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Liu Bei POV

After we had dinner at Huang Zu’s– Yes that was dinner, not a banquet– Mine and Liu Qi’s side headed back to our encampment together. I don’t know how it’s like for her side but at least for mine, they had their fill.

Chen Dao and Chen Ging’s stomachs were bulging and Zhou Cang was burping. I was slightly better off then the rest but I still ate a lot more than usual.

From this experience, I finally understand why we always eat such a big meal at night after a long day of marching, and then spend the entire night digesting. This was like the buffet after military training.

(TL: I’ve served in the military before but I don’t recall having buffets after training… Maybe the one in China?)

“By the way, where’s Gan Ning?” I tried to make conversation with this question but the ones behind me didn’t reply at all which kind of hurt.

“Gan Ning seems to be still on patrol duty.” Good thing Wen Ping took the initiative and replied me, or it would have been really awkward.

During this return trip, Gan Ning didn’t lead us. Earlier during dinner, Huang Zu had ordered Gan Ning to go out and patrol. I really couldn’t see what need there was for her to patrol but Huang Zu still sent her.

And before, when the battle ended, Gan Ning’s eyes were very…

“Liu Qi, do you know if there is anything between Huang Zu and Gan Ning? Has there been any conflict between them?”

“Why? Is uncle interested in this sort of thing?” Liu Qi said as she looked at me from the side with a look of despise.

What do you mean by this sort of thing huh… I’m not trying to gossip here.

“I just feel that the Administrator’s treatment of her subordinate is a little lacking.”

“Un… It’s true that it does seem that way, and there is a reason why Huang Zu is being like that to Gan Ning.”

As expected, Liu Qi knows something.

“Gan Ning is…” Liu Qi then cupped her mouth and proceeded to whisper to me but Yi Ji interrupted from behind.

“My lord, is it really alright to say this behind people’s backs?”

“Ahem, this is just some aftermeal discussion. And perhaps uncle might have a way to resolve this predicament.” Liu Qi gave me big shoes to fill all of a sudden, making it difficult for me to admit that I didn’t ask about it because I wanted to resolve it.

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When Yi Ji heard this, she didn’t pursue the matter further and merely shrugged.

“Gan Ning didn’t actually rise from the bottom of the Jing state official hierarchy, nor did she pass any examinations.” She said, and looked at me again, “Gan Ning was once a pirate.”

Ah! Right! Now I remember, Gan Ning was a pirate! I should have recalled such an important setting when I saw how she looked.

“Why does uncle seem like he came to a big realisation? It’s almost as if you knew this already.”

“No, you’re over thinking it.” I hurriedly changed my expression, “Then Liu Biao accepted her fealty then?”

Liu Qi nodded, “Yes. Jing state was chaotic some years back and my father had to deal with many uprisings throughout Jing state and granted amnesty to those who were willing to surrender and serve him. Gan Ning and her pirates were among those who were accepted.”

“Shouldn’t there be no issues since she was granted amnesty?”

It’s not me being naive, I have seen actual examples after all. Back in Jiangdong, I haven’t seen any enmity between Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai and the other Jiangdong generals.

“That depends on who it is. Huang Zu will definitely not treat a former river thief kindly at all.”

River thief huh…


“Based on what I know, Huang Zu’s parents were murdered by pirates.”

“Eh?” I got a shock and a chill ran down my spine when I heard this.

“A group of pirates committed pillage and massacred the entire village. Only Huang Zu survived.” Liu Qi continued as though it were something normal, “My father happened to pass by, and took in Huang Zu. After that, Huang Zu has never agreed with granting amnesty to pirates.”

“Un… I see. But why not separate her and Huang Zu? Gan Ning could hold an administrative role in Jiangxia for instance.”

“I don’t know the specifics, but it’s probably because of Jiangxia’s close proximity to the river so Gan Ning’s expertise is required on naval military matters. Huang Zu has always been guarding Jiangxia so she can’t be moved away.”

Isn’t this quite specific enough…

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“Of course, there is definitely enmity between them so it would be great if uncle could solve this issue. We’re fighting together after all, so it will be best if there isn’t any severe discord amongst us.”

“What could I possibly do…”

I know my limits, and what I can and can’t do. And while I haven’t experienced it myself, I can understand the depth of her hatred. It is very likely that this hatred has become an innate part of her.

“The most I can do is make the atmosphere a little more amicable.”

“That’s already impressive enough. Personally speaking, I’m not too good at that sort of thing.”

Un, I can tell.

“Well then, let’s leave things as they are for now. We’ll be heading back to our camp to rest.”

