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Liu Bei POV

Before I could react, Yi Ji began to push my back as a show of how urgent it was.

“Un, Yi Ji, what’s–” I asked as I turned back and looked at Yi Ji. But when I saw her expression, my rather relaxed tone stopped short.

She was frowning and there was a gleam in her eyes. From up close, I saw that her hair was actually messy, which meant that she’d rushed here. This was the first time I’d ever seen her look so anxious so when I saw this, my heart began to race as I realised that something very urgent and likely dire was afoot here.

“… Yi Ji, what’s wrong?” I hurriedly asked.

“Imperial Uncle, there’s a side door in the courtyard outside. After going through the side door, turn left and you will arrive at the right annex building.” Yi Ji didn’t explain herself at all and began to give me a set of directions to follow. After she finished, she looked at me and nodded, “The situation is highly urgent. The young mistress wishes to see you.”

Eh? I really don’t know how to react to what happened.

“Yi Ji, did something happen?” I turned and asked Yi Ji anxiously.

But Yi Ji only shook her head.

“I don’t know, the young mistress hasn’t told me too much. I was sent here only to tell Imperial Uncle this.” She said and grabbed me up, “In any case, it would be best if you were to hurry over. My guess is that what is happening now is the scenario that we have been worried about all along.”

When Yi Ji finished, she quickly pushed me out of the room.

“Ah… Eh? Then what do we do about Liu Biao when he comes back?”

“I’ll deal with that. I’ll just say you went to the toilet.” Yi Ji said in between turning back and checking whether Liu Biao came back yet, “Imperial Uncle, if you do not wish for anything untoward to happen, I beseech you to hurry and go.”

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Ah… I really didn’t think that something would actually happen at the very end. I don’t know what that is yet but after the revelations I’ve been privy to so far, I don’t feel optimistic at all. As I thought so, I turned and looked at the room and bowed towards the direction where Liu Biao went.

I’m sorry, elder brother, your younger brother will be making a move now. If I should make it out alive, I will fulfill my promise to guard Xinye and will shoulder the responsibility of resolving any conflicts between your children.

Of course… As much as I can do within my abilities.

“Alright, I’ll be going now.” I said as I bowed to Yi Ji and walked out.

“Imperial Uncle.”

After a few steps, Yi Ji called out to me again. I turned back and saw Yi Ji giving a very prim and proper bow and salute befitting of her position as the master of ceremonies that looked majestic even. Her hair was less messy and there was a gleam in her eyes that looked like she had a lot more to discuss with me but in the end, she only said one sentence.

“May your sword stay sharp and may your victories be swift. And may we meet again.”

That greeting huh… Yi Ji’s words reverberated in my head and I felt a little relieved as I smiled and saluted her, “Un, may we meet again.”

When I finished, I turned and ran toward the direction Yi Ji told me to and after several dozen meters, I saw a side door as she said.

What’s worth mentioning is that when I turned to go through the door, I saw Yi Ji from the corner of my eyes. She was looking over in my direction in the same pose with eyes filled with concern and yearning, as though she were truly hoping for me to escape the upcoming predicament alive.

Alright, looks like it’s really serious this time. Not that I’m as relaxed and carefree as I might seem.

As I thought so, my heart beast faster with every step and the surrounding atmosphere got heavier by the second. Today is another hot, sunny day and my back is drenched with sweat by now yet it seemed gloomy to me. There was also no one around which further added to the panic I felt. Of course, it would be a lot worse if someone were to turn up in front of my all of a sudden.

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I know that these are all just in my head but I can’t help it. Especially when I learnt that Liu Biao was being poisoned over a long period of time. Clearly, I’m not as broad-minded as Liu Biao is.

When I finally reached the annex building, I heaved a sigh of relief as I looked about for Liu Qi’s figure.

“Liu Qi~” I called out softly, so softly that even I felt that she wouldn’t be able to hear me.

So what is it that happened? Could it be the classic scenario of having killers placed about the mansion? Or could it be that a musician or other participant at the banquet later would try to assassinate me. Several possibilities came to mind but none of them seemed to be solid probable scenarios.

