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Liu Bei POV

“Umm… Why aren’t you resting in your room?” I asked somewhat stiffly as I rather unnaturally rested my hands on my waist. I then felt like I looked a little silly doing this and decided to let them down beside my body.

“Un, I’ve been feeling better lately.” Yi De nodded with a smile. She does indeed look a lot better.

“Is your body alright?”

“I am fine, look~” She said as she did a flexing action. Her intent is probably to show how healthy she is but she looks really cute doing that. It’s a sort of cuteness that the previous Yi De never exuded. The sort of feeling she gives off includes a bit of shyness and energy.

“Ah, un. That’s good then.” I said and turned away, feeling overwhelmed by her cuteness, “I-I was actually going to look for you and ask how you were doing.”

“Many thanks for my lord’s concern.” Yi De nodded and bowed. I feel a little weird being treated so formally bu her but I have gotten used to it by now and nodded in response.

“Umm, I came to find my lord for something actually.” She said as her smiled faded away and her expression returned to its usual calm state.

“Un? What is it? Is there something you want to buy?”

“No, that’s not it.” She said as she waved her hands dismissively, “Firstly, I came here to return this to my lord.”

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As she said so, she turned around and passed me a small bag. It was not big and it did not seem like there was something big or solid inside either.

“This is…” I said as I took it. It was very light and seemed to contain something that felt like clothing.

“This is… The coat that my lord lent to me before…”

Ah… Yes, I did indeed lend her my coat back then. I did not think that I would ever get it back nor was I planning on asking for it.

“I’ve been wanting to return it to my lord for a while now but my lord has been very busy of late so there was no chance…” Yi De said as she turned away and blushed, “Ah, please don’t worry. I’ve washed it already.”

Haha, that really is a waste– No, I did not think of that at all. Please do not suspect me of that.

“Ah, un.” I nodded again, unsure of what to say, “Thanks.”

“… Un.” Yi De then turned back and nodded at me as she gave me a faint smile. It’s really difficult to express what that faint smile ignited in me but I have to say it gives me a special feeling.

“Ah… And…” Just then, Yi De spoke up again, “About the battle…”

“If you’re asking about the battle, then you don’t need to be worried, Yi De. Everything has been arranged.” I smiled in an attempt to reassure her as I continued, “Yi De should rest more if you are not feeling well. Everyone knows that you–”

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“… No.” Yi De frowned and stood upright as she interrupted me, “I want to participate in the upcoming battle.”

“Eh?” I uttered in surprise as I looked her over, “Is your body alright?”

“Un, I’m perfectly fine.” Yi De immediately replied.

For a moment, I thought that she had regained her memories when she replied me. But when I took a closer look at her, I really could not sense the unwavering aura of a warrior from her petite and weak body which means her memories have not returned. If that’s the case…

I found myself at a loss as how to respond to her. The battle between Yi De and Lu Xiang played again in my head. It was clear that Yi De had completely lost all memories relating to her martial prowess. Under these circumstances, I really have no idea where she should be deployed. Nor if her safety can be guaranteed. What happened the last time was really lucky after all.

“You want to participate huh… Though saying this may not be very appropriate, but–”

“I know that my lord is worried.” Yi De seemed to know what I was about to say and promptly interrupted me before continuing in a firm tone, “But I can’t just rest around while everyone is busy and hard at work.”

Wu… That really hurt me. No no no, I do have work to do. And when the time comes, I will be fighting as well.

“Well then, Yi De, why don’t you go and speak with Zi Zhong and the rest? You can always help out with administrative work after all.” I said as I showed her my pile of ba,boo scrolls and smiled bitterly, “Look, I have quite a lot to do myself.”

“Un…” She grunted and looked down. It does not seem like she has taken what I said very well at all and I felt a little perturbed by this.

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“… Why does Yi De want to go onto the battlefield all of a sudden?” I asked, “You seemed content to work with Zi Zhong and the rest on administrative matters before.”

“That was indeed the case. And Lord Mi Zhu and the rest have treated me well, but…” She said as she nodded and trailed off, unsure of how she should continue. When I saw how downcast she seemed after hearing me turn her down, I felt really uneasy. Since she really wants to go onto the battlefield, she must have her own reasons for doing so.

“… Hu.” I sighed as I thought of this and gave up, “Alright, I understand. If you want to do so then so be it.”

“Really?!” Just as I finished, Yi De looked up immediately with a gleam in her eyes.

“Of course, but I have 2 conditions.” I said as I extended 1 finger, “Firstly, go and speak with Yuan Zhi and Hua Tuo about this. You can only go onto the battlefield if you get their approvals.”

“Un, got it.” Yi De nodded.

“Secondly,” I said softly as I extended a second finger and looked at Yi De’s petite frame, “If you should encounter a situation where your life is in danger, I want you to drop everything and run immediately. If you can’t run, then you have to yell out loud. Got it?”

I really did not want a repeat of what happened the last time.

“Un! I got it!” Yi De nodded vigorously when I finished. She looked calm, or thought she did, but there was a wide smile on her face. The top half of her face was the Yi De after she had lost her memories while the bottom half seemed to be the Yi De I knew.

“Ah, please excuse me for my rudeness.” She quickly apologised and saluted me. Looks like she had detected that her expression was a little weird.

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“No not…” I tried to refute her but before I could do so, she had flown out of the room.

Yi De is going back on the battlefield huh? I wonder if Yuan Zhi and Hua Tuo will give their approval. If they do not, then I will be able to rest easy, I thought as I returned to my desk.

This time, I really was well and alone and I began to think about what would happen in 3 days’ time. This battle will probably be the most intense one I have ever fought. Or perhaps it will just be a calm and easy day in 3 days if they do not attack.

I have to say I am beginning to get excited at what might come.

Meng De POV

Ji state’s defences are… Here, here and here is more important and cannot be neglected. I think I can leave the rest to Tian Yu and Man Chong. Next is… Ma Teng huh? Looks like Zhang Gai is still working on the negotiations and there should not be any big movements from that side for now at least.

— Ah, this one. The Xiongnu should have had enough by now and it should be time for peace talks. I will have to speak with the Son of Heaven beforehand about this.

As for the rest… It’s all about governance matters in Xuchang and religious matters. I sighed and tossed aside all the stuff about religious matters. I will leave them to the Superintendent of the Imperial Court and the Yellow Gate Attendant. Of course, it is very likely that Cheng Yu and Xun Yu will have to shoulder some of the burden as well.

It has been really busy of late and I wonder if they have gotten used to life as administrative officials. At the very least, I have not detected their presence in my rafters. The only reason why is because they are simply too busy and have no time to spy on me. Not only that, Xun Yu had not been able to send me recommendation letters until today as well. I wonder how they are dealing with the northern matters with Feng Ji. They should be fine, I think.

But that also means that I have no one to meet for today. Now then, next is…

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