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His expression is still as irritating as ever, but this time, He is still not beaten or scolded by mother.

It is a bit strange actually, she was really quiet all of a sudden, it was like she was thinking about something.

Looking around, I could see that the other peoples are still petrified like a statue not daring to say a word. This is really something, is father and mother really that feared by this people?

I honestly don't understand, just what makes them so feared? Are they actually a demon in disguise?!

Well it's not that important, in fact, I would be really hyped if that were to be true! I have a horn fetish after all, so if I have a horn on my head, that would be badass.

When I was thinking about what kind of horn would look cool on me, mother opened her mouth and then let out a calm and yet cold voice.

"Everyone, it looks like this birthday party of the little princess has become really awkward and so, I will declare that this party is over. And beside, the little princess is under our wings now, so you can forget about getting close to her."

I was still being carried by her in her embrace, but seeing that the other just nodded and then started to walk away toward the door like a herded live stock is just so damn amusing.

No one voiced their complaints or showed their discontent, they just brought their children and then walk toward the door obediently.

But there is one person whose face is as ugly as a dog shit. He was looking around in a sad and grieved expression, it was as though he has eaten a bitter bug that was forced to chew it slowly.

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"Seriously, just what the hell is happening here!? I don't even have a chance to drink or eat anything! This is just too much…"

"What too much, I ordered them to go back so they have to go back! You told me to let the sage awaken our son's Magic now rather than later. This is the result of your order, so just shut up and don't act like a kid."

"Eeehh~~?! This is my fault? Well damn, I ruined the little princess birthday party."

S-speaking of which, the princess is looking really happy for some reason. She is staring at mother as if she is looking at her idol…

Well seeing how domineering and charismatic mother is, it should not be strange for her to idolize her. But still, isn't she going to be my wife in the future? Isn't it bad for me…

Father then walked toward us with a guilty look on his face.

I looked like the other nobles and royalties do not mind being chased out like this. But judging from how their expression looked, they must be feeling really angry and furious.

In fact, some of them must be cursing and swearing at us right now. However, they don't dare to voice it out in front of mother and father.

Their influence and power must be really something for them to not dare say anything like this!

When there is only the princess and her mother in the big and spacious hall. Father then looked seriously at the little princess, his expression is not the loose and annoying expression like before.

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"Now then, Lili was it?"


The princess, Lili was fidgeting when she was stared at by father. She must be feeling creeped out by his sudden change in attitude…

Well this is nothing new to me though… I really don't know what the hell is this guy, my father is thinking at all!

"Don't be so nervous I'm not going to eat you so don't worry. And beside, you are too young for me to eat. Hyahahah~~~"



Hearing his nonsense, mother then hit the back of his head really hard to the point where there is a loud 'Crack' from his head…

H-his skull is not broken right? H-he's not so fragile as to die from a mere a smack from the head right? I can feel my expression becoming stiff and cold sweat started to come out from my forehead.

I tried looking at mother face, but I was shocked that her expression is not that of an angry tigress. Her expression is that of a complicated and worried one, she was worried over something.

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"Don't talk nonsense… Julius, I… I have this uneasy feeling about something… But I don't know what…"

"… I actually know… Alex will be fine… This, I am sure! I met Eleanor a while ago, she told me about Alex magic and constitution… I was shocked but… It'll be fine!"

What's going on?! Why are the both of you so damn serious!! This is the first time I saw father showed his troubled expression.

Is my magic and constitution really that worrisome?! And who is this Eleanor? Now I'm worried too god damn it!!

"Eleanor… That mysterious witch?! The one who always wear all black and bringing a black umbrella? That androgynous looking witch?!"

"… Who else if it's not her? She is so damn hard to find, but I met her by chance just a moment ago…"

Now even the Queen, Iralia was it? Was shocked when she heard the name Eleanor. She was staring at father with a weird gaze.

While mother was showing a shocked and looked a bit doubtful, but her excited voice showed that this Eleanor is such an amazing witch it seems.

"W-what did she say? That ancient woman is a walking library, meeting her is considered to be a good omen. So what did she say?!"

"Well, I was told to not say it or she is going to curse me… That woman is frightening, even the people from the Heaven Realm are wary of her. But I can only say that, Alex will be fine!"

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"I see… If she say that it's fine then I guess it will be fine. Did you tell her to come? I have a lot of question I want to ask her."

"Yes I did. She is already here actually…."

Father then pointed his finger toward the corner of the room near the exit door.

There, stood a woman with a red brown hair that has some white hair on her left and right front hair. She has a smooth milk white skin and black eyes with a dark circle around her eyes, she is holding a black umbrella that she keep opened on her right hand.

Honestly, she looked like a panda to me. But if i don't know that she is a woman, I will definitely thought that she is a male that just crossdressed… She indeed has an androgynous face.

"Fufufu~ I just came here to watch, please don't mind me~"

Unexpectedly, her voice is really pleasant to the ears! It sounded like a bell from heaven that could calm one heart.

Although her face is a bit androgynous, but her body is in the right proportion. Although her chest is not in the heavyweight class, but it is still nice to look at.

Seeing that I was checking her body up and down, she then looked at me with a smile. She then walked toward our direction with a slow step, but it was as If she moved 3 meter for each step.

Truly a fantasy world, even this kind of walking is possible!

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