Upon arriving at the mansion, Madenna ordered for Farren to be washed and his wounds treated.

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She was going to call in a doctor for proper treatment later.

As she sipped her tea in the room, Farren came out of the bathroom, and he somehow looked thinner.

“You still have some severe wounds. I called in a doctor, so you’ll be able to get treated right away. Does it hurt a lot?”

“Oh, no. It doesn’t hurt that much.”

“Alright. Take a good rest for the time being and recuperate until the wound is healed.”

Farren hesitated, “What’s going to happen to the children in the orphanage?”

“I asked the butler to file a complaint to the authorities, so we’ll be in the process of confiscation and search. I’m going to ask the children in the orphanage to be sent elsewhere so they won’t receive terrible treatments. My family will help them in the process.”

“I see. I’m glad….”

Farren sighed in genuine relief.

The kids in the orphanage didn’t stand up from him when he was falsely accused. Nonetheless, he still didn’t blame them.

‘How nice of him, he doesn’t even act like a villain.’

As expected, she thought that Suzanne and Farren’s roles were switched.

“Are you that glad? You suffered so much at the orphanage. I think I was almost fooled by the clever one named Suzanne. Was it a lie that you bullied her?”

“Yes, but Suzanne… She’s a little spoiled. The others are just easily swayed, so I don’t really resent her.”


“Ah, more than that…” he said as he clasped his hands together.

Farren stood up from his seat and bowed politely.

“I haven’t thanked you properly before. Thank you, my lady.”

“No need to be so modest, it’s a good deal for me too.”

“Is that so?”


Madenna put down her teacup and gazed at Farren.

Before turning back time, she opened her heart to Suzanne and regarded her as a family.

At first, she just wanted to survive, but as time passed by… she came to adore her.

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But that affection was instead returned with betrayal. Madenna didn’t even know who to trust anymore.

When she sponsored Farren this time, she was going to use this relationship strictly for business.

To give and receive as much as one needs, not to be swayed by one’s feelings. Keep things professional with no strings attached.

It felt like an ideal relationship.

“The world is changing rapidly now. Sooner or later, I’m sure the age where mages reign the land will come. That’s why I’m sponsoring you, a mage. I’m going to invest in you and sharpen your magic skills so you can help me in the future. That’s the deal.”

“What can I do for you?”

“If anything dangerous happens to me, please protect me. When you grow up, you can help our family’s business.”

That’s what she said, but Madenna knew that after the incident, the mages make an alliance and a pact to destroy the empire.

In the original novel, it was Suzanne who overthrew the empire and became the new empress. Still, Madenna, of course, had no intention of molding the future according to her wishes.

…if Suzanne’s rival, Farren, becomes the emperor, the story will be different.

If the empire was overthrown, the existing aristocracy would collapse, and her accumulated wealth would be gone.

But if the emperor of the new country is Farren.

‘I think he will remember his promise and give me a place to live in the new empire.’

That was Madenna’s calculation.

Farren blinked as if he was surprised.

“Wow, is that enough…? You even saved my life.”

“Well, you’re right. It’s not a fair deal if the other party has too many benefits. That’s why, you and I, let’s make a contract. I’m thinking of signing a blood pact when your wound is all healed.”

“A blood pact?”

The word was unfamiliar to Farren.

“Yes. It’s a contract that’s made by mixing each other’s blood. If the other party violates the terms of the contract, you and I will have the right to take on each other’s life.”


“Are you afraid?”

“No, it doesn’t matter if milady wants it. I’m not going to break the deal.”

“Alright, then. It’ll take me a while to prepare the contract, so let’s wait. First, make yourself at home. You can talk to the maid in charge if you have any problems or if you want something.”

“Will you… be living with me in this mansion?”

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Proteges can live in the main mansion, but in most cases, the nobles only sent money and did not directly live with them.

“Are you uncomfortable? Then where do you want to live?”

“No, not at all! I’m not uncomfortable!”

“I’m glad to be able to live close to you.”

“Um, yes.”

Because Madenna sponsored and saved him from trouble, she seemed to have left a good impression on him.

‘…Well, I’m going to be thoroughly clerical in the future. He’ll soon lose interest in me too.’

Farren smiled with his eyes then gave a slightly bitter look.

