer did not have plate on. This should be Wen Ping, who went to help Lord Zhao Yun.

“She’s back!” I said as I quickly got up.

“Oh? She’s back?”

The others too moved when they heard me. Father came over to where I was, as did Liu Cong. Only Cai Mao and Lady Cai stood where they were. When I looked over, they didn’t pay attention to me and just stood there watching in the distance.

But now I can’t be bothered with them and was busy looking outside where a shadow formed by the 2 torches outside slowly approached the hall with heavy steps.

“Wen Ping? Is it Wen Ping?” Father couldn’t wait and asked. Before a reply could come, he’d walked down the steps toward the shadow.

“My lord… The young mistresses are here too huh…”

It is Wen Ping indeed.

When I heard her voice, I hurried forward too, with Liu Cong following behind. So that I wouldn’t walk beside her, I intentionally hastened my pace as I made my way to Wen Ping.

“Wen Ping, how is it?” Father asked as he shone a torch on her and began sizing her up as I did. There didn’t seem to be a single dry spot on her. When I looked up, I saw that Wen Ping had a difficult expression on her.


My heart seemed to fall as I knew this wasn’t a good sign. I continued to look at Wen Ping, who only looked back at us and didn’t speak.

After seconds passed, she still didn’t speak and only shook her head.

“No… You didn’t find anything?” Father was dumbstruck as he stammered a translation of what Wen Ping was conveying.

Wen Ping only nodded and saluted father.

“My lord, your subordinate was useless, I searched with Lord Zhao Yun for 4 hours but found nothing.” She said, in a much softer voice than usual, “There is the possibility that he was swept downstream and I’ll bring men down to search tomorrow. But in conclusion…”

“In conclusion what?!” I hurriedly pressed her when Wen Ping trailed off. At the same time, fear that Wen Ping might say what I don’t want to hear most filled my heart.

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But in the end, she still said it.

“In conclusion– Lord Imperial Uncle has likely met with disaster and his survival is unlikely.”

“What!!” Father cried out and stood rooted to the spot.

As for me, when I heard her words, I felt a strong wave of dizziness assault me. My consciousness flickered and I keeled backwards.

“Elder sister! Be careful!” Liu Cong cried out as she came to help me.

“No need for your help!” I pushed her aside and fell to the ground as I lost balance. But even if I should fall to the ground, I won’t accept her help.

When I fell down, I saw the sly smiles of the Cai sisters.

“Cai Mao!” A clear ringing sound filled the air as father yelled. I looked up and saw an enraged father charging towards the hall with his sword drawn, “Cai Mao! Why do you have to drive my blood brother to his death!”

Yes… Cai Mao! Damned Cai Mao!

The flames of fury filled my heart and I tried to get up to follow father but the dizziness continued to assail me and made it difficult for me to walk.

“Young mistress…”

“Wen Ping, go, inside.” I said weakly as Wen Ping came to help me up.

“Jin Sheng! Don’t!” When I looked up, I saw that father had ascended several flights of stairs and Lady Cai had come running out and was grasping on to father’s sword arm.

“Let go!”

“Jin Sheng! Please be appeased, Jin Sheng! My little sister did it for your own good!”

“For my good? Why did she have to kill my brother?!”

“My lord, why must you act so ignorant about this?” Cai Mao said as she stepped out and knelt down in one motion with her head lowered, as though she were trying to prove her loyalty, “If Liu Bei doesn’t die, then Jing state will fall into the hands of an outsider!”

“Outsider?! You said outsider?!”

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“Jin Sheng! Ah–”

Father pushed aside Lady Cai and came before Cai Mao with bulging eyes. His expression was fierce and I could see the intent to kill in his face. This is probably the angriest I have ever seen father get.

“My lord.” Cai Mao said as she looked up. By this time, father had already placed his sword on her neck.

“Cai Mao, let me tell you. Liu Bei is my brother, not an outsider. You! Are the outsider!” Father roared, “You killed my brother! And I will have you pay for it with your life!”

“My lord!”

“Jin Sheng!”

As I saw the sword come down, I cheered on father in my heart.

— *Ke* *Ke* *Ke*

Un? Just then, father began violently coughing.

“My lord!”

Eh? What’s wrong with father?


The sword in his hands fell to the ground.

“*Ke* *Ke* *Ke*!” Father held his mouth with both hands as he sank to ground, looking like he was suffering very badly.

“Father!” Liu Cong cried out as she hurried forward.

“Father, what’s wrong?” I called out with shock and tried to hurry forward but the blow from earlier hadn’t subsided and my vision wasn’t steady. Even with Wen Ping’s support, I still collapsed and sank to the ground.

Is father sick? But father looks healthy and strong, how can it–

“Ah– *Ka*!” Before I could figure out what was going on, a loud cough rang out and father lay down on the ground and stopped moving.

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This is…

“Father!” Just then, Liu Cong ran forward and grabbed father, “Father, what’s wrong– Ah!”

When Liu Cong touched father, father fell to the side with no resistance whatsoever, giving Liu Cong a shock.

At the same time, I too was shocked and couldn’t say anything. Nor could I move.

The clouds parted and moonlight brightened up the room, allowing me to see clearly Cai Mao, who was kneeling in front of father. On her ashen, expressionless face was blood.

“Jin Sheng!”


“Father! Father!”

In a small village in another place, 2 people began to move.

“Un? Benefactor, what are you doing?”

“I’m packing.”


“Yes, my friend let me stay for a few more nights but I’ve had diff, difficulty sleeping these few days so I w, wanted to go and scout out the a, areas ahead.”

“Alright, I’ll go with you.”

“Eh? Is your injury a, alright now?”

“It is.”

“Un un, then if– should you be willing, then come along with me.”

Huang– Zu.

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