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Liu Bei POV

“What did you see?” I asked as Huang Zu bent down and hugged her head. She seemed like she was gathering her breath and energy so she could answer me in 1 go.

Since some time ago, the dancing and singing had stopped. When I looked over, I saw that everyone was looking at us. Some were huddled close to the corridor while others like Yun Chang, Wen Yuan and Feng Xian stayed in the main hall. Everyone was silent and waited for Huang Zu to speak.

“Ah…” Just then, Zi Long spoke up with a tense expression, “Could it be…”

Just these few words from Zi Long was enough for everyone. Even Yuan Zhi nodded as well.

“When I headed north,” Huang Zu said as she pointed northward, “I found, I found Cao Cao’s encampment.”

“Eh?!” Everyone was silent when Huang Zu finished. Only I gave an embarrassing cry of surprise.

Compared to me, everyone else seemed calm. Of course, this does not include people like Zhou Cang who are too drunk to understand or listen. They just stood there silently and did not think too much about it. The rest however, were more serious.

“Have they begun advancing towards Jing state?”

“Based on Cao Cao’s mobilisation speed, I’d thought that they would have only come in 1-2 months.”

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“Lord Huang Zu, may I ask where the enemy came from?” Zi Long asked as she rubbed her chin.

“From the north. Based on the available roads, they should have come from Fan city.”

“How many troops are there?” Yun Chang followed up.

“I don’t know what their exact strength is but there should be at least several tens of thousand.” Huang Zu replied as she squinted, probably thinking back to what she saw, “I only got a few glimpses. From what I saw, everyone seemed to be lightly geared and the logistics and supply divisions seemed sparse. It seems like they are planning to strike from nearby.”

A strike from nearby…

“Umm, I’d like to ask.” Just as I was pondering those words, Liao Hua calmly took one step forward and asked in a low tone, “Where are they planning to attack?”

The entire mansion sank into silence in the next moment. Even Huang Zu did not interrupt her, though I am not sure if this is because she has not caught her breath yet or if she does not know how to answer.

“… If I’m not wrong, I believe they should be aiming for Xinye, the bridgehead into Xiangyang.”

Usually, the weather would be good and clear right after heavy rainfall. That was the case earlier today but by nightfall, the weather had begun to turn for the worse, as though a next round of rain was getting ready.

As I sat in the main seat, I cast my eyes out of the main hall and wondered how the mansion’s fixtures were and whether water would leak through the roof. Nothing obscured my vision now as everyone had cleared out of the center of the room and were seated around.

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As for Gan Qing and Mi Zhen, I felt that there was no need to waste their time so I got Gan Qing to sleep with Mi Zhen. When Gan Qing left, she looked worried so I did the best I could to allay her concerns even though I was panicking inside.

I did my best not to look at anyone’s faces as they were obviously troubled and anxious at this time. Some were frowning as they sipped liquor while the rest were quietly thinking. By now, everyone had sobered up with the exception of people like Zhou Cang who were still fidgeting about but were no longer acting frivolously.

I looked at the end of the left column where Yuan Zhi sat. The one who should have sat at the end of the right column was Gan Qing but now it was Huang Zu, who should be invited in after all.

Huang Zu had intended on rushing back to Xiangyang overnight without dinner but when she saw Meng De’s troops, she doubled back. While we were outside, there was barely any moonlight due to the cloud cover which meant that dawn is about 2-4 hours away. During this entire time, Huang Zu had not eaten so we prepared some food for her to eat now.

Yet, she was currently frowning and picking at her food and had not yet eaten anything. It was clear that the mood had dropped to the pits and it might drop further yet.

If everything was as Huang Zu said, then it is very likely that we will be at war in 2-3 days’ time. And what’s more, the enemy will be our old friend and adversary, Meng De. We do not have sufficient information either as Meng De’s side does not seem to be planning on declaring their intentions before attacking.