“Un? Ah, we’ve already reached huh.”

I was so engrossed in our conversation along the way that we’d reached our encampment before I knew it.

“We’ll be heading back first then. Though we have handed over our command tallies, we must still have our own plans when it comes to the crunch. Huang Zu might have made it seem like we can win but I feel that uncle should understand what the situation is like.” Liu Qi said as she rode up a few steps ahead.

“Un, I understand.” Of course I understand. As for Huang Zu’s words, I take them as mere words of encouragement, “Speaking of which, how many troops are left on your side, Liu Qi?”

“A thousand odd.”

“Un, then with my thousand odd and the 4,000 strong garrison, we have about 6,500 in total.”

Honestly, this was far too few. I doubt we will be able to stand against the main body of Jiangdong’s punitive force.

“Let’s follow what Huang Zu says for now. If there is anything that goes wrong, we will act according to the situation.” Liu Qi rode off when she finished. I couldn’t react in time and could only silently salute and bow to her back.

“Alright, let’s get back too then.” Chen Gong said as she rode up to me, with an expression that was neither happy nor sad but indifferent.

Indeed, the best mood to take for now is that of indifference.

Can’t sleep.

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I was lying on a wooden board for a bed, and was tossing and turning to the point where I almost fell to the ground.

Though I said I ought to be indifferent to things for now, it wasn’t so easy to do so in practice. We may be the reinforcements, but our side were the ones at a gross disadvantage, and we can’t exactly shirk off all responsibility should we lose this battle.

At least, that’s what I think so.

Un… I rubbed my eyes and sat up on my bed. I then got off my bed and put on a thin coat.

Now was the transition period between spring and summer so I’m not too sure what time it is now. My best guess would put it at about 4-5am which means that it would be Yin Shi now.

I stepped out from the tent and looked to the east. There was no sign of light on the horizon at all which meant that it wasn’t too late yet and my guess shouldn’t be too off.

If I were back in my era, I would probably grab some supper from the refrigerator, and then go back to my room and play games until I fall asleep or until dawn comes. But here, all options are clearly out of the question.

I remember having supper once in Xuchang. It was only porridge but it tasted pretty good. Surprisingly, the one who made it was Yun Chang.

I wonder how it’s like on Yun Chang’s side now. Would they be in any peril during the military exercise? — By they, I mean Liu Biao’s side.

I hope that if anything happens, Yun Chang can show some mercy.

“Who is that? Why are you wondering about outside even when it’s so late?”

Eh? When I heard someone call out from behind, I turned back to look and met eyes with her as we both recognised each other.

“Chen Gong? Why aren’t you asleep yet?”

“I was going to ask Imperial Uncle the very same question.”

“I can’t sleep.”

“That’s obvious. If you could sleep, you would be sleeping already.”

What an unproductive conversation.

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Chen Gong was presently sitting on a log beside the brazier, and was watching some branches in her hand which she stuck into the fire. She would even stir the flames from time to time, sending sparks flying up towards the sky which disappeared without a trace soon after.

“You can’t sleep as well, Chen Gong?” The reason why I’m asking this is not because I want to continue the unproductive conversation but because I was hoping to get Chen Gong to share her thoughts when I saw her pensive expression.

“Could you have stayed awake all night?”

“No, not really. I just woke up as well.” She said as she shook her head. I shifted my gaze to the brazier, and saw that there was quite a bit of burnt material stacked up which betrayed how long she actually stayed here for.

“Would you mind me sitting beside you?”

“… Imperial Uncle can sit where ever he wants.” She said without even looking at me and scooted over a bit to give me some space on the log.

Hai… I gave a long sigh like an old man as I sat down. I picked up a stick and began stirring up the brazier just like Chen Gong.

“Don’t stir it any old how, Imperial Uncle. There’s a proper way of doing it.”

Bullshit! What kind of proper way is there to stirring braziers!

I retorted violently in my heart but didn’t verbalise it, and only gave a stiff smile as I put down the stick. When she saw me give up playing with the fire, she continued playing. Naturally, I couldn’t see how her movements seemed proper in the least.

Un? Why do I feel like there’s something wrong with Chen Gong when I look at her?

“Imperial Uncle, there’s something I have to admit.”


Without any foreshadowing at all, she suddenly spoke up.

“What is it?”

“Ah… Un, I feel that for the most recent battle, based on the results, Imperial Uncle’s tactic was the right one.”

Ah, I see. So she was praising me. If you want to praise me, then just do so. Why do you have to look so unwilling while doing it?

“Why this all of a sudden?” I asked even though I know why.

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