Madenna shook her head, “No, it just feels a bit strange. But even if it’s really a mage’s work, it won’t matter for now since we don’t know who did it.” 

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“If that’s the case, you don’t need to worry. Since he left a trace of his magic, I might be able to find him as long as I can remember it.” 

“What do you mean?” 

“Every mage leaves a unique pattern in their magic, similar to a fingerprint. Although much of the traces have been erased, if the mage who left the trail uses magic again, I’ll be able to recognize them.”

“I see. In that case, can you please keep a look out for him? If the vile mage who deliberately collapsed the bridge really does exist, he certainly wouldn’t hesitate to harm us once more in the future.” 

“As you wish, miss.” Farren answered immediately. 

He straightened his back and invoked a new spell.

It seemed like he was looking into the remaining traces of magic. 

Madenna turned around while silently wishing for the ominous feeling to dissipate. Farren had fulfilled his duties, so from here on, it was time for Madenna to  finish the deal. 




A few hours later, the merchandise arrived in an orderly row of carriages as scheduled. Madenna met the horsemen in front of the bridge. 

“Miss, you want us to cross the bridge?” 

The horsemen all looked at the magic ledge with a puzzled expression.

The bridge, which was made out of solidified water, seemed a bit frightening at first glance. The transparent material gave the impression of being made out of fragile glass.

“Yes, I can guarantee that there’s no problem with the bridge. You can cross the river using the bridge as usual, and arrive at the city of Retti Shire.”

“But… what is it made out of? I don’t think it’s glass. I’ve never seen or heard of a material like this.” 

“Yes, it’s understandable that you have never seen it, since it’s made by magic.” 

As soon as the coachmen heard her claim, a murmur spread among them. Their whispers were low enough for Madenna to be unable to listen, but some still caught her ears. ”Is our employer out of her mind?” one of the coachmen muttered to his friend.

The head of the coachmen spoke to Madenna half-heartedly, “Miss, it’s impossible to conjure a bridge with magic that we could pass on.” 

“You don’t have to worry about that. I’ve walked back and forth without any accident.” 

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“Well, people may be able to pass, but I don’t think it will be able to endure the weight of the wagons!”

From behind them, shouts of protest followed one after another.

“That’s right!” 

“Who will be responsible if we fall into the river and die?”

Fear had consumed the coachmen. It seemed that in their mind, the only outcome if they attempted to pass the bridge was death.

At this rate, no matter how much money Madenna spent, it would all be in vain since they didn’t even have the guts to drive the wagons across the bridge. 

“Alright then, you there. Give me the whip.” 


“If I demonstrate it myself, then will you pass the bridge?” 

“No, miss! It’s too dangerous!” 

“That belief is why I want to prove that it’s perfectly safe,” Madenna took the whip from his hand as she ignored his protest. 

As she changed into another pair of boots and climbed onto the horseman’s seat, Farren came running to her in panic. 

“Mi-miss! You know how to drive a carriage?” 

“I know how to handle horses, so I’m sure it’ll work out somehow.” 

“The bridge are strong, but if the horse is disobedient…” 

“It will be right.”

She held the reins tightly and headed straight towards the bridge. 

“A horse is a sensitive and clever creature. It can sense the danger of the path it takes. As long as I’m not afraid, my horse won’t be either.” 

“Then I’ll come with you! If anything happens, I can prevent it with my magic.” 

Madenna wanted to decline his offer, but her words choked up in her throat after she saw his desperate face. Farren immediately sat in the seat right next to Madenna. 

She commanded the horse with expertise. 

The horse shook its head and whinned, annoyed that its rest was disturbed, however it soon began to move in a compliant manner, following Madenna’s instruction. 

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The heavy carriage started behind the horse’s powerful pull, the wheel turning as it inched closer to the bridge.

At this point everyone was holding their breath, perhaps predicting that the foundation would collapse as soon as the horse stepped on it.

Unexpectedly, the horse moved his feet briskly across the bridge. 

It even seemed to like the road because it was easier to walk on than the harsh stone road. 

“You’re really brilliant, Farren. As you’ve said, the bridge really can hold up the carriage’s weight. ” 

“…no. Miss is the great one. Most are usually afraid to put their trust in magic, but Miss was brave enough to do so.” 

“In the future, other people than me will believe in what magic can do. You’re going to prove it to them.” 

“If it’s useful to miss, then I’ll do it.”


By the time the conversation was over, the carriage had crossed the bridge. 