Xinye… When Meng De learnt that I was dead and issued the order to begin the southern campaign, did she choose Xinye to be the first point of attack? Perhaps she wishes to recruit my companions to her side.

What can I say? Meng De is really logical even at times like these. Though I must say that, objectively speaking, my companions would probably be able to achieve much, much more and would be far better utilised in Meng De’s hands than mine.

Hai… I sighed as I thought so. I understood why she did everything she did but at the same time I did not and felt a little bitter.

“Big brother…” Yun Chang called out as she looked at me, her austere and honourable gaze seeming a little lacklustre at this time. I could tell that Yun Chang had something to say.

“Yun Chang, if you have something to say, go ahead and say it.”

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Perhaps that might help everyone else to speak their mind. At times like these, being silent is the worst possible thing to do. It will only further allow doubt and other negative emotions to fester as everyone keeps thinking pessimistically.

“Un.” Yun Chang nodded and turned to me, “Big brother, I think that we should announce the fact of your survival as soon as possible.”

“Oh?” I gasped in surprise. I did not think that she would echo Yuan Zhi’s thoughts but I wondered what her reasoning was, “Yun Chang, why so?”

As I asked her this, I cast my eyes around and saw that almost everyone was looking at Yun Chang.

“Un, I think that this is necessary as this could allow us to avoid an unnecessary battle.”

“I understand what you mean,” Zi Long picked up after Yun Chang, “What you mean is that you hope Lord Cao Cao can go around Xinye, right?”

“Yes.” Yun Chang nodded.

“That is assuming that her only target is Liu Biao.” Liao Hua added, “What if that is not the case? What if, she wants to seize the opportunity to unify the Central Plains?”

“… Not so soon.” “No way, Lord Cao Cao’s aim should only be Jing state for now.” “If Lord Cao Cao was this adamant on killing xiao Bei, she had many opportunities to do so during, in between and after Xu state and Guandu.”

After the Xu state 3 finished giving their piece, they took a sip of liquor together. Looks like their opinions are all aligned on this.

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“Let’s think about it this way. If we let Lord Cao Cao’s armies pass us by unharmed, that wouldn’t look very good on our end.” Chen Dao, who usually did not speak up during meetings like these joined in as well, “We are currently occupying Jing state’s bridgehead after all. By declaring neutrality, we are leaving Jing state vulnerable and taking away a defensive fortress from Xiangyang.”

“Lord Chen Dao is right but I don’t think that doing things like this is inappropriate.” Surprisingly, it was Yun Chang who firmly denied what Chen Dao said, “Simply because Lord Liu Biao nearly caused big brother to die! I respect and commend Lord Liu Biao for his loyalty to the Great Han but this dishonourable gesture is irredeemable.”

Yun Chang’s choice of words was particularly venomous. When I looked at her, I saw that the flames of fury in her eyes. Looks like she’s really angry and unhappy with Liu Biao because of what happened to me.

“I understand what Lord Guan Yu said but this should be the fault of Cai Mao right?”

“Cai Mao is Lord Liu Biao’s subordinate. It is his fault for being weak and not keeping his subordinates in line! If it were not for his sharing ancestral lineage with big brother, I would have chosen to assist Lord Cao Cao’s campaign.” Yun Chang looked at me as she continued, “I believe big brother, and also Lord Huang Zu, would not wish for this as well.”

“Un.” I nodded and remembered that Huang Zu was around and looked at her but she did not seem to be agitated by what Yun Chang said and merely nodded.

“I apologise on behalf of my lord for what happened to Imperial Uncle.” Huang Zu said and kowtowed to me.

“No, you are not to blame for this.” I hurriedly replied.

What surprised me, however, was that Yun Chang said almost exactly the same thing as Yuan Zhi did. Yun Chang was a little brash but what she said was logical. Because of what happened to me, everyone seemed like they had pent up rage and seemed to indicate approval of what Yun Chang said.

Perhaps I should reconsider Yuan Zhi’s original proposal. If I really were to attack alongside Meng De, Xiangyang might be mine by now.

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