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Liu Bei POV

“Elder brother.”


Liu Qi and I stationed our troops some distance away before proceeding further with just the 2 of us. At an appropriate distance, we almost simultaneously dismounted in 1 movement and walked forward for another 5 paces or so and bowed as we called out to Liu Biao who was now a suitable distance away.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Liu Biao said as he hurriedly dismounted and strode over, grabbing both mine and Liu Qi’s hands.

“Blood brother, Qi’er, are you both alright?”

“I’m fine, nothing’s wrong.”

“Thank you, father, for your concern. Your daughter is safe and sound.”

I was rather more casual in my reply to Liu Biao seeing as he made his way to us. Unlike me however, Liu Qi could not be casual and replied formally while still bowed. And thereafter, she began to speak up unlike our prior arrangement.

“Your daughter was given the responsibility of leading this expedition but failed to turn the situation around and has thrown father’s, and all of Jing state’s peoples’ faces.” She got down on her knees in a single motion when she finished. Her voice when she delivered this was actually somewhat tearful, as though she genuinely felt guilty about the loss.

“Get up, Qi’er. I won’t blame you for this.” Liu Biao was a little slow in reacting as he looked at his daughter. Even though he said as much, he moved somewhat slowly as he helped Liu Qi up.

I wonder if this is part of etiquette.

Just then, I looked back, and saw the Kuai sisters behind Liu Biao as well as Cai Mao who was staring closely at us. This made my hair stand on end, but with the blink of an eye, her gaze was no longer on us.

“Blood brother.”

“Ah, un.”

Liu Biao called out to me once more as he helped Liu Qi up, and patted my shoulder as he did so, startling me.

“It’s been hard on you, blood brother. Even though it is our own matter, we actually made a guest such as yourself lead our Jing state troops out to battle.”

“Ah, it’s nothing. This is something I, as blood brother, should have done.” I hurriedly replied.

When he said those words, what Lu Meng said to me before came to mind. She’d said to me then that I was being treated as cannon fodder. But it’s not like I can say ‘you don’t say’ under these circumstances.

“Oh? If blood brother truly thinks this way, then I can rest east.”

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I should have said ‘you don’t say’.

“Ah, let’s not keep everyone waiting outside, come come come! I must give everyone a proper welcome.” Liu Biao gave a big wave as he said so and turned, his cape billowing in the wind. I wonder how many times he had to practice this action for it to be so smooth and natural.

Liu Qi and I followed Liu Biao back into the city with the generals following behind us and the rank and file at the back. After all our troops had entered the city, we looked at each other and bowed before turning and returning to where our troops were.

“That kneel of yours was way too sudden. I was totally unprepared for it.” I whispered to her once we turned around.

“If it weren’t sudden, I’d give ground to Cai Mao again.”

“Eh? What do you mean?” Though I asked as much, I understood shortly after the words left my mouth what she meant.

“I may not have been able to see it, but I’m sure that Cai Mao was watching me when I knelt down.”

… That was indeed the case.

“If I hadn’t gotten on my knees immediately then, Cai Mao would have accused me of impropriety and not knowing to kowtow for forgiveness. If that came to pass, father, who places great emphasis on courtesies, would definitely think twice even if he truly wanted to forgive me.”

“I see.” I nodded, while Liu Qi did not continue further. From her viewpoint, that kneel was but a very small part of her daily proprieties.

“Let’s leave the topic of me aside for now. Shouldn’t uncle go to your residence first?”

“Eh?” I was stunned and did not immediately understand what she said.

“Like I said, shouldn’t you head on back first and see your companions?”


That’s right!

“But what about the banquet?”

Liu Qi raised her hand and stroked her hair as she replied, “There won’t be any issue on that side. Based on Lord Chen Gong’s theory, preparations for the banquet should have only just begun so it can only formally begin in an hour’s time.”

“Hoho, I see.” I nodded profusely in an attempt to suppress the excitement in my heart.

Liu Qi gave me a side glance that looked like she knew what was going on in my mind, “Uncle should bring your subordinate generals back quickly. Wen Ping will lead our troops. Yi Ji and I will go on ahead to the banquet and I’ll tell father about your delayed arrival.”

Ah! Alright! I nodded, and before I could even spit out those 2 words, I mounted my horse in 1 swift motion.

“Uncle!” Just as I mounted the horse, I heard Liu Qi call out to me. I turned around only to see her saluting at me.

“Liu Qi?” I was rather surprised and didn’t know what was going on.

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But then, Liu Qi smiled and said to me loudly, “In this expedition to Jiangxia, I’ve encountered many events. To have been able to prevail against all the dangers along the way, I have my luck and uncle to thank. No matter what may come in the future, I, Liu Qi, am thankful for uncle’s care!”

