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Yun Chang POV

Today, it rained again.

It was still really hot some days ago but it’s been pouring since the last couple of days. Compared to the north, the weather in the south is more unpredictable and volatile.

Apart from the Xu state 3 who went into Xinye city proper to check how things are like on the ground, and Liao Hua and Chen Dao who went to the encampment to check on the troops, everyone else is staying in. Usually, everyone would be out enjoying the cool temperatures after enduring days and days of scorching heat.

But under present circumstances, I doubt anyone has the mood to do so. Which is why I am all alone sitting below the rafters, watching droplets of water ooze out from tiny cracks in the ceiling with a blank mind.

Ever since Lu Bu’s big mess, 5-6 days have passed. If I were to count the number of days that have passed since Zhao Yun left to look for big brother, then it has been over 20 days now. No news has come our way since then.

*Sasasasa*… The rain continued to fall from the skies with no sign of abating, which worried me. I closed my eyes and listened closely, hoping to hear the sound of horse hooves in the distance. No, 2 sets of horse hooves.

*Wu*… But all that I could hear, amidst the rain, were the tearful wails of Gan Qing and Mi Zhen. It got exposed to them 2 days ago and they have been crying since then.

Apart from their crying, no sounds could be heard from the others’ rooms. This made me feel even more hopeless as I feared that they have lost confidence in believing that big brother is still alive. I also fear that they might continue along this thread of thought and think of things from here on out.

What should we do if big brother is no longer around?

This question has grown more and more important with the passing of time. By right, I ought to have thought of this long ago, so that action can be taken before something disastrous happens.

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Personally speaking, I really do not wish to consider this problem. I am also afraid of what we have to do if big brother really is no longer around. Do we nominate someone to lead all of us from amongst us? Or do we have to…

Every time I think about this, I dare not continue further. If I continue to consider the possibilities, I have to take the prospect of us separating into factions seriously.

I know that this frustration has begun to show on my face but I simply cannot bring myself to smile. All I can do is to stroke the locks of red hair which big brother once praised. After all we have been through, my hair seems to have lost some of its redness and is no longer as eye-catching.

Hai… How can I continue on my path if big brother is no longer around? Who do I swear my loyalty to? If big brother really is no longer around, I have no choice but to fulfill the promise that the 3 of us swore to.

*Ta*… *Ta*… *Ta*…

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the side of the room. Given how heavy they were, the soles were probably very thick, which made it easy to guess who it was.

*Ta*… *Ta*…

The footsteps continued, and drew my attention which did not have any other outlet. And so I stood up and lightly stepped out to the stone porch leading to the corridors headed to the main hall.

There, I saw Chen Gong standing upright with her hands in her sleeves, with a very serious aura about her as she walked on. Where is Chen Gong going? I looked at where she was headed and saw that if she continued walking further up, there was just Lu Bu’s room ahead.

Lu Bu has become scarily quiet ever since the ruckus from that time. She ignores all of us whenever we try to speak with her or ask her to eat. It seems like her mental state has well and truly collapsed since then and she is merely waiting for big brother to return in a dazed state.

Hua Tuo told us that we ought to refrain from agitating her where possible but what is Chen Gong up to visiting Lu Bu at a time like this?

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“Lord Chen Gong~ Lord Chen Gong~” I did my best to call out to her without being too loud but she did not hear me, either because the rainfall was too loud or she was too deep in thought, and continued walking until she came before Lu Bu’s room.

*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

“Lord Lu Bu.”


*Dang* *Dang* *Dang*

“Lord Lu Bu! I know you’re inside!” Chen Gong yelled but no one inside replied. This was predictable. Lu Bu did not reply anyone at all, no matter what, these few days after all. I do not know what Chen Gong has to say but it’s a waste of time.

“Lord Chen–”

“Lord Lu Bu! I have something very important to discuss with you. It’s fine even if you don’t reply me. I’ll just speak and you’ll listen.”

I was going to call out to her again and tell her not to speak to Lu Bu but just then, she yelled out loudly, enough for the entire section to hear her. I looked around, but I saw that no one had come out to see what was going on.

Was no one curious about what Chen Gong was doing? Speaking of which, I have not seen Wen Yuan for a while now. Usually, she would be the first person to ask what is going on.

“Lord Lu Bu!” Just as I was preoccupied with my thoughts, Chen Gong continued yelling respectfully, “I have a suggestion that I hope Lord Lu Bu can accede to!”

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A suggestion? What kind of suggestion would she have for Lu Bu at this time? An ominous premonition sprang in my heart and I felt like it was difficult to breathe but I still concentrated on listening to what Chen Gong was about to say next.

And in the next instant, Chen Gong yelled out in an even louder voice that cut through the sound of rainfall and undoubtedly into Lu Bu’s room as well, “– Lord Lu Bu, I implore you to leave Xinye with me!”


“Lord Chen Gong! What are you–”

“Lord Guan Yu, please be quiet!”

Wu… Chen Gong interrupted me with a strangely resolved voice that left me at a loss as to what to do.

She turned to look at me and softly said, “You have your considerations and I have mine.”

Her words were blunt, and even rude but at this time, I had no rage in my heart at all. I should have known that this day would come eventually.

It could have been anyone. Even if no one spoke up, I am not sure we can ever resolve the issue of Lu Bu. So all I can do at this time is quietly listen to what Chen Gong had to say.


Chen Gong clapped her hands together and got down one knee. I have never seen her being so respectful before. She has probably thought about this for a long time before doing this.

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“Lord Lu Bu, I have been watching you for some time now as a strategist. I believe that you have the capability and the charisma to strike out alone. If you work with me, and lead your troops along, we can definitely forge our own destiny somewhere in these troubled times!” As Chen Gong said so, she lowered her head even further, “Based on my estimates, Zhang Lu’s Hanzhong has strong troops, sufficient resources and its population is large. However, Zhang Lu is not a good leader and we can seize the opportunity to usurp his position, take Hanzhong and use it as our base, expand into Xiliang in the north and Yi state in the south. Just like that, half of the central plains will be yours!”

“…” No reply came from the room but Chen Gong did not get up.

I listened calmly to what Chen Gong said and considered her plans. Honestly speaking, it’s not unrealistic by any measure and seems workable.

“Lord Lu Bu!” When there was still no reply, Chen Gong yelled out once more, “You wouldn’t be thinking of languishing here your whole life, would you? If you don’t move now, you will end up as a mere subordinate lackey to someone you don’t wish to serve!”

“Chen Gong! That’s enough from you!” Just as Chen Gong finished, the door slammed wide open and a roar came out. When I looked over, I saw that it was Wen Yuan in a plain gown. Her expression was tense and devoid of the cheer it usually had.

“Lord Zhang Liao, you’re here huh?”

“Yes, and I have heard all your nonsense.”

“I don’t think what I said was nonsense.” Chen Gong indignantly replied. From what I have seen, these were not impulsive actions at all. She did think this through but they were too realistic and sad,

“It is nonsense!” Wen Yuan yelled as she slammed her fist into the door, breaking the window and seemed angry enough that she was going to hit Chen Gong, “Nothing is set in stone yet here you are, trying to separate everyone!”

“Separate everyone?! Yes! You’re right, that is what I am trying to do! Are you satisfied now?!”

“You bastard!”

“Ah– Wen Yuan–” I tried to stop her when I saw that things had gone out of hand but could not stop Wen Yuan’s arm.

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