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TL: Part 2 of 2.

Liu Bei POV

“Ha!” Just then, the slender woman roared out as she swept Zhou Cang aside and sprang towards me. I know, she is ready to kill me.

With no hesitation whatsoever, she raised her spear and stabbed at my heart.

It’s over.

I closed my eyes as I thought, and recited, the name of the one who could save me.



The clear ringing sound from a bell came from beside my ear.

Following closely after the ringing was a faint scent that I thought was the scent of flowers on the shores of the river leading to the netherworld.

I opened my eyes but a piece of white cloth obscured my vision.

The gentle winds blew up the dust, and the ringing continued while the figure of the person was obscured by the white cloth.

“Who are you?!” The slender woman got into her stance cautiously while the person in front of me just stood there normally.

From where I was, I could see that she had long, beautiful and strong legs. She didn’t wear any armour, or rather she wore very little, and had bandages on her thighs. Looking to the side, I saw that she held a crude but powerful chopper. What seemed out of place was how she held the chopper with the blunt end facing her enemy and the sharp end facing herself.

“I am a guarding general of Jiangxia and I have come to rescue him under the orders of the Administrator.” Because of her long white scarf which covered her mouth, her voice sounded a little muffled.

The scarf girl then raised her chopper with the hilt to her ear in a stance that was similar to baseball batter’s pose before she continued, “Let me be clear about this. I don’t kill, and I hope that you can give yourself a chance.”

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(TL: Three Kingdoms version of Rurouni Kenshin!)

“Hmph! I already said– Cut the crap! Get lost!” The slender woman charged at me, or rather the girl in front of me, once more as she yelled out.

Just then, Chen Gong raised her crossbow and a heaving Zhou Cang made to come over as well.

“Everyone else stay out!” But the girl in front of me lightly yelled out, which jolted the 2 of them and they stopped their movements. Even the one charging at me seemed to have lost her balance.

“Ya–” She regained her footing and used the same moves as she did before, and did a twirling feint before taking a big step forward and stabbing at the girl.

And just as the tip of the spear was about to pierce the girl, she suddenly let out a low grunt ‘un’ and slashed upwards with her chopper.

“Ah!” A strong gust of wind blew out as the slender woman cried out in shock when she saw the spear in her hands break into 2.


But the girl wasn’t done yet, and followed up with a slash aimed at the slender woman’s abdomen. The slender woman tried to dodge but it was too late. Along with an exhalation, she sent the slender woman and the broken spear in her hands flying.

“Geh!” The slender woman let out a cry when she finally on the ground more than 20 paces away.

“Yi Feng!” The black clothed woman cried out when she saw the slender woman fall and shrugged off Chen Dao before running over to her.

“You must be the Imperial Uncle right?”


While I was still trying to figure out how the situation was completely reversed, the white scarf girl turned to me and sheathed her chopper before extending a hand to me.

“Ah, un.” I hesitated for a moment before I accepted her goodwill and held her hand and got up.

As I got up, I dusted myself and thought back to how pathetic I was just now. But when I remembered that I was still alive, relief filled my heart. Humans are creatures that always seek life and abhor death. Even if I am Liu Bei, I am still the same.

“Umm, thank you esteemed lady.” I hurriedly bowed, “May I ask what the name of this esteemed lady is?”

“Introductions will have to wait. We have more urgent matters to deal with presently.”

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Ah, that is right. I turned to the 2 generals and saw the black clothed woman supporting the slender woman as they both got up.

“I told you, I won’t kill you. And I also hope that you will give yourselves a chance.” The white scarf girl continued.

“Hmph, even if you have extraordinary martial prowess, you are heavily surrounded by our troops so how could you possibly make it out? All that awaits you is death.”

Wu… That’s right, my troops should be about finished by now.

I turned and looked at my surroundings as I remembered the present situation we were in.

… Eh?

Not only did the troops on our side in the surrounding area increase, there were even cavalry and spearmen units. I don’t remember having very many of these at all in our army. What’s going on?

“What the heck is this!” The black clothed woman cried out the same thing I was thinking about when she detected this as well.

“Oh! Now I see!” Just then, Chen Gong seemed to have come to a realisation and she slapped her head, knocking her official hat askew, “The main force has emerged from the city.”

“That is so.” The white scarf girl nodded.

“Eh?! Main force?” The black clothed woman exclaimed as she looked into the distance.

And so did the rest of us.

Though we couldn’t make out the troops in the dust, we could clearly see the ‘黄’ flags standing tall in the distance.

“You both should understand what’s going on. Presently, the main force of our side has begun engaging your side. If you don’t retreat soon, not only will your lives be forfeit, your entire army will be decimated.”

Chen Gong was smiling while the black clothed woman’s face darkened.