She bowed deeply when she finished.

“Thank you, Imperial Uncle, for looking out for us.”

“We’ve been in your care.”

Yi Ji and Wen Ping who stood beside Liu Qi bowed and saluted to me as well.

Aiya aiya, they are thinking too highly of me.

“As for me, it’s the same line as before, I didn’t really do much–” I said how I truly felt but I know deep down that this wouldn’t let Liu Qi get up so I too saluted her, “Looking out for his niece is an uncle’s duty. I hope that my niece can remember her uncle in future.”

“Un, naturally.” She only got up when she saw I accepted her thanks, and nodded.

Un, I too nodded.

And with these wordless movements, the expedition to Jiangxia has finally concluded. Now then, next up is–

“Chen Dao! Zhou Cang! Chen Gong!”

“My lord! Here!”


“Yes yes yes.”

“Let’s go! Back to our home!”

“At the end of the day, we still need to walk huh.”

Hahaha… All I could do was laugh dryly at Chen Gong’s harsh tsukkomi.

“‘Let’s go! Back to our home~’ sounded very nice but we still aren’t home huh?”

“Even you, Zhou Cang…”

Ah… I can’t even laugh dryly now.

“My lord! I’m on your side!”

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“Ah Chen Dao, you’re still the–”

“All that happened was that we realised we couldn’t use our horses as the market stalls were set up and we also got lost right? My lord! It’s not embarrassing!”

“You saying all that so loudly makes it very embarrassing!”

Chen Dao really is slow in this sort of thing huh.

“Good day, Lord Liu Bei~”

“Lord Liu Bei~”

“It’s been hard on you…”

“Ah, hello. Un, hello you all.”

And because the market was in session, there were a lot of ordinary citizens about. Amongst them were a fair number who were able to recognise me. Unlike people in the future, they did not just stand about and not give way, they actually respectfully made a path for me.

Instead of an idol or pop star, I feel more like a politician– Ah, now that I think about it, my status is akin to a politician.

“Imperial Uncle, can you do it or not?” Chen Gong continued to voice out her doubts in me.

Ah, this is so infuriating.

“In any case, just follow me. I am very sure that this road leads us back to our residence.”

I really have no patience left. And following that, conversation naturally flowed toward the Jiangxia expedition.

Ah, now that I think about it, this expedition really has come to an end huh.”

“That’s right, it feels like it was just yesterday when we left.”

“But all in all, it’s been a good experience.”

Yesterday? Does it really seem that short?

“Am I the only one who felt it was arduous?” I weakly voiced an opposing opinion, “In my memories of this expedition, all I can remember is nearly being hacked to death by a random soldier, nearly being killed by the Zhu mother and daughter, and nearly drowning…”

Ah, the more I think about it, the more harrowing this expedition seems. This makes me think back to my military training days. Though the days were harsh, to the point where you would curse your parents, there would always be some people who think that those days weren’t so bad at all on the last day.

From my point of view, there’s nothing to miss about those days. I don’t want to join the military, and though I am resilient in nature, I am not resilient to the point where nothing can break me. So going home is greatly preferred for me.

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Ah… We’re going home…

Just like that, we returned to the original and final topic of conversation.


Wu! Just as my thoughts were dispersing, Zhou Cang suddenly appeared in front of me, and stared into my eyes just 5cm away from my face…

This was the first time I was getting so close to Zhou Cang and I’ve always thought she was beautiful so I couldn’t help blushing.

“Wh…” Nor could I say a single word.

“My lord may have said that he doesn’t like it, but I can’t see any sign that my lord hates it?”

Ah, so that’s what you were looking for.

“Well, of course.” I hesitated for a moment before lightly tapping Zhou Cang’s cute nose, and pointing at Chen Dao and Chen Gong in turn, “You 3 have been by my side after all so how could I have felt that it was difficult to endure or fear death?”


“My lord!”

“… Can you please don’t say such mushy things?”

Just as I finished, these 3 gave very different responses. I know these words are a little mushy but they are how I truly feel.

I didn’t really understand Chen Gong and Zhou Cang before this, and even struggled to remember Chen Dao’s name. But now that I’ve gotten to know them well, I feel that they are all very interesting and great girls no lesser than Yun Chang or Zi Long.

Well, except for their prowess with martial arts.

“Alright, let’s stop being mushy and hurry along home.”

“Un! I have to show Lord Guan Yu the hairband my lord bought for me.”

Oh no…

“Ah, Zhou Cang, about that–”

“That’s right, I have to show everyone my hairband.”

“I have the precious hairband my lord gave me too! Ah, speaking of which, I wonder if Lord Zi Long has one.”

Ah… Only now did I realise that the issue with souvenirs that Liu Qi brought up earlier had not ended. It had only just begun.

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