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Liu Bei POV

“Yes,” Liu Qi nodded, “I can’t get along with flowers at all but only that clump of flowers doesn’t induce any rejecting reaction from me.”

Rejecting reaction? She wouldn’t be talking about an allergic reaction, would she? But allergic is a rather modern term so it’s normal that she doesn’t know about it.

Ah… But hearing the continuation of this story is more important.

“What happened next?” I asked, but at this moment, Liu Qi had her head low and her fists were clenched tight.

“I trusted her, I trusted her and yet… It was destroyed by father!”



“But why?”

“He said I would lose my ambition and grow weak… And not be an upstanding member of royalty.”

Ah, that does sound like something Liu Biao would say.

“And so the one who leaked the secret was Liu Cong then?”

“It could only be her!” Liu Qi said in a much higher tone, “I told only her so she definitely told her mother which is why that happened.”

“So is this why you don’t trust others?”

I can more or less understand her now.

“But… Isn’t something like that to be expected?” I didn’t hold back and just said what came to mind, “Your mother just died and if she wanted to succeed Liu Biao then she would definitely do that.”

“But she told me multiple times before that she does not wish to succeed the position of Governor.” Liu Qi continued, “And after that, I even saw with my own eyes Liu Cong exiting from father’s room with a sly smile on her.”

Liu Qi’s frown deepened as she said so and she seemed seething.

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“Un… So you never trusted anyone around you after that?”

“It probably began around then.” Liu Qi nodded and closed her eyes as she exhaled, “I know, I’m very childish.”

“It’s alright, things that happen when you’re young tend to leave a mark after all.”

Though to be honest, I do think you’re a little childish.

“Uncle still thinks I’m childish right?”

“No way!!” I hurriedly denied it.

How could this be! I believe I hid it well enough! Even Meng De can’t read me that well!

“It’s alright, I think so too myself. It’s something very ordinary and Liu Cong could have been manipulated but I still feel that it is difficult to trust others.”

“You’re too sensitive.”

“I know, but this can’t be helped.” She fully admitted it, with no intention of changing how she thinks at all.


Just then, the roar for blood came from outside. The tent was thick so it wasn’t as thunderous as when we were embroiled in the naval battle but it was very close.

“Wu…” Liu Qi was alarmed and hurriedly got up and walked over to the side where she drew a sabre. She then stood there and kept her eyes on the curtains.

“You’re too nervous.” I said to Liu Qi and got up, made my way over to her and patted her shoulders only to find that they were all tensed up.

“Who knows if the next one to come in will be friend or foe.”

The sounds of slaughter and the bays for blood grew more intense as time went on. Even I was getting scared, let alone Liu Qi.

I was much less confident about this gamble than the last time I gambled a few months ago when I just arrived and declared the death of Dong Zhuo.

But leaving aside rationality where I’m afraid about what-if situations, I’m not actually worried at all.

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“Uncle, are you certain that you have no idea what their plans are?”

“I really have no idea. If you don’t believe me, you can look into my eyes.”

The reason why I’m so confident is naturally because I really don’t know. When I went to find them in the rear guard, I only told them about this briefly. This was because I didn’t want to alert the enemies and I didn’t intend on hearing about their plans.

The only instructions I received thereafter from them were to enter this tent and so we did. And since then, we have been sitting here. Just the 2 of us.

I looked at Liu Qi, and saw that she was anxious but still putting up a show of calm as best as she can.

The reason why she is being like this could be because of my presence here. She probably doesn’t trust me fully yet and doesn’t feel comfortable showing weakness in front of me.

Personally speaking, I hope that she can be a little more honest and express how she really feels.

“Liu Qi, would you be willing to trust others a little more if they can brilliantly resolve this?”

“That’s difficult to say. We could just be lucky this time.” She replied immediately, with a somewhat shaky voice.

“Then how about trusting us a little more? We couldn’t have staged all this and passed up a prime chance to kill you right now after all.”

“I trust uncle, and I don’t suspect them like you say I do.”

“Then how about trusting me and them a little more?” I pressed the matter as I know that Liu Qi keeping her distance from others what makes it difficult for her to have fulfilling relationships. If she doesn’t let us get close, then there’s no way we can gain her trust.

