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Liu Bei POV

I parted ways with Liu Qi about midway back and continued on alone. It wasn’t very far from here on out to my residence, and was certainly not a distance where one could get lost in. Even so, I still had some trouble with a few forks I had to take.

Unsurprisingly, Xiangyang was still bustling even late at night. Even though this was an era of endless wars, I could always catch a glimpse of hope and fervour for life amongst the people. It was the same everywhere be it Xu state, Xuchang, Shouchun or Jiangxia.

On the way back, I thought of buying some stuff for everyone and pretending that they were souvenirs from Jiangxia but decided against that as it was too risky and I would be subject to harsher punishments if I were to be found out. What’s done is done, no point trying to wiggle out now.

At this time, the sun had already descended a fair bit and would probably disappear soon. Chen Dao and the rest should have finished the chores by now so that should save me some trouble when I get back.

From what I heard in the banquet, it seems like Feng Xian and the rest have returned to Xiangyang so I should be able to see them when I get back. I wonder how Feng Xian has been in this period. She is far too strong so if someone manages to get to on her wrong side, she will be very scary.

Somehow or another, I managed to make it back while deep in my thoughts. As I stood in front of the main gate, I straightened my back and shook off my slight tipsiness and raised my hand to knock on the door.

*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

… Un? Why is there no one coming to open the door? Where is Guan Ping? I thought as I raised my hand to knock once more.


“Ah…” Just then, the gates suddenly swung open and the arm I was using to knock on the door landed on thin air and made me lose my balance and stumble forward.

What was going on? I was puzzled and when I raised my head, I saw a girl who was about just as tall as I was, or perhaps slightly taller, standing there with an icy gaze and a heavy expression. In her hands was a double-edged halberd.

“Feng Xian?” I softly called out as she squinted at me, her eyes dilating and constricting within seconds, making me even more puzzled.

In my hesitation, Feng Xian finally moved and reached out with her free hand and touched my face, “… Xuan De, you’re still alive.” She said, her eyes seemingly softer as she said so, as though they were melted by something.

“Ah, of course I’m still alive.” I said as I placed my hand on hers. I don’t really understand what’s going on but under these circumstances, I can only reply her seriously.

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“… Haa.” On hearing this from me, Feng Xian seemed to have lost her strength and planted her halberd on the ground, driving it several inches into the steps as she leaned against it.

“I thought that Xuan De really died on the battlefield.” Feng Xian said in a voice that lacked a fair amount of her usual strength.

Wh, what is going on? I am seriously confused. Why is she talking about this all of a sudden?

… Ah, now I get it! Yun Chang and the rest must have tricked Feng Xian and the rest and Feng Xian took it a little too seriously.

“No way, I came back safe and sound, haven’t I?” I further emphasized that I was still alive as I was afraid that she might think that I am Liu Bei’s spirit.

“If Xuan De isn’t around anymore, I’m not sure what I might do.”

“Haha… You’re exaggerating. Come on, let’s head on in.” I smiled, and patted her back to reassure her. Hahaha, Feng Xian is really cute in certain ways huh? I didn’t think she would take it so seriously.

I have to speak with Yun Chang and the rest. How could they have done this? I thought as I entered the residence with Feng Xian.

“Big brother, you’re back.” Just as we entered the threshold, Yun Chang’s voice could be heard from the courtyard. Her voice was clearly a lot more tired than this afternoon.

“Un, I’m ba–” I said as I looked toward where the voice came from but what I saw silenced me.

Yun Chang was holding on to her Green Dragon Crescent Blade with both hands, her body covered by dirt and her clothes had slash marks all over. She was heaving and panting and her body was shaking.

“Yun Chang, this is–” I was utterly shocked by this sight.

“My lord…” “My lord, you’ve returned…”

Behind Yun Chang were a few more people. At the head was Zhou Cang with Liao Hua close behind her and Zi Long and Wen Yuan further to the back. The 2 in front were in the same state as Yun Chang and were both nursing wounds to their arms and stomachs.

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Zi Long and Wen Yuan were slightly better off but they were visibly exhausted as though they had several dozen intense bouts.

… Wh-wh-wh, what the heck is going on?

“Yun Chang! This… Did a thief break in?” I just gave a random guess. Even though I knew this was impossible, I could not fathom what could have led to all of them being in such a state.

