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Liu Bei POV

What was a rather cool and refreshing evening turned into a harrowing one by a so-called carriage driver.

But now that I think about it, this matter has been rife with peculiarities from the very beginning.

At this time, Liao Hua, Guan Ping and I were still in the storeroom near the backdoor. It was now the middle of the night and bedtime for most. Though our conversation and clash was rather noisy, there were many drunkards meandering about the city so our clamour wasn’t all that noticeable.

Good thing it wasn’t. If it was, I can’t imagine what sort of mess this would become.

“My lord, what did I say would happen?” Liao Hua suddenly stood up and walked over to the me who was squatting on the stone steps ruminating. I know she is here about her warnings from before so I turned my face away.

“Didn’t I say it was very dangerous? What if that guy from before just slashed down as he came in and sliced you in 2?”

Slashed into 2 halves, that’s way too scary.

But what she said is true. I was too rash. There was no proof whatsoever that the one who sought to speak to me was Liu Biao. If the one who attacked was a group rather than just 1 person, everyone here would have been done for.

“You’re right, I should have listened to you.” Since I was wrong, I ought to admit it, but there are other pressing matters at hand, “Instead of worrying about me, how about you 2? Did you both get injured anywhere at all?”

I looked at Liao Hua first and she hurriedly turned away and didn’t let me look at her arm which scraped against the floor before.

“Just some scrapes and cuts. These are nothing compared to what I’m used to normally.” She looked at me again as she said so with grudge-filled eyes, “Instead of worrying about that, you ought to have found a time to tell us that there are people out to get you.”

“Wuu… I know, I had no intention of hiding it from you all.” These words hit me hard and I could only nod in response.

“I hope my lord understands how important he is.” Liao Hua angrily stepped over the fake carriage driver’s body as she said so and sat down on the steps opposite me. As she did so, she took out the bamboo scroll she was reading from before and continued reading using the moonlight.

It was clear that she was still mad but to be honest, I don’t quite understand Liao Hua yet so I didn’t know what I ought to do at this time. The only thing I knew I should do was to reflect on what I did and learn from this lesson,

“Then what about Guan Ping–”

“Haa~ Hei~” Before I could finish, her enthusiastic grunts as she waved her blade about interrupted me.

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Guan Ping relaxedly sat down beside me and looked up at the skies, her slightly smaller version of the Green Dragon Crescent Blade flying about almost playfully as she did so. Unlike other toys, this one could easily sever an entire limb off if she wasn’t careful.

But seeing her so energetic brings me great relief.

And so, I turned my head and looked at the fake carriage driver who dared to commit suicide, feeling both sadness and rage at the same time.

It was clear that this carriage driver was a fake. As to who sent him, this was even easier to guess, it was definitely Cai Mao. But am I really such an eyesore for her?

And why do I get this feeling that things aren’t so simple?

If she wanted to do me in, why did she have to employ such a method? There was even an actual petty official sent to my front door to notify me of this visit…

What was the purpose of creating so much mystery? Was all that just to make me lower my guard? I keep feeling like there is something wrong…


Un? All of a sudden, I heard carriage sounds again. I thought that it was just me but when I raised my head, I saw that Liao Hua had shifted her gaze from her scroll to the backdoor.

*Tatata*… *Ta* and it came to a stop.

“Liao Hua.” I called out to her. She looked at me and hurriedly got up and sprinted to the door. I was slightly slower than her but I hurried over as well.

“Eh? Uncle? Lord Liao Hua?” Guan Ping was surprised but she hurriedly tiptoed over as well with her blade in hand as she saw Liao Hua and I move.

*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

Just as we reached the door, knocks could be heard. He walked over so quickly?

“… Who goes there?” Liao Hua was just as cautious before and called out to the one outside without signalling to me. It wasn’t just her, I was nervous and troubled as well.

We’d just dealt with one assassin, could there be another?

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“I’m a carriage driver sent by the State Governor to receive a guest.” The man outside very quickly replied. His answer was slightly less clear than the previous driver but the contents were similar.

Liu Biao again?

“My lord.” Liao Hua looked at me, and made a slicing gesture across her neck. She seems to feel like there isn’t a need to continue talking as this seemed to be a repeat of what happened before.

“Wait for a moment.”

