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Feng Xian POV

“Jian Yong’s troops are falling behind again…”

“Don’t be too anxious, Lord Mi Zhu. Lord Zhang Liao’s troops are near them and will back them up if needed.”

“Flag-bearers! Issue the order! Have Lord Zhang Liao bring her troops and surround the enemy from the left! Divide and conquer! Divide and conquer!”

“I’ll go from the side and draw the other side’s attention. — 100 of you! Follow me!”

Ah… It’s so noisy.

Horse hooves incessantly trod on the ground, making thunderous echoes across the land; and around me was someone who kept droning on and on and on. Though I’ve always been able to sleep while riding on a horse, today has been a little too rough, and noisy, to do so.

I very unhappily opened my eyes and was greeted with the sight of a cloud of yellow sand billowing my way, and hurriedly squinted.

What was going on?

“Lord Lu Bu? Lord Lu Bu! You’re finally awake?”

Un? Someone beside was calling out to me. I turned my head slightly and saw someone wearing rather colourful clothing yelling at me. Though she was yelling at the top of her voice, I can’t hear what she’s saying at all given the pandemonium about us.

This person is…

I raised my hand and rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times before I recognised this person as one of the 3 administrative officials from Xu state, the one who is always holding the abacus.

“Ah… What’s your name again!! I just woke up so I can’t remember what’s going on!” I yelled out even louder than her as I was afraid she couldn’t hear me above the sound of the swirling sand and thundering horse hooves but she actually covered her ears when I yelled.

Ah, if I remember correctly, my voice seems to be rather loud when I yell.

“Lord Lu Bu!! … We’ve been ambushed!”

“Ah? Ambushed?!”

Ambushed? I couldn’t quite understand what she meant immediately.

Ah! She must be talking about the exercise with Liu Biao’s troops. That makes sense.

Un? That can’t be right either. If I remember correctly, that ended right? A few days ago, my side and Guan Yu defeated the 5,000 strong enemy force with 1,000 troops on either side, and beautifully too if I may add.

“Did we really get ambushed? Could it be that it hasn’t ended yet?”

“Ah?” Abacus lady had a puzzled look as though she didn’t understand what I meant.

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Forget it. I largely understand what’s going on now. This should be a trick by the Jing state troops. In reality, the exercise hasn’t ended and they are attacking us with full force once more.

Un, they have a little bit of backbone.

I turned back and looked at the troops, and saw that they were quickly charging forth behind me– No, escaping is the right word.

Why do we have to escape?

Based on a rough count, there seems to be about 600 men here.

“Abacus lady, where are the other 400 troops?”

“Lord Zhang Liao is leading 100, Jian Yong is commanding the rearguard who number about 100, and Lord Zhao Yun just took away 100 men.” She yelled at the top of her voice but I could only just barely hear her.

“What are they doing?”

“Jian Yong’s logistics unit has been slowed down by enemy attacks and the other 2 generals have gone to assist her.” Abacus lady anxiously replied, “And besides the 2 lead generals, everyone else only has wooden batons!”

Un? Isn’t that what it’s supposed to be? It’s only an exercise after all right?

“The others should be wielding wooden batons as well right?”

“Very unfortunately, yes!”

“Very good.”

This means that no one will get hurt.

(TL: Lu Bu is asking about the enemies, but Mi Zhu thinks she is talking about their troops.)


“How many enemies are there?”

“About… 2,000 or so!” She stopped short mid-sentence as a clump of sand hit her face but she still continued.

If the enemy is only 2,000 strong we can clearly repel them sp why are we escaping? We just won against 5,000 a few days ago too.

“Understood.” I said as I clearly understood what I needed to do.

As I remembered Red Hare who was still in my chest, I hurriedly opened my breastplate and it stuck its head out. Ah, the weather is getting hotter and it should be out in the open a lot more. It’s also getting bigger so I can’t always carry it around like how I have been.

It’s a little sad when I think about this. Of course, now isn’t the time to indulge in this, I thought as I extracted Red Hare and held it gingerly in my arms before extending my hand.

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“Abacus lady! I’ll leave Red Hare with you for a while. It’s very obedient so it will be fine!”

“Ah! Ah, I got it!” Abacus lady was a little clumsy and her horseriding skills were clearly not very polished. But even so, she still managed to one-handedly receive Red Hare from me after a few attempts.

“I’ll be leaving for a bit so slow down your advance. Don’t worry, I won’t let those useless Jing state troops catch up.”

“Yes, I understand– Eh?! Jing state troops?”

“All cavalry units in each battalion are to standby and attack with me at first notice!” I yelled out as I raised my double-sided halberd and twirled it in the air before planting it heavily into the ground.

“Eh?! Lord Lu Bu!”

“Come, give me a wooden baton.”

“Eh?! You’re going to use a wooden baton?”

Of course. This is an exercise after all so how could I use a lethal blade?

