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Liu Bei POV

Liu Biao paused and looked a little awkward as he scratched his face, “Ah, in any case, that’s what it is. Be it my Lady, Cong’er or Qi’er, there is every likelihood that they wish harm upon me.” Liu Biao was calm and forced out a smile as he continued, “With the people of Jing state, I can face them with a clear conscience. But with my family, I deserve death.”

“Elder brother, you’ve gone too far. I’ve not felt great hatred from Liu Cong or Liu Qi towards you.” I consoled Liu Biao with the assessments of him I’d gotten from Liu Qi and Liu Cong. From what I’ve seen and heard, it’s nowhere near what Liu Biao says.

And to be honest, Lady Cai is only doing this because she has been coveting Liu Biao’s assets. Of course, Cai Mao is clearly in cahoots with her.

“Maybe what you said is true.” Liu Biao said, seeming a little comforted by what I said, “But facts are facts. I was a failure of a father and I must repay this debt eventually. Be it to my daughters or to my present Lady.”

Liu Biao then slapped his thigh and gave a long sigh, “And in the first place, I happen to be sick as well. I know my body well. Even without being poisoned, I can only live for a couple more years.”

“Are you referring to what Lady Cai said earlier about your health conditions?”

Liu Biao shook his head and lightly patted his abdomen.

“My stomach began having needle-like pains since 2 years ago from time to time. Nothing worked and later on, the pain spread to my whole body.” Liu Biao shook his arm as he said so, “As time went by, this pain eventually became a part of me and I got used to it.”

(TL: Likely cancer.)

That’s a little too adaptable of him. I have a good idea of what he has but unfortunately, I can’t tell him what he has contracted as this disease is unlikely to be known in this era.

But everything makes sense now. Why is Liu Biao in a rush to name an heir despite being fit and healthy? Because he isn’t as fit and healthy as he appears.

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Perhaps he is pushing himself with every action of his or perhaps he feels that his strength is waning. And with the Jiangxia expedition, perhaps Liu Biao had the intention of personally leading it.

But his body wouldn’t allow it.

“… Elder brother, are you really prepared for death?”

“Whether I am ready or not is irrelevant. As a royal, I have to be ready for it anytime.” Liu Biao said this forcefully and returned the wine jar to the table and waved his hands out majestically, “And after our late night discussion the other time, I feel that the stage doesn’t need an antique like myself anymore.”

“How can that be…” My voice grew smaller with every word and in the end, I wasn’t able to finish my sentence.

For some reason, my heart was filled with an inexplicable sense of respect for Liu Biao now. Coupled with his radical and weird values as a royal, I’m beginning to feel that Liu Biao is rather pitiful.

Because he is royalty, he has to always watch himself. Because he is royalty, he can’t spend too much time with his children. Because he is royalty, Liu Biao has to constrain himself in many ways.

Perhaps it is true that such a person is incompatible with the current world stage.

“Blood brother, you need not comfort me.” Liu Biao said as he waved his hand and then got up with difficulty. I went to help him but Liu Biao vehemently rejected me.

Liu Biao then walked into the spacious main hall and counted the seats for the musicians and the master of ceremonies. I don’t know what the appropriate proprieties are and didn’t dare to speak so I waited quietly as he counted them once, twice and then nodded as he muttered “the right number”.

Then, he laughed for some unknown reason.

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“Haha, I really am tired of living.” He then looked at me with a self-deprecating look, “If only I am as old as blood brother. Perhaps another path might be available for me then.”

“It’s not too late for elder brother to change now–”

“It’s too late.” Before I could finish, Liu Biao interrupted me and closed his eyes as he lightly sighed, “Back then, I too discussed the future of the world with Sun Jian and Liu Yan. Now, they are both gone from this world. Only a blockheaded half-dead fellow like myself is left clinging on to life now.”

I wanted to protest against what he said bu then Liu Biao looked at me with a gaze that forced me to swallow my words.

“Blood brother,” He called out to me, “I wish to give my daughters a chance.”

“Un…” I could tell from his eyes that he was serious. But there was still a more fundamental issue that had yet to be resolved which I couldn’t ignore any further.