Liu Qi is being too suspecting of others. In the end, she will only hurt herself. So at the very least, I would like to help my own niece avoid becoming like Meng De.

Additionally, I do have a rationale for my choice. At the very least, I am sure that Yi Ji is wholeheartedly loyal to her young mistress. Even now, I can still remember that night when I went to Liu Qi’s tent. Yi Ji waited outside and only when I told her that Liu Qi had retired for the night did she return to her own tent.

If that isn’t loyalty and righteousness, then such concepts don’t exist in this world.

As I looked at her, she looked at back at me with a side glance, seemingly unmoved by my words.

“… I’ll think about it. That said, I don’t actually know how to trust others.”

“No need to rush. Liu Qi just needs to try and understand them. I bet you have never spoken about matters outside of business with them.”

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“… Indeed.” She seemed a little unhappy at being seen through but she still nodded, “Alright, I understand. If you’re right, I’ll try it.”

She was still a little stubborn and rigid in her reply but that was more than enough. The rest will be up to those outside.

And if it’s them, there’s nothing to worry about. I thought as I calmly and relaxedly sat back down on my seat and slowly waited.

The noise outside would sometimes draw closer and grow distant, and sometimes it would be louder on this side and that but it never stopped. And after about 10-20 minutes, or perhaps longer, the sounds completely died.

And after several minutes more, the curtains suddenly opened up.


Liu Qi had lowered her guard after all this waiting but when this happened, she hurriedly readied her stance and waited for the ones outside to enter.

The ones leading were Wen Ping and Chen Dao. Both of them were covered in blood and held long spears with several heads stuck on them, looking every inch like monstrous demon kings.

Ah, they really look horrendous.

“Oh, is it all over now?” I was a little perturbed, but it was because of my aversion to seeing so much fresh blood, and I didn’t feel a sliver of fear towards Chen Dao and Wen Ping at all.


“It’s over, my lord.”

Wen Ping and Chen Dao greeted us very differently as they bowed and saluted Liu Qi and I respectively.

“It is now safe outside.” Wen Ping reported.

“… Un.” Liu Qi nodded and slowly lowered the weapon in her hands. She didn’t sheathe it though as she turned to me. I smiled stiffly at her as I looked back and made a gesture for her to sheathe her weapon.

“Alright, I understand.” Only then did Liu Qi sheathe the sabre, “Thanks for your hard work.”

“…” Wen Ping wordlessly saluted once more before she retreated to the side while still in a bow.

Ah, she’s so well-mannered, I thought.

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Even though she doesn’t look like someone who is easy to get along with, she is an outstanding subordinate that one can rely on.

I really wonder what Liu Qi is suspecting about her. Honestly, I feel like if Liu Qi would just ask her, Wen Ping would just tell her everything truthfully.

“Imperial Uncle! We’re back!” Zhou Cang exclaimed as she swaggered in with her blade and interrupted my thoughts.

“Haha! This was a good one, I really let out all my previous frustrations this time!” Zhou Cang’s blade swung about as she laughed loudly, sending droplets of blood flying about.

“Oi oi! Don’t be sp careless! What if you cut our lord!” Chen Dao hurriedly stood in front of me and yelled out. Liu Qi also warned her. Ah, why does Zhou Cang have to be like this?

“Un? Oh.” Zhou Cang stood in a daze for a moment before she understood what they were yelling at her for. She really is a ditz.

Even though Zhou Cang is indeed very beautiful, I feel that she should really change her ways a little.

“… Un? Why is Imperial Uncle staring at me for?”

“No, nothing.” I hurriedly turned away.

Ah… A ponytail really suits her.

“Aiya, it really is terrible outside.”

“Lord Wen Ping, may I trouble you to help the troops clear up?”

Just then, the ones who were most instrumental to the gamble and the most crucial personnel came walking in.

I looked over and saw Chen Gong and Yi Ji with their usual calm expressions on unlike the jovial Zhou Cang or the relaxed Chen Dao.


Yi Ji thanked Wen Ping for her hard work as she acknowledged and began to walk out. And since the other side has already stepped forward, we can’t just stand around either.

“Please help out as well, Chen Dao and Zhou Cang.” I raised my hand and said to them, who very quickly left without any complaints.

“What do you think, Liu Qi?” I asked Liu Qi with a wide smile after those 2 left.

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