Madenna pulled the reins as the horse stopped in its tracks. 

She pulled up her dress and jumped off its back.

Though the distance was far, Madonna could hear a mixture of admiration and awe from across the river.

Madenna pointed to the remaining carts across the street and gave a thumbs up, signalling for them to lead the rest of the wagons across. The horsemen immediately climbed onto their carriages. 

When someone witnesses a miracle, it was in their nature to seek a part in the miracle.

With this, Madenna and Farren entered Retti Shire along with Rodenherg’s goods, completing what previously seemed impossible.




After that, the business that followed proceeded in a flash. 

Madenna successfully closed the deal in the city of Retii Shire. It was business that she thought would be doomed to fail, yet she unexpectedly was able to reap greater benefit than she had expected. 

In addition, they stopped by the Retti Shire’s city hall and left a way to maintain the bridge Farren had created.

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It was impossible for other mages to create a bridge out of water like Farren, but it was still possible for them to maintain it through mana injecting devices. 

Farren’s calculations predicted that the bridge would only last for a month, although it was enough time to hold out until the new bridge construction was completed. 

The city hall, which was troubled by the unexpected incident, officially expressed their gratitude towards the Rodenherg family. 

When Farren and Madenna returned to the capital, the work they did on Retti Shire bridge had already spread to the capital city. The story made their headline on every newspapers’ front page.

It was a shocking event in an empire that had regarded magic and mage as something useless.

Fortunately, the article only revealed that the mage Rodenherg family did it. Farren’s identity still remained anonymous. 

As soon as Madenna returned to her mansion, she was flooded with reporters asking for an interview, but she turned all of them away.

Farren’s ‘debut’ was scheduled after he became an adult, as Madenna didn’t want to reveal his presence this early. 

“I didn’t know that my order would cause the mansion to become this rowdy, Madenna and Farren.” 

Luciola called the two to her office and gave them a friendly smile in a teasing tone.

Farren apologized, his gaze dropped to the floor.

“…I’m sorry, Countess. Did it pose a problem for you?” 

“Not at all. Rather, what you did helped advertise our family name positively. There were many deals that came out of people’s curiosity of your identity.” 

Farren blushed at the unexpected praise. 

Madenna, who saw him, spoke, “Mother, Farren is still young, and has a lot to learn. I’d like to conceal his identity until he makes his official debut.”

“Yes, I agree. The public’s attention may be a good thing for our business, but it can sometimes be a poison as well. Let’s deal with it appropriately.”


“First of all, both of you need to get some rest. You’ve done very well. Please continue to work well as a member of our family, Farren.” 

Her words implied her acceptance of Farren as their protege.

Farren smiled brightly and nodded in unconcealed excitement in acknowledgement of Luciola’s words. 

“Yes, Countess!” 

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Madenna was pleased, and felt proud of his achievement.

No matter what the results were, she was going to sponsor Farren, but her support wasn’t comparable to being officially recognized by her mother. Now the only thing left for them to complete was the Blood Contract. 

It was only then that she would be able to rest at ease. 

After that, she could plan the future without fearing Farren’s betrayal.




Madenna saw that her surroundings were enveloped in a haze.

Frustration overtook her as the misty fog covered her vision when she heard a voice, “You have to get up, Countess.” 

The clear voice came from a girl. 

But it was still in the morning, and Madenna feigned sleep as she gave no answer. 

“Get up, Countess. You have to wake up and have some breakfast.”

When the girl spoke persistently, Madenna blinked a few times until a luxurious room decorated with red, purple, and silver came into her sight. Unknowingly, she felt a sense of unease. 

She remembered she decorated her room blue and gold – why was the color different? 

But the girl’s voice continued, leaving Madenna with no time to investigate the feeling of incongruity. 

“Did you wake up?”

Turning her eyes to the source of the voice, there stood a girl of great beauty. Pure silver hair framed her dark blue eyes. Madenna felt her heart pounding as soon as she saw the girl.


Suzanne greeted Madenna with a sweet smile. “Good morning. It’s really unusual for the countess to sleep so late into the morning. Will you have breakfast with me?”

The apprehension in her heart gradually subsided. 

This was her room, and it was natural for Suzanne to wake her up in the morning.

Yes, Madenna Rodenherg was sponsoring Suzanne. There was nothing strange about Suzanne being here or spending their daily lives together.

Madenna felt the remaining sense of anxiety finally disappear.

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