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Liu Bei POV

Could she really be unwell?

“Ah, umm. Lord Zhang Fei–“

“My lord need not say too much. It’s just a minor stomach ache.” Just as I was about to say something, Yi De closed her eyes and looked very pained as she interrupted me, “I’m very happy today that my lord was able to return and I am in agreement with what was just discussed and will definitely be around tomorrow. That’s it.”

“Ah…” I had more to say but Yi De had already left hurriedly with her bowl and plates. I thought of stopping her but felt that it might be a little forceful to do so. Looks like whatever Yi De is going through, she does not wish to tell us.

Un… I am still rather worried but there is nothing I can do for now. I will just have to wait for tomorrow and consult Hua Tuo when she is awake.

I sighed when I realised this and looked about. Zi Long and Chen Dao seem to have left, as did Yuan Zhi, seems like only Gong You is left.

“Gong You, do you need me to help you?”

“… No need.” Gong You said and made her way to the door as though she were floating, her body stiffened up as though she were deathly afraid of dropping something, “Goodnight my lord.”

“Ah, goodnight.”

Ah, now that everyone is gone, I should–

“Imperial Uncle.”

“Wah!” With no warning at all, a rather loud female voice came from behind me which gave me such a shock that I held my chest and sank to the ground weakly. When I turned back, I saw that it was Huang Zu, “It’s you huh… Lord Huang Zu, please don’t scare me like that, will you?”

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“I had no intention of scaring you. I just happened to be standing behind you for a long while now.”

So you were preparing to scare me then? Hu… I shook my head and tried to clear away my fear as I helped myself up with a chair.

“So what business does Lord Huang Zu have with me?” I said as I looked at Huang Zu. Her eyes had a lot of fight in them which made it difficult for me to discern what she was after.

Could it be that she had difficulty sleeping, or that she is hungry, and she is here to complain to me? No, that cannot be possible.

“Lord Huang Zu, if there is something I can help you with, please feel free to tell me.” I did my best to smile so that she could sense my friendliness, “Since you’re returning to Xiangyang tomorrow, feel free to seek Mi Zhu Mi Zi Zhong for any supplies you may need.”

“Un.” Huang Zu nodded. From her expression, it seems like this is not the issue and I am beginning to feel a little awkward from her stare.

“Ah, I do have something to ask of you. As you heard from Yuan Zhi before, we intend to hide the truth about my survival for as long as possible.” I decided to emphasise this with her since the chance arose so that there was no miscommunication there, “I hope that when Lord Huang Zu returns to Xiangyang, you will not spread this news. Even if elder brother should ask you, please refrain from telling him the truth.”

“Un.” Huang Zu nodded once more but it was clear that she had something to say. Her stare was so intense that I was feeling very uncomfortable.

If this were anyone else, they would have broached the topic which they wanted to cover by now already but Huang Zu is different. She just stands there and stares at you. Well then, let’s try to crack this nut. I do not have too much stamina to put up with this for too long after all.

“Umm, Lord Huang Zu, how was today’s dinner–”

“Dinner was delicious but I had no appetite. That’s not important, Imperial Uncle, I have something to discuss with you.”

Just as I was about to play a game of chicken with Huang Zu, she interrupted me and finally spoke about what she wanted to say.

Alright, fine, I thought as I gathered my thoughts, tidied my clothing and readied myself to listen to what she had to say, “Alright, Lord Huang Zu, go ahead and–”

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“I plan to defend Xinye for the time being.”

Eh? What did she just say? Alright, I will admit that I did hear what she said and am just unwilling to accept what I just heard. This applies to most other times with the others as well.

“Umm, could Lord Huang Zu repeat–”

“I plan to garrison at Xinye for the time being with Imperial Uncle and fight the Cao traitor together.”

Ah… Looks like I did not mishear indeed.

“But aren’t you…”

“No, I’ve already decided.” I specially trailed off so that she could pick up smoothly and she did indeed, “Asking for forgiveness at Xiangyang is not as important as defending Xinye.”

