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Li Dian POV

As we entered the city, I found that this city was a good city indeed.

The citizens seemed to not want for anything and got along well. The markets were very busy indeed and there were crowds of people and stalls. As we traversed the city from north to east, we passed through perhaps 7-8 streets and there were only 3 constables we met. Looks like public safety is good here.

I wonder who the last Administrator was, to be able to govern this place so well. Perhaps it has something to do with the nature of the city’s inhabitants and the city’s resources.

I also have to thank the Jing state Governor for not ever coming north. If it were not for his weakness and focus on defence, this place would have been covered in ash and blood.

“We’re here.”

Ahead of us was a residential building. It did not seem very wide but from the architecture of the neighbouring buildings, it seemed to extend a fair bit to the back.

“This is?”

“This house used to belong to a trading merchant.” The colonel answered, “I heard that during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the trading merchant and his family were killed and this property ended up in state hands.”

“I see.” Cao Ren said as she frowned, seeming a little sad.

From my point of view, it seems reasonable that a trading merchant would end up like that. Engaging in arbitrage during times of peace is still alright and no one will find fault with them. But during troubled times, everyone from merchants to craftsmen to farmers will be impoverished and profit for one can mean survival for the other.

Now that I think about it, if I had continued with my studies, what would I be like now?

“Lord Li Dian, let us enter.”

“Alright.” I said as Cao Ren and I dismounted and handed the reins to the colonel.

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“Ah, Lord Cao Ren.” I suddenly got the feeling that we ought to be a little more cautious and called out to Cao Ren, “Bring your weapons.”

“Ah? Ah… Un.” Cao Ren did not get it but she still obediently took her weapons. Speaking of weapons, both Cao Ren and I use the same type of weapons – Spears – except that I have a sword hanging by my waist as well.

“2 weapons?” Cao Ren asked when she noticed this.

“Yes,” I nodded, “But though I have 2 weapons, I can only use 1 at a time as only my right arm has sufficient strength. My left hand isn’t strong enough to wield a weapon on its own.”

I wonder if Cao Ren is prepared for the discussions later, I thought as I handed my horse to the colonel and peered into the house.

The first thing that came into view was a screen wall that blocked the way in almost entirely. Looks like this house is at least 4-5 layers deep.

“Let’s go.”

“Ah.” Cao Ren said as she tidied her clothing and headed inside. Looking at her, I found that her smile was a lot stiffer than before. Looks like she still has a way to go before reaching my lord’s level.

As I thought so, I followed Cao Ren into the house. Looking about, I found that every room was well furnished. I wonder if there is a study somewhere. If we have any free time, I would like to see if there is anything to read.

“By the way, they didn’t come out to welcome us huh?”

“Welcome?” I laughed inside at Cao Ren’s words as I continued, “Why would Yuan Shao’s generals welcome Cao Cao’s generals?”

Our relationship is not good at all. This is something well know within and without of the Imperial Court.

… But… This is a little strange.

“Lord Cao Ren, please wait here for a moment.” I hurried forward and stopped Cao Ren and then raised my spear.

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Something is weird here. If we continue walking ahead, we will come to the last layer of rooms. Normally, when one hosts guests or holds a meeting, it will happen in the 2nd or 3rd layers. Yet, we are now at the 5th or 6th layer and we have not seen them.

“Something’s not right here.” Though Cao Ren detected this late, it was not too late for her to be alert, “They didn’t state where they would be at and they have not yet greeted us. It’s like…”

Cao Ren’s eyebrows creased as she said so and her expression grew worse. I know what Cao Ren wants to say. She thinks we are in a trap.

This courtyard we are currently in is really narrow and deep, in short, a perfect place to set up an ambush.

“So what exactly are they up to?” Cao Ren said as she looked about, ready to attack anytime. I, on the other hand, was more assertive and went to the plants and shrubbery where I lightly slashed about before checking for any attackers.

“Lu Kuang!!”

Un?! Just then, a yell came from the main hall at the end.

“Lu Kuang! What happened to you?!” The voice continued.

Lu Kuang? That’s one of the generals Yuan Shao sent right?

“Lord Cao Ren.”

“Un.” We looked at each other and dashed towards the last main hall at the same time.

Could it be that Yuan Shao’s general was attacked? Or did something else happen?

Heat stroke? Old injury acting up? … Un, that is not impossible.

*Tatatata*– *Bang*!

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“What’s going on?!” As we rushed to the door, I kicked it down and yelled into the room, “Un?! This is–” As I glanced into the room, I frowned.

Looking down, we saw a man and a woman on the ground. The man was lying down on the floor with his eyes closed and looked like he was in pain while the woman knelt down beside him and seemed very anxious.

“Lord Shen Pei?” Cao Ren immediately recognised her and called out as she went over.

“Eh?” The woman kneeling down looked up. She had natural, curly hair that spread all over her face with 1 lock of hair covered her eyes. Her face was pale and her eyebrows were creased, looks like she’s panicking.

“Are you both Lord Cao Ren and Lord Li Dian?” She asked as she looked at us.


“We are indeed.”

We were both at a loss as to what to do and hurriedly nodded. Cao Ren then got down to the man and began inspecting him, “What happened to him?”

“I, I don’t know either… He just suddenly…”

Suddenly huh?

“Could he have gotten a heat stroke?” I asked after a moment’s thought.

“Possibly,” Cao Ren said with a serious look as she continued to ask, “I’ve learnt a bit of medical examination and diagnosis from the travelling physicians. Let me have a look.”

As she said so, Cao Ren laid down her spear and picked up the man’s hand as she read her pulse and surveyed his body for any wounds or peculiarities.


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Un? When I looked up, I saw Shen Pei who still seemed anxious as before. She was also holding up her hands as though she wanted to stop Cao Ren and seemed like she wanted to say something.

When she noticed that I was looking at her, she immediately turned away. From what I have seen so far, the only explanation for her behaviour and her actions is that she is feeling anxious about being found out that she has ulterior motives.

Could it be…

I began to feel suspicious and tightened my grip on my spear as I reached out to my sword with the other hand. I then surveyed the room, watching everything that could be used as cover.

If my memory serves me well, there should be 3 people. The one over there is Shen Pei and from what she said, the one lying on the ground is Lu Kuang. That means there is one more person unaccounted for…

“Eh?” Just as I was putting 2 and 2 together, Cao Ren exclaimed and turned to Shen Pei, “Lord Shen Pei, this man has normal vital signs, his cheeks are red and he should be in the pink of health. Moreover, he does not have any perspiration on nor does his forehead feel hot. There are no signs of heat stroke at all.”

As Cao Ren explained, I began to feel discomfort by the time she was halfway done.

“Shen Pei!” I yelled out, “Where is Lu Xiang?!”

In the next instant, Shen Pei blanched and she seemed like she was dealt a mental blow. When I saw this, I instinctively yelled, “Cao Ren! Watch out!”

“Eh?” Cao Ren turned back and looked at me. At the same time, the man on the ground raised his arm.

“Wu!” Cao Ren managed to detect his movements somehow, thanks to my warning or her instincts, and dodged. What impressed me was that she did not forget her spear at the same time and remembered to grab it.

As Cao Ren leapt away, I saw the man get up while holding a long dagger in his hands. If he had managed to stabbed Cao Ren, she would probably be dead by now.

“What’s going on?!” I yelled out at the 2 of them seeing that Cao Ren had yet to recover from her shock.

“Hmph! You mongrels!” Lu Kuang yelled out as his expression darkened while drawing a long sword from underneath him and pointing it at Cao Ren.

“What are you all–“

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