“It’s like a dream. I might not have actually been here at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“Ah… a while ago. You said you’d bring in a mage. If you did, Suzanne would have erased the memory before they arrived.”

“I see.”

“When I said I’d do the projection magic, I was glad you allowed me.”

Madenna recalled the situation at that time. Come to think of it, Suzanne looked strangely calm when she said she would bring in a mage.

She seemed to have stood up because she was confident in covering her tracks with magic.

However, the events that had been happening after her return were slightly different from the past.

When she brought Suzanne in, Suzanne was not that capable of doing magic.

“You and Suzanne are still so young, yet you’re both good at doing magic. I don’t think the orphanage was the one who taught you.”

“Ah, That…” Farren tried to explain.

“I was told to keep it a secret by the director… There was a mage who would come to our orphanage once or twice a month. Every time he came, he would teach us magic. He even gave me a magic book.”


The novel has never said any of this. Madenna didn’t know about it in her previous life, either.

Suzanne may be hiding this fact, but some things just didn’t add up.

“What does the mage look like?”

“I don’t know, he covered his face with a black cloak all the time, and he never told me his name.”

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“Is that so….”

This situation was not mentioned in the original novel, and her memories regarding the story weren’t perfect either.

It could be a possibility that he was an influential person in the novel, but Madenna just couldn’t seem to remember him.

‘First of all, I need to do some background checks. I need to gather some clues.’

As Madenna fumbled into thought, Farren stared at her and carefully approached the young miss.

“I’m sorry, do you detest him because he’s a mage…?”

“Oh, no. It’s nothing like that. I just think he’s suspicious.”

“He is a kind brother to all of us. But if you’re upset, I’ll let him know that I’ll never see him again.”

“I see…”

Madenna became anxious. There were too many things that differed from the original story. First, it was Suzanne’s actions and now a mysterious mage.

‘How am I supposed to take in all of this?’

She recalled the memories of her execution. There she was, lying in front of the guillotine, regretting her past mistakes. Only now did she realize that the time she had was precious.

“Well, take good care of me. Farren.”

Madenna reached out to Farren and shook the boy’s hand with confidence.

She pulled his hands into a warm handshake as Farren’s eyes were filled with determination.

“Yes, my lady. I’ll make sure to be useful.”

Thus, the relationship between the patron and the protege was established.


* * *


The next day…

It was night time when suddenly Madenna heard the wind beating against her window.

She stood up and dragged her feet to open the window in her nightgown.

Madenna backed away from the window when suddenly a black-robed shadow landed inside her room, not breaking the silence.

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“Long time no see, little lady.”

“It’s been a long time indeed. Now, let’s go straight to business,” Madenna answered as she shifted her gaze upon the tall young man standing in front of her.

His brown eyes complimented his dark turquoise hair, and his freckles moved whenever he showed his mischievous smile. He wore a black eye patch that covered his right eye, giving him an appalling impression.

This young man was the head of the organization.

‘The Stained Ravens’

No one knew of his age, his real name, nothing. His personal information was unknown, but he introduced himself to people as “Jack.”

‘There’s a long line of people who can’t be completely trusted, but the situation was so bad that I had no choice but to ask for his help.”

Count Rodenherg was mainly a client who asked for information on another company’s business, but he did not contact them unless it was inevitable.

He was the one who opened a new door for those who’ve reached a dead end.

The organization will do anything for money.

Of course, ‘anything’ meant everything, including crime.

In the original story, Jack was described as a person who works only as much as he paid. He was neither Suzanne’s ally nor enemy.

He was the same as what Madenna had experienced in her previous life.

But with all due respect, he was cunning and sly.

“So, my lady. Why did you call me this late? If you need someone to play with, then I’m afraid that our organization won’t comply.”

“I didn’t call you to chat, so rest assured. I’m here to make a request. I want you to keep an eye on this girl. Make sure you keep her under surveillance.”

Jack’s eyes changed when he heard of Madenna’s unusual request.

He asked, squinting his eyes. 

“Who is this target?”

“A 12-year-old girl named Suzanne, a kid from the orphanage.”


Jack patted his chin, then asked, “By any chance, does this request include ‘killing’ the target?”

Madenna took a deep breath and then exhaled the air slowly. 

“…at some point, yes”


A devious laugh rang out of Madenna’s room.

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