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Liu Bei POV

“Jia!” I swung my reins down and turned back to see that our troops were following pretty well but still asked just in case, “What’s the status with our troops? They haven’t fallen behind right?!”

“Not much! We’ve been doing as per your orders and having troops on both sides to fight off the enemies while the bulk of troops charge forward. The troops at the back have been able to catch up as a result.”

Good. Looks like my tactic worked. I heaved a sigh of relief and then repeated the most important order of all, “Continue to keep up! We still have a long way to go! Don’t get engrossed in battle!”


I then looked ahead as I stood up slightly. By now, I could catch a glimpse of the flags of Zi Long and her troops. The surrounding enemies were also increasing in number as well. That’s good though as it means there is less pressure on Zi Long and her troops.

“Die!” An enemy came charging over and I instinctively swung my sword and quickly made light work of him as I hacked at him and rode on.

I myself was surprised at how well I was fighting in this battle. My martial prowess has really improved significantly. Though I am not quite at the level where I can hold my own against the named warrior generals, I am still better than most ordinary soldiers. This is all thanks to Zi Long’s training.

“Just hold on a bit more! Zi Long!” I yelled out as I continued to charge ahead. This yell seemed to increase my vigor and swept away all of my nervousness. At this time, I no longer felt like Liu Bei and simply thought of myself as just another general, the Nanman general called Shamoke.

Charging was very tiring, especially when I was doing it for so long, but it felt very calming. I had never felt like this before, it was a strange combination of calmness and excitement. I used to decry this sort of feelings as it felt like I was becoming a murderer but some things have changed the more I battled. This sort of critical time also requires me to focus all my energies and fight as hard as possible too.

As I thought so, I took a deep breath and slashed down hard, “Yaa!”

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“Uwaa…” Several moans could be heard as several enemies I cut down fell to the ground.

I ignored them and continued to look ahead and just then, it seemed like my field of vision had widened and all of the troops around had changed colours. This is… Our troop!

I looked up slightly and saw ‘赵’ flags flying about. We are here. We have reached Zhao Yun and her troops!

When I saw our own troops all around us, the feeling of camaraderie filled my heart. This was something I have never felt before. The only other time I have felt something similar is back when I reunited with everyone after returning back from the dead in Xinye. Seeing both my companions and my troops all together after a hard fought charge was really different.

“Everyone! We’re alright now!” I bellowed in such a loud voice that even I got a little shock as I raised my sword and smiled.

“Oh!!!” Everyone was energised and yelled back even though they have never even seen my face.

(TL: I somehow get the feeling that everyone in his army knows he is alive…)

“Everyone! Charge out! Don’t tarry inside here!” Yuan Zhi yelled as she continued fighting on the outer rim.

“Charge!” Everyone yelled as they charged out in all directions, forcing the enemy encirclement back significantly.

When I looked at the enemies, I saw that they were beginning to panic and look like how they did as they were escaping the city. They probably did not know how we managed to get in or how the surrounded enemies could be in such high spirits. The reason was actually very simple. It is true that our reinforcements is 1 reason but more importantly–

“Xuan De!”

“My lord!”

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2 voices came from some distance away and heavy steps could be heard as the 2 came riding over with their spears raised.

Yes, the most important reason is that the troops led by Zi Long and Chen Dao are among the best troops we have.

“Zi Long! Chen Dao!” I yelled back at them as I galloped over as well. Both of their faces were covered in dust and dirt but they had big smiles plastered on.

“I knew it! We wouldn’t die here!” Chen Dao yelled back with an excited face as she looked at me and swung her weapon about energetically.

“Hmph.” Zi Long merely grunted as she came to a halt beside me, “It’s good that you’re here. I thought that Xuan De was in the city picking up the corpses.”

“Hahaha, how could that be?” I said as I laughed stiffly, “There’s no way I can sit around in the city while the battle is still ongoing. No matter what, I would definitely be here.”

Especially when I heard that it had become a harsh battle, I thought but did not say this. Now is not the time to be putting people down after all.

“What’s the situation like?” I asked and Zi Long looked about as she assessed the situation.

“The battle situation is still alright for now.” Zi Long said after she swept her eyes about the area, “Thanks to your reinforcements, the pressure is a lot less and our losses thus far have been minimal.”

That’s good. I could rest easier after hearing this from Zi Long but at the same time, I began to feel frustrated.

“But Zi Long, isn’t this a bit too reckless of you?!”

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“Eh?!” Zi Long yelped in surprise because my voice was much louder than usual.

“The first batch of troops already fell to this formation yet you still thought you’d try again and charge in. Isn’t that a bit too hasty and reckless of you?!” I continued, “I thought that Zi Long was a prudent person yet why were you anxious here?”

“Un…” Zi Long’s smile faded away as she bit her lips and saluted me formally, “I was indeed too hasty in this. I was too concerned about ending the battle as soon as possible.”

“Don’t blame Lord Zhao Yun too much, my lord.” Chen Dao came up and defended Zi Long with a frown.

“Chen Dao, you don’t need to say anything.”

“Why not? Lord Zhao Yun chose to charge after making the resolve to die, didn’t you?”

“Eh?” I was surprised when I heard what Chen Dao said and looked at Zi Long who turned her face away.

… Yes. I suppose I cannot blame her too much. If we were faced with this formation and did not know anything, we would probably do the same thing as her.

“Zi Long… Ah… Umm…” I tried to reply but all I could do was stammer before Zi Long interrupted me.

“Xuan De doesn’t need to say anything. I don’t intend to defend myself.” Zi Long said as she turned back to look at Chen Dao, “And please don’t mind what Chen Dao said as well.”

Chen Dao did not say anything and merely bowed to me.

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“Ah… Un…” Since Zi Long said as much, there is nothing else I can say. In any case, my anger was not because of Zi Long and was ignited by my anxiety and concern.


Un? Just then, I saw Zi Long smiling at me.

“Is there something on my face?”

“Not at all.” Zi Long shook her head, “But sometimes, Xuan De’s thoughts are way too obvious so I couldn’t help but to smile.”

Eh? What does she mean by that?

“Alright, now isn’t the time to be bickering about slice-of-life matters.” Zi Long said and blinked as she withdrew her smile and looked up, “Chen Dao, gather the troops. We need to be ready for our next orders.”

“Yes!” Chen Dao smiled and looked at me before she left.

“What are we going to do now?” Zi Long asked as she looked at our troops, “We still don’t have a chance to win if we have no way of breaking this formation.”

“Feng Xian and Wen Yuan have brought their troops to split the entire formation into 2 with the other half of our troops.” I explained as I raised my sword and hacked down an incoming enemy, “And… I’m still not sure what we’re going to do after this.”

“Split into 2 huh…” Zi Long said as she killed incoming enemies beside me with much greater finesse and skill while brooding over what I said, “I wonder if Lord Lu Bu can accomplish that.”

Yes, I am worried about that too. But for some reason, I get the feeling that there is nothing to be worried about when I remember that she is Lu Bu. Perhaps this trust of mine is baseless, but trusting them is all I can do for now.

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