“So you’ve decided to defend the city as part of its garrison huh?”

“Un,” Huang Zu nodded and continued, “That’s all I really know anyway.”

Un… To be honest, I am actually rather surprised at what Huang Zu suggested. But at the same time, it felt logical to me. This is a Jing state city after all and now that it is being imperiled, a former Jing state Administrator would naturally want to be on the frontlines.

And though she did not say it, she obviously has some desire in her to redeem her past failures. As I looked at Huang Zu’s tense face, I hoped that she could shed this mask and face others with her true feelings. It was clear that she was not as fearless as she tried to appear.

“Alright, I understand what you said.” I said, feeling strength in my legs again and patted my thighs as I got up, “Sure, you can help us.”

I do not know what Yuan Zhi’s considerations may be but having an extra hand will undoubtedly be helpful.

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“Good.” Huang Zu merely said this as she saluted and made to leave.

“Ah, Lord Huang Zu,” I hurriedly stopped her when I saw her leaving, “I have a condition.”

When she heard this, she stopped and turned back, “What conditions could you have for an extra hand in defending the city?”

“Yes, you’re new after all and your addition, though helpful, will mean some deployment changes on our part.” I said and felt like I was being too forceful and toned it down a little, “Of course, though I said it was a condition, it’s actually just a suggestion.”

“… What suggestion?” When she heard this, she seemed a little willing to listen. Alright, at least she’s being reasonable.

Though I called it a suggestion, it’s really much simpler than that. I smiled as I anticipated what her reaction would be like as I spoke, “How about letting your hair down while you’re in Xinye?”

“… Eh?” She did not understand.

“I’m not forcing you,” I laughed inside as I said so, “But I just feel that it would look better on Lord Huang Zu.”

Just like what I told her some time ago on the city tower in Jiangxia.

Huang Zu just stood silently there. I was relaxed as this was half a joke after all so it was fine for me even if she did not accept.

“… Alright.”

“Eh?” Just as I was thinking about this, she actually acceded to the request and pulled down her ribbon and her hair fell down as I spoke.

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“… Will this do?” She asked as she swept her hair with her ribbon tied around her wrist. I must say that Huang Zu looks a lot better and more feminine like this.

“Un, un. Yes.” I replied hurriedly, not expecting that she would really do as I said.

The only disappointing thing was that it was too dark for me to get a good glimpse of Huang Zu’s face. I really wanted to see how she looked in full view from up close with her hair down too. Never mind, seeing Huang Zu like this is enough.

“Un,” Huang Zu nodded, “Well then, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then.”

“Ah, un. See you tomorrow.” Just as I finished, she turned around, her smooth, lustrous hair flying in the air as she left elegantly.

After Huang Zu left, I saw that no one else was around so I cleaned it up and folded the tables back before returning them to the corner. The room was actually rather clean but there were still bits and pieces of food lying on the floor. I wanted to clean it up but I was exhausted and yawned as I dragged myself to my room.

Wait, going by the back door of this main hall should be faster.

Compared to the rest, whose rooms were nearer to the front of the main hall, mine, Yuan Zhi’s and Huang Zu’s rooms were closer to the back. This cannot be helped after all as we came late and all the nearer rooms were now occupied.

Chen Dao and a few others had offered to swap rooms with me but I decided to refuse as they were girls after all and there might be things left behind that I am not supposed to see. Even if they do not mind it, I will. Well, the position of the room is no big deal to be honest. It’s just a minor inconvenience when leaving the mansion.

As I entered my room, I saw that everything was neat and tidy. Looks like they had prepared the room before coming to dinner. I went in and felt the mattress. It was not some premium goose feather mattress but this soft hay mattress is more than enough. Compared to the stiff wooden boards from before, this is practically a luxury.

I made my bed and took off my shoes before flopping onto the bed. My muscles and tendons have been aching very badly these past few days, to the point where I was feeling faint most times while on the road. When the meeting ended, I could feel my head aching terribly, which meant that I had reached my limit.

It’s not like I am going to die but I really am dead tired.

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