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Liu Bei POV

“Ah, ah! Yes, this is my companion,” I only just remembered that I had not introduced her and hurriedly sat up straight as I pointed at Zi Long, “Zhao Yun Zhao Zi Long. She’s from the north.”

I did not need to say much as Zi Long wiped her mouth and got up as she saluted, “I am Zhao Yun Zhao Zi Long from Changshan. I’ve been searching for Xuan De the entire time and thought that you both were Cai Mao’s underlings so I acted as such. Please do forgive me.”

“It’s fine.” Yuan Zhi said in her usual airheaded fashion and looked at Zi Long for a moment before returning her gaze to her bowl and picked up her spoon to scoop up more soup.

“…” Huang Zu, on the other hand, did not speak. Even if it was a misunderstanding, she got beaten pretty badly in the duel earlier. Hai… I feel like I owe Huang Zu a lot for what just happened, to both her body and dignity.

As I thought so, I saw that Huang Zu seemed a little agitated and hurriedly introduced them to Zi Long.

“Let me introduce you, this is Xu Shu Xu Yuan Zhi, and this is Huang Zu.”

“Nice meeting you.”

“Nice to meet you.”

As I introduced them, I did my best to put on a smile. They, however, had stiff expressions on as they saluted and gave their greetings. It’s undoubtedly difficult for them to smile after what just happened. Even my own smile was a little stiff as well.

Zi Long kept her salute and after the other 2 gave their greetings, she bowed once more.

“Lord Huang Zu, Lord Xu Shu, I have caused deep offence earlier to you both.” Zi Long apologised once more, “But you both are truly skilled in martial arts. Lord Huang Zu in particular was still adept even though you were injured. I truly applaud your skills.”

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When she finished, I could see Huang Zu shudder. Looks like Zi Long’s words were effective. Huang Zu seemed deflated and looked away as she saluted back wordlessly. She was probably both pleased at what Zi Long said and ashamed that she held a grudge.

By the way, I just realised that Zi Long is a lot sharper in reading people than I thought. I also thought that she was strict with everyone but it looks like she knows how to be nice at the right time after all.

“By the way, Lord Xu Shu, where did you learn your swordsmanship from? It was a truly formidable display.” Zi Long asked as she turned to Yuan Zhi and saluted. It felt like she meant these words from the bottom of her heart.

“Ah, n, no, no such thing at all.” Just as I expected, Yuan Zhi got shy and pulled down her bandana as she stuttered. But this time, her face did not redden and she seemed paler instead. Perhaps she feels like she is at a loss instead of feeling shy.

“But really, I didn’t expect Yuan Zhi’s swordsmanship to be this superb. You were like a master swordsman.” I said, picking up from where Zi Long left off.

“N, no. I d, don’t actually k-k-know anything.”

She got shy this time. Never mind, I will stop teasing her now since she looks like she’s at her limit already. I wonder why she’s acting like this even though her swordsmanship is so good.

But let us leave this aside for now. Now that we are fed and watered, let us get to business.

“Zi Long, I’d like to ask you something.” When I began speaking, I could heat my heart thumping at every syllable, making my voice shake. The things that one wants to, but also does not want to, know are always the most difficult to hear.

Haa, Huu. I took a few deep breaths and met Zi Long’s gaze before I continued, “How are the others at Xinye now?”

“…” Zi Long sank into silence when I finished. Her gaze shifted downwards slightly as she considered how to answer me for a moment before returning to meet mine, “I don’t know too much about how things are like at Xinye now but when I left, everyone was still alright.”

Still alright.

These words swirled around in my mind several times before I understood what this meant.

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“It’s good that they’re still alright…” I squeezed out a few words while using my hands to hold myself up.

“But Lord Lu Bu’s mental condition may have deteriorated these past few days.” Zi Long continued.

This was precisely what I was worried about.

My initial worry was whether they would launch an attack on Xiangyang but it looks like there’s no need to worry about that. The next thing I was worried about was whether they would part ways and go their own way if they believed that I had died. If that should come to pass, I doubt I would be able to resolve it.

“Leaving Feng Xian aside, Zi Long, do you think the rest will be fine?”