Ah… Could it be that I’ve been misunderstanding everything from the very beginning? Could it be that it was like what we initially hypothesised…

“Abacus lady, could it be that those troops aren’t the enemies we faced in the exercise? And they are actually an ambush set by the Jing state people?”

The kind of ambush that seeks to kill us.

I stared at aba us lady but she seemed to be very troubled by what I said and thought for a long while before slowly saying, “They… Aren’t actually an ambush by Jing state! But–”

Ah, then I understand. That means they are the troops from the exercise.

Since time is of the essence, I better hurry over. There isn’t much else to know as well, I thought as I received a long wooden pole from a soldier nearby.

I twirled it about and tested it. Apart from being light to the point of weightlessness, it’s a rather fine wooden pole.

“I’ll be leaving then! Don’t worry, I’ll pick up the halberd on my way back so abacus lady need only look after Red Hare!”

“*Wang*!” Red Hare remembered to give me a farewell. What a good kid.

*Jia*! On my command, the cavalry within our contingent charged forth behind me.

Abacus lady seemed to be yelling at me from behind but I don’t have the spare time to bother about her.

Jing state losers! Since you aren’t satisfied with a simple defeat, I’ll give you lot a thorough thrashing!

*Tatatatatata*– A continuous wave of horse hoove footfalls entered my ears. They aren’t many, but it’s a heartening sound nonetheless. From the sounds, it seems like there are about 30-40 with me.

That’s enough.

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Ah, I’m still a little tired. I shouldn’t have stayed up all night last night.

I tiredly looked about as I struggled to keep my eyes opene but I couldn’t catch a glimpse of enemy or friend anywhere in the distance.

… Could we be lost?

Ah, I’m lost again.

“Oi, anyone knows where the enemy position is?” I didn’t want to open my mouth and ask but if I didn’t do so, I would only get even more lost.

“Lord Lu Bu, they should be in the southeast!”

“… Where.”

“Lord Lu Bu, over there.”

*Jia*! I swung the reins and hurriedly galloped in that direction.

Un… I’ll remember that this direction is the southeast. I won’t forget, probably.

“Lord Lu Bu! Look!”

Un? All of a sudden, a soldier yelled out. I hurriedly squinted as I looked forward ans saw a cloud of swirling dust near a small hill.

I swung the reins once more and ascended the small hill and saw, just 100 paces away, that there were several contingents clashing. It was chaotic but there was 1 side that was clearly retreating as they fought.

Un? The general at the head of that side is– Wen Yuan?

It’s definitely them! That side is ours!

“Everyone, get ready and wield your weapons, we will be charging down shortly.”

“But… All we have in our hands are wooden batons?”

Someone wearing the plate armour that looked like what a brigadier general would wear spoke up to me just as I finished.

“What’s wrong with wooden batons? Wooden batons are enough even for actual battles. Of course, you must all first abandon your fears. Without fear, you won’t die.”

And besides, this isn’t a real battlefield.

“Is everyone ready?”

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I don’t know if it’s because of my encouragement, but be it male or female, they all had their heads low as though they were coming to a realisation and looked at me with resolute eyes as they nodded.

Ah, they are so serious. That’s good. Every battle must be taken seriously or an exercise would lose its meaning.

“Good! Then let’s– Charge!!!!” I yelled out as I swung down my reins and led the charge down the hill.


The several dozen cavalry charged down together with me and yelled out as they did so, perhaps more heroically than any other cavalry I’ve ridden together with.

As the sound of thunderous horse hooves grew more dense, the enemy neared.

“Troops at the side!! Look out!!” Their troops at the wing had already taken notice and were diverting troops towards us.

“Wen Yuan! I’ve come!!” I yelled out loudly, and felt like there was a commotion which I believe meant that Wen Yuan and the rest should have heard me.

If possible, I would prefer that my voice is a little softer as I’m still a girl after all.

But now isn’t the time to bother about this. What’s important is to have Wen Yuan stop retreating and form a united front with us.

500 against 2,000 isn’t such a big deal. It’s not like we haven’t faced against such odds after all, so what is there to fear?

As we neared the defending enemies, several long spears emerged from the wall of shields.

Ah, they really went all out huh. But even so, I won’t be touched by these fake spears.

Yaaaaaa! I yelled as I twirled the wooden pole in my hands.

I focused my sights on a certain area in the wall and concentrated as I brought my weapon behind me–

Now is the time!

I swung forward with the wooden pole. Though it doesn’t feel as good as with the double-sided halberd, I could still feel the exhilaration i always get from cutting through the air.

And in the next instant, the wooden pole clashed with the spears.

— Waaaaa!!!

And in the next instant, cries from behind the wall of shields could be heard. In the blink of an eye, almost the entire front row were sent flying. The ones behind were also knocked back by the shockwave and keeled over backwards.

As for the fake spears, they were all broken.

Of course, the wooden pole in my hands were completely destroyed and all there remained was a wooden splinter.

“Hmph! They couldn’t even withstand more than a single blow!”

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