“… Big brother, this is all my fault.” For some reason, Yun Chang came forward and raised her hand and pointed in my direction. Only after a while did I realise that she was actually pointing at Feng Xian.

Eh? In an instant, everything clicked. I looked at Feng Xian but she looked to the side and didn’t dare to meet my gaze.

“… Feng Xian, did you–”

“It was Lord Guan Yu and the rest who tricked me first. Though I did lose it for a moment…”

Lost it… She really is scary.

“Lord Lu Bu really is too scary,” Just then, Zhou Cang spoke up, “We all kept saying that it was just a trick but she didn’t listen to us at all and just yelled ‘You’re lying’ and charged at us.”

“Her eyes were full of bloodthirst too.” Liao Hua added while Yun Chang nodded vigorously in response.

In comparison, Zi Long and Wen Yuan were relatively calm.

“Hmph, I on the other hand saw through it all along.”

“Stop acting Lord Zhao Yun. Your eyes bulged wider than anyone else in that instant and you were muttering something like ‘Another lord has left me once again–‘”

“Ahem, Xuan De, let’s go in quickly. What are we standing around here for?”

“Ah, un.”

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Zi Long was a little anxious when she said so, making me nod in assent unwittingly. I turned to look at Feng Xian who swiftly turned away.

‘If Xuan De isn’t around anymore, I’m not sure what I might do’ huh? Feng Xian might be a bit impulsive but personally speaking, I’m actually secretly elated by her reaction.

“I’m really thankful… For your concern about my safety.”


I softly whispered to Feng Xian, who was surprised as she looked at me. But I only smiled in reply and continued walking inside. From behind, I could hear Feng Xian bowing.

“Yun Chang, you should go and change. You can probably toss that gown away.” I said as I looked over Yun Chang.

“Yes…” Yun Chang hurriedly covered herself as she replied, though I’m not sure if it’s because she’s embarrassed by the skin exposed through the many slashes or because it was improper, and continued, “Hai, at least it wasn’t the green gown gifted to me by big brother or I’d be fighting just as hard.”

“Aiya, don’t say that. You girls tricked Feng Xian after all.”

“By the way, big brother, Yi De did not act during this ruckus. Seems like she still hasn’t recalled her status as a warrior.”

“I see… Well, there’s no need to rush anyway.” I said, trying to contain my frustration as best as I could as I looked toward the others, “You, Zhou Cang, already got punished before yet you still went along with it.”

“Lord Liao Hua said that if I helped to trick them, I didn’t need to clean!”

“… Liao Hua.”

“Because Lord Zhou Cang’s acting is the most convincing after all.”

Ah, she stumped me there.

Haa… I gave a long sigh. Never mind. Even though there was a small mess, no one was injured so all’s well ends well.

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From my perspective, I was really happy deep down at how everyone reacted as this meant that everyone treasured me. Only now did I slowly begin to realise that, whether I was willing or not, I had become someone irreplaceable as myself, and as Liu Bei. And it wasn’t my own wishful thinking either.

I could not have possibly become someone that important in the future. I should be thankful to this era, and the people around me for this.

“In any case, thank you, everyone.” I said as I nodded to everyone and thanked them the way it was done in the future, a deep bow with no salute.

“… Don’t be like that, big brother. It feels weird.”

“My lord, it seems like you forgot your hand gesture.”

“Hahaha, even I wouldn’t forget that.”

These people… But it’s not like I can tell them that this is how we do it in the future…

“My lord should get Lord Mi Zhu give you more remedial lessons on courtesy… Ah.” Zi Long gasped mid-sentence as though she just realised something.


“I think that Lord Mi Zhu and Lord Jian Yong still don’t know the truth…”


Thereafter, all of us rushed into the inner residence and saw Zi Zhong and xiao Yong huddled together with Gong You. Zi Zhong was shaking her head as she did accounts, muttering about how I hadn’t returned money or grain back to our stores with Gong You, sniffling from time to time as she did so. Xiao Yong, on the other hand, was melancholic and tearful as she kept talking about childhood memories with Gong You.

Gong You is really impressive to have kept up the act all this while and just listened to the other 2. Only when she saw me did Gong You feel that it was time to reveal the truth, finally putting an end to this prank.

Of course, the story about my childhood times it’s another story altogether.

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