When Farren and Medenna returned to the mansion, it was close to evening. 

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The sun was gradually setting.

As the afternoon of winter was short, it became dark pretty fast.

Medenna changed into indoor clothes and entered the office.

In the room, Farren was sitting on the sofa looking out the window.

Farren was just quiet, perhaps he didn’t notice Medenna coming in because he was immersed in his thoughts.

His profile looked sharp, unlike the usual innocent impression.


When Medenna called, Farren quickly turned his head toward her.

Although his emotionless face smiled when he saw her, there was still signs of sadness.

I’ll leave the management of the mercenary guild to Farren. 

When Sein heard that, she was a little surprised, but she said she would follow Medenna’s will.

On the other hand, Farren said he would accept Medenna’s will, but failed to erase his sadness.

Medenna didn’t think that it might be too much of a burden for a brilliant boy like him in the beginning.

The mercenary guild will be scheduled to open a year from now.

Since there will be huge reorganization within the mercenary guild.

While waiting, she could also teach Farren intensively how to manage it so that he can serve perfectly as a leader later.

‘But I don’t think Farren is sad because he finds it difficult.’

Rather, people would normally be happy to receive such great authority.

Medenna sat side by side next to Farren on the sofa, feeling suspicious.



“…… Farren.”


“Did I say anything that hurt your feelings?”

Was the problem with the sudden notification? Or the way she talk was the problem?

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No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t understand why Farren was like this, so she asked carefully.

When Farren heard her question, he blinked and smiled bitterly.

Then he reached out both hands to her.

Medenna noticed what it meant, and held his hand.

“It’s nothing like that. I want to do everything Medenna gives me.” 

“Then why…?”

Farren replied by rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.

“……It’s just the time I spend with Medenna is decreasing. Since I need to deal with the mercenary guild.”

“Hmm, is that it? Anyways, the pillar of that mercenary guild is Viscountess Lucas, so you won’t have to stick in the mercenary guild all day.”

“But if I worked there, I’ll lose time to spend with Medenna. Thinking like that, I was sad.”

Medenna loosened one hand and stroked Farren’s head.

Farren pulled her hand down and rubbed it against his cheek.

The red eyes looking at her were pitiful like an abandoned puppy.

“You’re still a child. But when you get a little older, you’ll want to be free from me.”

I felt happy and sad as if seeing a child who still didn’t want to be separated from his Farrents.

Farren was pouting because she handled him like a child.

“I’ll never do that even when I’m an adult. I’ll be by Medenna’s side.”

“Hmm… Does that mean you don’t have any ambition?”

“That’s not it. I want to do anything that can help Medenna. But I actually…”

He hesitated for a moment and then continued.

“I wanted to be Medenna’s assistant.” 

“…I see.”

So far, Farren has never spoken out about wanting to do anything specific.

However, as he started living in this mansion, Farren’s own future…

It seemed that he thought about doing something.

However, I could guess that his dreams would be held back if he worked at the mercenary guild.

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“If that’s the case, why don’t you become my assistant and work as manager of the mercenary guild?”

“Oh, can I do that?” 

“Of course, Farren. But it will be hard doing two things at the same time.”

“That’s okay! I can do that.

With a brighter face than before, Farren grabbed Medenna’s hand up and down.

His joy was infectious, so I was somewhat happy and proud of my suggestion.

“Yes. Of course, your study comes first, so let’s coordinate it well so that it doesn’t become too much. I don’t think I’ll be busy enough to need an assistant for the time being anyway.”

“I’ll do well!” 

“Okay. I always trust you.” 

Farren smiled at Medenna’s words. 

His pout disappeared without a trace. 

“Then, right now, concentrate on studying. And after the preparation, you can start working.”

“Yes! I want to master the subjects and… I want to increase my time to work next to you.”

Medenna is probably the one who should say that.

So far, the teachers who taught Farren have been surprised by his learning speed.

It was hard to imagine how much faster he could do when he had a goal.

“Yes. I look forward to your cooperation.” 

Medenna decided to happily wait for his achievements.


Sein closed all the curtains of the window and slowly got ready to sleep.

An unexpected event made her decide on her career path, but she didn’t feel so bad.

She will be busy from tomorrow. 

Let’s go to bed early today.

She was going to rest and wear her nightgown.

As she entered her bedroom, she tilted her head.


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The surroundings were extremely quiet. 

It was a strange thing. 

The residence where she stayed was where the poor gathered, and the soundproofing of the building was poor.

Even the sound of a drunk man screaming, a baby crying, and the sound of water passing through the sewer was like her everyday background music. 

She can hear anything from this place.

What happened?

Sein’s judgment was quick. 

Without hesitation, she took the revolver out of the drawer and put a bullet into the cylinder.

If possible, she didn’t want to use it until she cut through her ex-husband’s body, but she needed to survive. 

‘If something happens. I’ll say sorry to my master in advance.”

Sein thought of Medenna and pursed her lips. 

Sein, who counted up to three inside, quickly kicked the door of the bedroom and went out to the hallway.

Then she stopped right away. 

Someone was walking up from the first floor.

The surroundings were quiet, so only the sound of footsteps were heard.

Soon after, when the person who was climbing the stairs was seen under the moonlight…

Sein sighed without realizing it.


“Good night.” 

The person had black hair that looked like a mixture of the night sky and red eyes like blood.

It was the bad-tempered hound that came with Sein’s new master during the day.

“I can’t believe you dared to do this at night.”

“Well, we’ll be working overtime together soon anyway.”

In response to his statement, Sein smiled.

“You’re not ordered by the master to come here.”

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“It seems so.”

“I see.”

Farren briefly affirmed that he had moved without Medenna’s orders.

“You didn’t like the new dog that your master hired?”

“Whether I like it or not, it doesn’t matter. But there’s something I want to check.”

“I see.”

They talked casually, but Sein was feeling suffocated from the pressure.

A vast amount of mana floated in space.

This entire house was trapped in the boundaries that Farren’s spread.

It was different from Sein’s magic during the day.

He wasn’t even thinking of hiding his power now.

It seemed like she would be crushed by the barrier just by touching it.

Sein’s instinctive fear in the face of overwhelming power was not revealed.

It was thanks to her experience of enduring such terrible times for a long time.

An ordinary mage will soon have a seizure in this situation.

“Even though I look like this, I’m often threatened, so I always have escorts with me. Where are they?”

“I put them to sleep.”

“I see.” 

There was no way to attack this monster anyway.

Sein decided that it was meaningless to have any more conversations. 

“So, what are you curious about?” 

“I won’t reject my master’s choices.”


“…But I need to check something.”

Farren took Sein’s revolver quickly.

The sharp silver gun was now suddenly facing Sein’s head.

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