“My lord…” Liao Hua frowned but I reached out and gestured to her to calm down first. Then I went over and whispered what my thoughts were in her ear. She wasn’t satisfied but she still did as I told her to.

“You, do you have any proof that you are who you said you are?”

This question was something we should have asked from the start the last time. But it’s not too late to ask it now.

Just as she finished, the man outside began to move about and seemed nervous.

“My lord, it’s far too obvious.”

“Uncle, even I think he is suspicious…”

Both of them vehemently delivered their views. Guan Ping isn’t the sort who is very sharp but even she felt suspicious… If that’s the case, then he really is–

“U, umm…” Just as I was about to give the order to kill, the man outside suddenly spoke up. My hand stopped midair and made the eager 2 somewhat irritated as U decided to listen to him.

“Perhaps you might not believe me, but I did indeed have proof with me. But on the way here, I was attacked and robbed by a band of drunkards who stole away the proof.”

“… What a coincidence.”

(Liao Hua! Don’t be so apprehensive!)

(This whole matter is way too fishy to begin with.)

Liao Hua was very resentful as she replied me. She hasn’t shown many expressions but I’m very sure of this one.

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“Umm, it is indeed a coincidence. I didn’t expect that they would steal the proof along with my money… Ah, what do I do now, if I can’t complete the State Governor’s task… I’ll…” The man outside began to sob as he said this. He was clearly a grown man but now he began to cry like a frightened child.

Un… It feels like he’s telling the truth but getting it stolen… It feels like too much of a coincidence…

Ah, that’s right! I drew up to Liao Hua once more and whispered into her ear. She was still just as apprehensive as before but she did as I told her to.

“You, do you remember what the so-called proof was?”

“… Ah, if I’m not mistaken, it’s a letter and a seal.”

A letter? And a seal? If it’s the letter, then it must be the one that fake driver handed over. As for the seal…

… Alright.

(Guan Ping, Guan Ping.)

I elbowed Guan Ping as I called out to her softly and found that she had dozed off.

(Ah, ah, what is it, uncle.)

(Go and search that driver’s corpse, see if he has anything that resembles a seal.)

(Ah, un.)

Guan Ping didn’t ask for any reason and hurriedly got up and swung her blade about as she made her way to the corpse.

(… My lord, could it be?)

Liao Hua seemed to understand my intentions as she looked at me. I nodded back at her in response.

If my guess isn’t wrong, then Liu Biao did indeed invite me over for an audience. I don’t know the reason for all this subterfuge but the petty official from before and this carriage driver should have been sent by him.

And Cai Mao or perhaps Lady Cai got to know of this.

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Thereafter, the reason why the carriage driver was delayed was because he was waylaid by the fake carriage driver who then proceeded to rob him of the proof before making his way to assassinate me. Unfortunately, that fake driver wasn’t a very good actor and his act was full of holes. He thought that just by having the proof he could gain my trust. He also didn’t know that I wouldn’t be able to recognise Liu Biao’s handwriting.

“Uncle, there is indeed a seal here!” Guan Ping exclaimed behind me.

“My lord.” Liao Hua looked at me and I nodded once more.

Looks like that driver is the real thing.

… Of course, there is one last step to go before we can proceed.

(My lord, what should I say next?)

Liao Hua’s attitude completely changed from before and now she eagerly awaited my instructions.

“No, let me ask the next question.” There is no need for further games. Whoever asks the next question doesn’t matter.

“Umm, to the driver outside, let me ask you a few more questions. Relax and just answer them honestly.” I said and cleared my throat, “Well then, do you know who it is you are supposed to receive?”

“This humble citizen doesn’t know. This humble citizen is but a mere harbour labourer who was stopped by the Lord Governor today and given this task.”

“Then do you know what the contents of the letter and the seal are?” I asked as I received the seal from Guan Ping and looked at it under the moonlight– Un, I don’t know what this is at all.

“This humble citizen doesn’t know nor has he dared to look.”

Very good.

“Well then,” I continued and looked at Liao Hua and Guan Ping who were much more reassured than before, “Do you know why Lord Liu Biao has sent you here?”

“This humble citizen doesn’t know. All this humble citizen knows is that he has been sent here by the Lord Governor to do this simple task and nothing else.”

Good. This man is probably the real thing. It’s easier to entrust someone with a task if he doesn’t know anything after all.

… Haha, I really am impressed at myself.

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