“I’ll leave the issue of you willingly ingesting poison for now. The chance that you spoke of–” I did my best to return Liu Biao’s gaze with a resolute one of my own, “Can only be left to 1 daughter.”

Liu Biao’s expression did not waver at my words but he removed one hand from his back and began rubbing his goatee as he began pacing the main hall.

Liu Biao should know that only 1 of them can inherit his position. Which is why Lady Cai is so anxious.

“So, has elder brother decided who shall be his heir.” I continued to press him. But Liu Biao only continued to pace the main hall with a serious expression.

Obviously I can’t guess what Liu Biao is thinking and it is likely a very difficult decision for him. Whatever choice he makes will also lead to further conflict between the Liu Qi and Liu Cong factions.

“… Blood brother, what do you think?” As expected, Liu Biao asked me. And because of this, I now know what the answer in his heart is.

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“My view has not changed,” I said unwaveringly, “I think you should choose Liu Qi.”

The reason why I say this is because I am, at the end of the day, someone in Liu Qi’s faction. This view has been further reinforced after learning about Lady Cai’s poisoning of Liu Biao. Liu Cong might not be privy to this but she is too weak to stand against her mother and aunt and will just be a puppet of theirs.

“Un…” Liu Biao scrunched his mouth and nodded at my answer before returning to his seat and sighing as he tidied his clothing. He then looked up at me, “To be honest, that’s what I think as well.”

As expected, Liu Biao thinks so as well.

At the end of the day, Liu Biao is royalty to the core. When faced with important decisions, he wishes to feign seeking alternative opinions before giving his own answer. And that ‘alternative opinion’ has to be the same one as his.

And so, the reason why Liu Biao brought up this subject and asked me once more is because he just wants to hear the same view I told him before to validate his decision.

“Of course, I know that Liu Cong and the Lady wishes to acquire the inheritance as well,” Liu Biao continued.

“Yes. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be hoping for your death.” When I said this, Liu Biao gave a few stiff chuckles. It was clearly a sore spot for him.

“Hai… So more of this and that might crop up from here on out.” Liu Biao said as he looked down and then shifted his gaze back to me, “Though I hope they can support each other, if after I die, should there be any issues between them…”

As he said so, he then shifted his knees to face me. I was a little shocked at this and tried to retreat but Liu Biao grabbed my arm tightly and looked up at me with pleading eyes as he implored me, “Blood brother, when the time comes, I’ll be counting on you.”

“Eh? But…”

Liu Biao’s grip strength is rather remarkable. I wanted to resist and escape but I knew this would be futile.

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Just as I was considering how to answer Liu Biao, a vision of Liu Qi and Liu Cong getting along amicably flashed in my mind for some reason. Leaving aside the benefits of doing so, bringing the 2 of them together for the sake of Jing state would make for a very good scene.

In troubled times, resolving conflicts and strife is important. Moreover, both sides are my nieces.

“Alright, I got it.” I nodded at Liu Biao and held his hand as tightly as he did mine, “As long as it’s something your little brother can do, then do it I will.”

Liu Biao nodded and finally I could see a hint of a smile in his eyes.

“If blood brother can offer his assistance, then I, Liu Jin Sheng, am truly grateful.” Liu Biao said and then got up to bow and salute to me. But I hurriedly stopped him.

When I went up to him and held his arms, the problem of him willingly being poisoned still troubled me so I decided to ask him, “Elder brother, do you still intend on consuming Lady Cai’s poison?”

“… Yes.” Liu Biao sank into silence for a moment before nodding, “I have already explained the reasons for doing so earlier. My mind has not changed.”

“If Liu Qi and Liu Cong don’t get to see their father, I’m afraid they will be very sad.”

“Is that so? I didn’t know that.” Liu Biao coldly shook his head, “They’re already old enough and it’s time for them to spread their wings. In fact, they can finally show the world what they’re capable of after I’m gone.”

I’ve seen many father figures and my own father is the sort of strong, strict father figure as well. This type isn’t typically the sort that is very thoughtful. As a father, Liu Biao has been very strict, but is also a very thoughtful father at the same time. So thoughtful that he’s using his death to catalyse the growth of his children and willing to atone for his wrongs with his death.

Hai… As a royal elder, Liu Biao is really odd but he’s a caring and rather legendary fellow.

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