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Liu Bei POV

“Eh? Dilu?”

Just as I walked out of the house, I found that Dilu, who had been tied to a pillar in the courtyard, was now tied to one pf the stone chairs ahead. When I took a closer look, I found that Dilu had already been fitted with a saddle and 2 bags hung on either side.

This is…

“Those are some provisions and money for Imperial Uncle. It will be a difficult journey and you can’t go anywhere without basic necessities.” Sima Hui said from behind.

“Ah, that’s really helpful.” When I heard Sima Hui say so, I didn’t bother looking into the contents of the bags and retied them before I bowed and saluted him, “When I get back to Xinye, I’ll return you manifold.”

“No need, no need.” Sima Hui said as he waved, “Meeting Imperial Uncle was fate. Now that this fate is at an end, we have to do something to forge another fate.”

I don’t really understand what Sima Hui means but I’ll take it that these are just farewell gifts.

“I, I see…” I nodded and quickly walked up and untied Dilu.

Sima Hui and Xiang Lang followed along as well and when they caught up, Sima Hui rubbed Dilu’s face as he said, “This is indeed a good horse. You better work hard for your lord next time.”


I don’t know if Dilu understands but it gave a low neigh at Sima Hui’s words. Sima Hui chuckled in response and said, “I see, I see.”

Could it be that Sima Hui is an expert on horses? That’s not impossible, I suppose. I don’t know why, but I seem to be having the impression that hermit scholars are omniscient and omnipotent.

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Alright, Dilu is loose now.

I loosened the restraints and brought the horse out.

After what just happened, I’m a little apprehensive about riding but I don’t have anything against Dilu for some reason. And when I held the reins, it seemed like I could still mount him in one go like before.

“Hei!” And just as I expected, I got up on the saddle in one go. Dilu was rather stable too and didn’t move while I got into a comfortable position. I tried moving the reins about and everything felt like before. Good. I haven’t lost any of my riding skills after drinking all that river water.

“Alright,” I said softly and nodded before looking at Sima Hui and Xiang Lang, “Well then, I, Liu Bei, will be leaving now. I am grateful to you both for saving me and after I’ve done what I have to, I will definitely return to see Teacher Sima.”

“Good, good.” Sima Hui didn’t refuse my offer to return unlike when he refused my offer to repay him and merely accepted it as he saluted half-heartedly. It seems like he thinks that I will definitely be bogged down by trouble in future and won’t be able to return for a while yet.

I have to admit that he’s probably right though.

“Well then, goodbye.” I withdrew my smile, saluted and swung the reins.

… Ah, if I remember correctly, I just need to continue this way.

Sima Hui POV

As I looked at Imperial Uncle’s distancing figure, my heart was calmer than I expected.

“Let’s go, to the fields.” I said to Xiang Lang as I tapped the hoe against my shoulder. I don’t know when this began but my body no longer feels as strong as before. Just lifting this hoe can be difficult sometimes.

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“Teacher, is it alright like this?” Xiang Lang said while still standing where she was after I’d taken 2-3 steps out.

“Un? Where did that come from?”

No way.

I had a guess as to what she meant but I never thought that she would be so sharp at such a tender age so I feigned ignorance to see what she had to say.

“Yesterday night,” Looks like my guess is on the mark, “You wanted to recommend yourself right?”

“Kekekeke,” I laughed as I stroked my beard, “Damned Xiang Lang, how dare you eaves drop on us!”

“It was just a coincidence, please do forgive me.” Xiang Lang said as she bowed. But we both know that it was not a coincidence.

“Hai… Never mind.” I didn’t bother to pursue this. If I pursue matters as inconsequential as this then I must be a really poor master.

“But Teacher wishes to fulfill his ambitions right?”

What she said is right as well. I couldn’t help but sigh. I did indeed want to recommend myself at that time.

“… Everyone wants to fulfill their ambitions.” I said and walked towards Xiang Lang and continued with one finger raised just like our lessons, “But when Imperial Uncle spoke of Kong Ming, I realised that his fate lay with her.”

“Is that so? Your disciple doesn’t quite understand what Teacher is thinking.”

“Fate is important. If you have fate, then things will happen. If not, it won’t no matter what you do.” I said as I sat down on a stone seat and placed the hoe on another, “In contrast, I feel that your fate lies with Imperial Uncle. When the time comes, there’s nothing bad if you wish to join him.”

At the very least, it’s better than going to join Liu Biao.

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“Liu Bei huh…” But for some reason, my disciple sank into deep thought as she held her chin, shaking and nodding her head from time to time.

“I believe he will be a good choice. What’s there to think about?”

“I still have to think about it.” Xiang Lang said, in a voice that beheld much strength that gave me a shock, “One day I’ll have to stand on my own 2 feet and pursue my ambitions. I can’t always rely on Master for everything.”

When she finished, she picked up her hoe and headed towards the fields. Only when she went past me did I recover from my shock. As I looked at her back, I began to feel that though she was a little too immature, she’ll be a great talent in future.

The only thing she lacks is that she doesn’t show her consideration for others.

As I thought about this, I chuckled to myself and picked up the hoe on the stone seat before following behind her to the fields.

Liu Bei POV


Jia! Jia!

At this time, the morning mist was just beginning to dissipate and sunlight began to shine through. It wasn’t easy yelling out commands to Dilu with the wind blowing against my face but I can’t swing my reins too much as it’s a treasured horse.


Even so, my half-hearted efforts were more than enough to make this horse accelerate to a speed that was too much for me.

You must know that sitting on a horse and sitting in a car is vastly different. There was once when I went to meet relatives and the car exceeded 100 km/h on the highway. Even then, what I’m experiencing now does not even come close to that. There are no glass windows to speak of, I’m a lot more elevated from the ground and I’m only wearing some normal clothing. I must say my guts are quite something for me to do all this.

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However, at this time, I don’t have the leisure to be too afraid as all that occupies my mind is the urgency to get to Xinye as soon as possible. The surrounding scenery of barren wilderness only further strengthens my resolve.

There is no time other than now that I wish to see everyone, tell them I’m alive and not to worry about me. At the same time, I’m also preoccupied with another problem.

Un… I took a deep breath as I looked at the curvy road in front of me and waited for the opportunity to present itself.

— Now!

“Heiya! Heiya!” I yelled the commands several times I gripped the reins tightly and yanked them to the right hard.

“Heiya!” I yanked them once more but Dilu still didn’t get it and continued to gallop ahead.


I began to sweat and used both hands to pull on the reins with everything I got. Just then, Dilu finally reacted and slowly decelerated.

*Neigh*… *Neigh*…

I pulled again once more and it continued to decelerate to a halt.

“Huu…” Only when Dilu came to a halt did I heave a sigh of relief. When I looked back, I saw that it took about 100 paces or so before Dilu came to a stop.

It ended up like this again… I still can’t quite maneuver turns at Dilu’s high speeds. Left or right doesn’t matter, it just won’t listen to my commands. I wonder if it’s because it didn’t recognise the commands because it was too preoccupied with dashing forward or if it just enjoyed galloping too much and didn’t want to listen to my commands?

As I stroked my aching butt, I began to feel gloomy. No matter what, this is a very critical problem. I managed to survive the last crisis, but if the next one happens to be a cliff instead of a river, and I still can’t stop it in time, I’ll probably die.

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