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Liu Bei POV

“Alright, that’s basically it then. The 3 generals may each select their own lieutenant.” Compared to us, Yuan Zhi continued uninhibitedly, “Everyone else can leave now. The conference from hereon concerns the details of duties for the 3 generals and Xuan De.”

— Eh?!

With Yuan Zhi’s conclusion, everyone seemed shocked and their gaze shifted in unison from Feng Xian to Yi De. Even though Yi De is a warrior general and a really talented one at that, she’s lost her memories and thinks of herself as an administrative official at present.

“Yuan Zhi, are you really sure– About Yi De?” I asked as my eyes shifted between Yuan Zhi and Yi De, who seemed to be in a daze and unable to accept what had just happened.

“Yes, my plans require her to be deployed.” Yuan Zhi replied without stammering and nodded definitively.

“Wen Yuan, did she say that there is nothing else to do with me?” Feng Xian asked with a blank expression.

“Yes, that is more or less what she said.” Wen Yuan replied with a stiff smile.

“How about it? Will you be my lieutenant, Wen Yuan?” Yun Chang asked with a refreshing smile as she looked at Wen Yuan with a gleam in her eyes.

“No, I will only ever be my lord’s lieutenant.” Wen Yuan replied dejectedly.

“It’s fine, there will always be next time.” Feng Xian comforted Wen Yuan, “Battles are ever-present. When there are none, we should take the chance and enjoy what free time we have.”

Feng Xian said some words that seemed like they were from Zhuangzi but were probably the right stuff to comfort Wen Yuan at this moment, who merely grunted in response.

At this time, what worried me the most was Yi De. She still had the same expression on while everyone else who was uninvolved were beginning to take their leave and chatting as they did so.

“Yuan Zhi,” I got up and went over before asking her softly, “Are you sure you want to deploy Yi De?”

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“Yes.” Yuan Zhi nodded.

“What need is there for little sister specifically to take the field?” Yun Chang frowned and looked at the both of us and Yi De as she asked, “I don’t know if Lord Xu Shu knows but little sister has–” Yun Chang did not vocalise the last part and merely gestured beside her head instead.

“I knew about it in the banquet.” Yuan Zhi nodded, “Lord Guan Ping has basically told me everything I needed, and did not need, to know.”

Guan Ping huh… As expected, little kids should not be drinking liquor. She turned into a complete blabber mouth.

“Even if she has lost her memories, that is fine.” Yuan Zhi continued and sat down, “I most definitely need Lord Zhang Fei for the first battle.” Yuan Zhi was very firm when she said so and she also turned and looked at me with a ‘please believe me’ look in her eyes which left me with no choice but to do so.

“Alright, I got it. It might even be a good thing to let her take the field.”

“Big brother?”

“Yun Chang, it’s fine.”

Yun Chang was still worried but all I could do was pat her shoulders. I had a lot to say but I did not know where to begin and found that I was doubtful of what I said myself so all I did was say to her, and to myself as well– “It will be fine.”

“My lord.” A calm voice with some undercurrents of anxiety came from the side. When I turned, I saw that it was Liao Hua, who held her hat with one hand and lowered her head.

“What is it, Liao Hua?” I asked, though I could largely guess what the issue was seeing that she had returned with a frantic look despite her duties at the city tower.

“They’re here.” Liao Hua’s answer was simple but it attracted everyone’s attention. In particular, Zi Long smiled and Yun Chang was calm while Yi De trembled.

“How far?”

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“They’re about an hour away and are currently taking a break.”

“How many have they brought?” Yuan Zhi asked as she turned to Liao Hua.

“Less than 10,000 but not by much.”

“10,000?” Yuan Zhi was surprised and frowned, “Could there be any mistake?”

“There is no doubt about that estimate. The enemy has formed ranks, which makes it easy to estimate their numbers.”

“Wu…” Yuan Zhi sank into silence when she heard this and placed a hand on her mouth. She seemed to be a lot more nervous than before and a bead of sweat dripped down from her forehead.

“Yuan Zhi?”

“Ah… A, ah?” She turned to me and seemed to be at a loss when I called out to her.

“Will there be any problem?”

“U-u-un, n– no problem at all.” She was fine before but she had began to stammer again.

“Ahem. L-let’s not tarry then.” Yuan Zhi cleared her throat and looked at us before she slowly spoke up, “Well then, I’ll begin discussing o–o–our battle plans.”

Li Dian POV


“What’s wrong? Didn’t sleep well?”

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“My bed was too hard~”

“We’re marching after all so it can’t be helped.”

“I know~ This isn’t my first time marching, big brother really is too much… Ah yes, is big brother’s bed softer?”

“Not at all, it’s the same type as the one that you’re using.”

“That’s a lie! Never mind, I’ve already decided to sleep with big brother tonight~”

“Hai… I can’t say no to you.”

*Da* The 2 of them laughed and chatted and then bumped fists at the end.

I turned back and looked at the 2 of them and saw that Lu Kuang was looking very calm as he looked at his little sister, who was smiling and shaking about as she sat on her horse and returned his gaze. I cannot confirm what kind of emotion they are looking at each other with but I can feel the intensity and passion from where I am.

By the way, their plate armour seems to have been customised and they each have a rather colourful and large gemstone set in one shoulder plate each for the both of them. From what I have seen so far, it seems like their dressing and movements are complementary to each other. It was also clear that they could not have afforded that gemstone so it is probably a gift from Lord Yuan Shao.

“Xiang.” “Kuang~”

After staring into each other’s eyes for about 2 minutes, they let go of their reins and embraced each other. The horses did not stop and continued, as though they were used to such practices by their masters.

Hai… I turned back and sighed as I looked ahead.

These 2 have been at it like this ever since we left Fan city. For the first 2 days, I was still able to ignore them but it has progressed to a level where I can no longer ignored and I am beginning to get irritated the moment they start their antics.

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They are clearly siblings and are together practically the entire time yet why do they have to act like long lost lovers the entire time?

Hai… If only Yue Jin was the one who came instead of me. That fellow loves watching this sort of thing. I, on the other hand, think that these are just irritating acts.

“Oi, you both, that’s enough now.” I finally could not hold back and lightly chided them, “We are leading a contingent that is almost 10,000 in size. The thousand- and hundred-man officers are all staring at you both.”

Shameless, is what I wanted to say but Cao Ren had specifically instructed me not to pick a fight with them. So I decided to keep these words inside and say something that is more palatable publicly.

“Yes, we got it.” Lu Kuang answered first and patted Lu Xiang’s back, “Lu Xiang, the commanding officer has said it so we better be a little more serious.”

“Eh~” Lu Xiang uttered a cry that only an irritating little girl would, “Our lord has never disciplined us like that before.”

Lord Yuan Shao, this is too much.

“Things are different now. And what Lord Li Dian said makes sense.” In comparison, Lu Kuang was more reasonable. As expected of the elder brother, he is more mature.

“Wu…” Lu Xiang seemed a little deflated but she still separated from Lu Kuang and then yelled out, “Thousand-man general, come and lead my horse.”


Wait, what’s that for?

“Un, this should be fine right~”

“Haha, I really can’t say no to you huh?”

I had a bad feeling and turned back to see that they were both riding Lu Kuang’s horse while a subordinate of theirs was leading Lu Xiang’s horse.

“Hehe~” Lu Xiang giggled blissfully as she leaned against Lu Kuang’s back. Lu Kuang smiled stiffly and did not say anything. When he saw me staring angrily at them, he raised his hand and made an apologetic gesture.

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