“U, uncle, you’re here huh.”

A voice came from behind. From the voice, and the way it addressed me, it was clear that it’s Liu Qi. I don’t know if it’s me but I always felt that Liu Qi’s voice sounds a little unnatural.

But now’s not the time for that.

“Yes, Yi Ji gave me a brief explanation just now.” I said as I turned around, “Liu Qi, is it–”

But when I turned around, I got a shock that stopped my words.

It’s nothing really, just her clothing.

Liu Qi had completely abandoned her usual garb and was now wearing an elegant light blue long gown with floral patterns, a refreshing, youthful look overall.

I can’t recall what the name of her type of dress is called but it looks really good on her. This is also the first time I’ve seen her in feminine clothing.

“Wh, what’s wrong!”

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Compared to the dazed me, Liu Qi seemed very uneasy. Her cheeks were red and she was frowning as her hands swayed to and fro as though she didn’t know where to put them. She didn’t dare to look at me in the eye and was looking at me from the side with her head turned away.

“No, I just thought that it really suits you.” I said very naturally what I was thinking.


The moment I finished, Liu Qi’s entire face turned red up to her wars and she lowered her head and shivered, as though she’d just received a knock-out blow.

She then raised her sleeve to her face and raised her head carefully. I looked at her but she didn’t look at me. Her eyes were misted over and she continued to look away from me as she said, “I, is that so… I don’t really wear such clothing so I don’t know. I, I’ll just take it that uncle is just being polite.”

The way Liu Qi is acting right now is really cute. As for what I said, I meant it and wasn’t just saying it to be polite.

Ah, the Liu Qi before me now is exuding so much feminine charm. If she continues to wear such clothing, she’ll probably be more like Liu Cong in the way she acts.

“U, uncle, please don’t look at me like that…”

“A, ah! I’m sorry.”

Only when Liu Qi said this after retreating a little did I realise that I’d been sweeping my eyes across Liu Qi’s body and hurriedly looked away. No matter what, it’s not good for me to look at my own niece with such predatory eyes.

Ahem. I cleared my throat and returned my thoughts to the topic at hand. I don’t know if it’s because of seeing Liu Qi in this dressing or if it’s because of seeing Liu Qi, but my prior uneasiness and panic seemed to have gone away.

Well then, enough admiring her for now. It’s time for business.

“So, what did Liu Qi call me here for?”

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“I have something very urgent to tell you.”

Her face changed so quickly! Even though she was so shy before, she now had a stern and serious expression on along with a frown as she replied me.

“So what is it?” I asked once more, in a more serious tone now that I saw her change.

“I heard of Cai Mao’s plan earlier when I was changing.” Liu Qi cut straight to the chase and paused for a moment, probably for me to absorb this piece of information, before continuing, “Cai Mao seems to have stationed her men in the city gates who will start circling in once the banquet finishes with the aim of killing you.”

“Eh?! But won’t that be a bit too heavy-handed and obvious?”

It seemed a little unbelievable to me. If a citywide effort to eradicate takes place, then the commoners would find out. And if she goes that far, Liu Biao will learn about it as well. Wouldn’t Cai Mao be in trouble then? I really don’t understand why Cai Mao is going so far.

Liu Qi on the other hand looked even more stern as she said, “Cai Mao and the rest have already decided on this!”

“Eh?” I was still a bit stunned and sank into silence for a while before I regained my senses, “No… B, but that means that Cai Mao has made the resolve to risk everything for the sake of killing me. That can’t be! I’ve already–”

“I heard it myself!” Liu Qi nodded vigorously as she interrupted me, “Most of their men are already in position and are just waiting for the banquet to be over.”

Ah… Will I be able to escape this?

“Th, then shouldn’t I be running away as fast as I can right now?”

“That is the very reason why I called you out here.”

Ah, that’s right, what was I thinking? My mind has really gone. I smiled stiffly and then saw some distance away, some movement in the courtyard behind Liu Qi.

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