Zi Long shook her head.

“I don’t know. It’s difficult to say now that more than 10 days have passed. I’m afraid it’s likely that there are some who can’t hold on anymore.” Zi Long shook her head again and spoke to the waiter, “Waiter, heat a jar of wine for me.”

“Eh? Are we drinking?”

“Yes,” Zi Long said with a more relaxed expression, “I’ve managed to find Zuan De after all. And since Xuan De is as resilient as a maggot, things can only get better from now on.”

As I looked at Zi Long’s relieved expression while she delivered her trademark stinging insults, I felt that I could not share in her joy. We have not yet made it to Xinye and I do not know how the others are like.

“Then, how is Xiangyang now?” When I looked up, I saw that it was Huang Zu who spoke up, “How is my lord and Xiangyang? And has Cai Mao made any other moves?”

As expected, she asked about Liu Biao. But the second question was something I was concerned about as well.

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“I’m not too knowledgeable about these points.” Zi Long shook her head once more, “When I left, all I know is that Lord Liu Biao was incensed at Cai Mao’s actions. I know nothing else apart from this.”

“Incensed huh…” Huang Zu repeated Zi Long’s words and then nodded for some reason as she said, “If Cai Mao’s actions angered my lord then I need to deal with Cai Mao.”

Un? I just realised that Yuan Zhi had a different reaction from all of us. Compared to the gloom from Zi Long and I, and Huang Zu’s anger, Yuan Zhi was quietly thinking the whole time. Though she has nothing to do with all this, she seems to be in deep thought about this.

“Umm, Yuan Zhi.” I could not remain silent anymore and spoke up, “May I ask if there is any problem?”

“Un… I was just thinking that if the Governor is very angry, then how would he deal with Cai Mao…” Yuan Zhi slowly and calmly said when she heard me ask her.

“If it’s Cai Mao, then Lady Cai would definitely defend her.” Looks like Huang Zu knows something after all, “So even if my lord is greatly angered, Cai Mao will not be executed.”

“Will her punishment be light?”

“Yes,” Huang Zu nodded, “Probably to the effect of being locked up for 2 days or so.”

Though I do not personally think that she will be let off that easily, I also do not believe that she will be executed.

“In that case, I think that it’s better if Xuan De doesn’t become alive again.”

“Eh?” I did not quite get what Yuan Zhi meant.

“Yes. Though Xuan De is alive, it’s better for someone as useless as you to remain dead.” Zi Long added.

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“What I mean is that, Cai Mao may not have lost significant standing yet. If the fact that Xuan De is still alive is revealed, she might fly into a rage like no other and go all out to make sure you’re dead and launch a full scale military offensive.”

Oh~ So that’s what you mean. Now that I think about it, I would not put this past Cai Mao.

“This does make sense.” I nodded and agreed with her after thinking through things for a moment.

“So nobody should know that Xuan De is still alive right?” Zi Long repeated Yuan Zhi’s point once more.

Yuan Zhi nodded, “Un, keep the fact that Xuan De is alive under wraps as much as possible. Apart from our own people, the less people who know, the better.”

Looks like that’s all we can do. Though I do not know how long we can keep this a secret for, we should see how long we can keep this going. This is her territory after all, a half-dead man like me should be as cautious as possible and not do any big moves that might draw her attention for now.

“When you get to Xinye, name someone as the interim overall commander in name. This can buy us more time.” Yuan Zhi said and then turned to Huang Zu, “Huang Zu, when you return to Xiangyang, no matter what happens, you must not reveal that Xuan De is still alive.”

“I will, of course.” Huang Zu nodded wih her eyes closed.

“Ah, by the way,” Just then, Zi Long suddenly got up and spoke forcefully in her hoarse voice as she squinted at Yuan Zhi, “Lord Xu Shu, why are you helping us strategise?”


“…” While I was shocked, Yuan Zhi sank into silence. From what Zi Long said, it seemed like she was suspicious of Yuan Zhi.

“Zi, Zi Long~” I called out softly as I tugged her sleeve but she ignored me and continued to look at Yuan Zhi.

“… W, well…”

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