“Kuh!” She clicked her tongue, and began retreating as she carried the slender woman.

“Don’t think you can run!”

“You won’t leave this place with your lives!”

“Zhou Cang, Chen Dao.” I hurriedly stopped them when I saw them about to pursue those 2. They looked at me and I shook my head. If she wanted to kill them, the white scarf girl would have done so long ago. The only reason why she hasn’t, is because she has no intention to do so.

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“Hmhm! You lot better remember this, we are only just the vanguard. The main body will arrive in a few days. When that time comes, General Lu Meng will teach you all a good lesson, and we will avenge this ourselves.”

When she finished, she waved her hands, and the rumbling of drums could be heard soon after. If I’m not wrong, this rhythm should be the call to retreat.

And as expected, the Jiangdong troops began to retreat when they heard this.

But Lu Meng huh? So she’s the one leading this expedition.

“Before you leave, may I ask your names please?” The white scarf girl saluted and asked for the names of the 2.

The black clothed woman looked back at her with fury but still replied anyway.

“Remember this, I am Zhu Zhi Zhu Jun Li, a general of Jiangdong,” She then patted the woman who was leaning on her, “Oi, Yi Feng, you introduce yourself as well.”

“… Kuh, I am Zhu Ran Zhu Yi Feng, Zhu Zhi’s foster daughter. You lot better remember this– *Ke* *Ke*…”

Before she could finish her words, she began coughing profusely. Looks like she probably got her ribs injured.

“I’ll remember it.” The white scarf girl nodded and saluted once more before she continued, “Then please remember mine as well. I am Gan Ning Gan Xing Ba, and I am a guarding general of Jiangxia.”

Gan Ning?! So this girl is Gan Ning? No wonder I thought the bell was so familiar. I’ve used Gan Ning a fair bit in games before.

“… I understand. We’ll meet again.”

As she said so, a horse came running over from the side.

“Hey! What’s going on?”

The horse charged past Chen Dao and ran by Zhu Ran and Zhu Zhi, who seized the timing and leapt onto the horse along with Zhu Ran. With a swing of the reins, the 2 took off into the distance and disappeared into the sand cloud.

As the enemy troops gained distance, I slowly began to relax. However, the battle from before continued to replay over and over in my head. Looks like wars are a lot more horrific than I imagined.

“Chen Dao, go and gather our troops now that the enemy has retreated.” Chen Gong said as she began to walk over.

“Why does it have to be me~ I’m supposed to protect our lord~ And since just now, you were just watching from the side. Did you do anything at all?”

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“I’m a strategist and administrative official to begin with. Having archery skills is already a big plus, you can’t possible expect me to fight in close quarters, no?” Chen Gong retorted. I agreed with her so I felt that we should heed her suggestion as well.

“Chen Dao, I’m reassured if you’re handling it. Do as Chen Gong says, and take the command tally and look for our troops. When you’re done, tally up the casualties.”

“Yes! I’ll definitely any task my lord bequeaths me.”

When it came from me, Chen Dao’s attitude completely changed and she put her hands together and bowed before running off. If she was in a modern day army, she was probably the sort who could rise from a corporal through the ranks and eventually become a general.

“Chen Gong, go and assist her.”


Surprisingly, Chen Gong didn’t rebuke me at all and obediently follow after Chen Dao. Looking at her, she was clearly exhausted.

I then shifted my gaze to Zhou Cang, and saw her with both hands on her blade that was stuck to the ground, looking like she was about to collapse.

“Ah, Zhou Cang, are you alright!” I hurriedly ran flrward to support her when I saw this.

“Zhou Cang, wake up. Wake up.” Seeing that she wasn’t fully conscious, I got a little anxious and began to slap her face.

“She’s just exhausted. Most of her wounds are just shallow cuts so there shouldn’t be any problems.” Gan Ning delivered her assessment as she walked over and swept her eyes across Zhou Cang. When I looked at her, she reflexively pulled up her scarf.

“Oh, if that’s the case, then that’s great.” I said as I tried to hoist Zhou Cang up. It’s a little rude to say this but she isn’t light at all. Perhaps it’s because of the machete.

“Let me help you.” Gan Ning came over and helped me support Zhou Cang from the other side as she said so.

“Ah, thank you very much.” I said, and nodded when I remembered what happened before, “Thank you for what happened before as well. If it weren’t for you, I would have been in the netherworld by now.”

It’s a strange experience to be able to catch a whiff of the flowers on the shore of the river to the netherworld but still be in the realm of the living.

“No, I came here under orders from the Administrator,” She said as she pointed ahead, “Who is probably coming here now.”

“Un? Administrator?


Just then, the sound of horse hooves began to fill my ears and seemed to grow louder as a group of black horse riders came galloping towards me.

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