“Madenna, you’re being rather unprofessional right now. You’re clearly distracted – what might you be thinking about?” 

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“Oh, I’m sorry, Mother!” 

“Is anything worrying you?”

“No, it’s nothing. I guess I was just a little tired and dazed.” 

Madenna felt embarrassed since she was scolded instead of Farren.

However, she couldn’t help but miss her mother’s scolding. Hearing her mother’s admonishment made her feel like she was truly at home. 

Beside her, Farren, full of concern, was checking up on her. 

Perhaps the phrase ‘tired’ caught his attention. 

Madenna quickly added to assure him, “I think I’ll be fine if I take a bath and get some rest later. Speaking of which, I heard you came back earlier than originally scheduled due to local business circumstances, Mother. Were there any accidents?”

“Well, I wouldn’t call it an accident…” 

Luciola explained the situation briefly. 

She was going to visit a southern city called Retti Shire to broker a deal. However, the bridge connecting to the city collapsed, and the accident delayed her plans.

“If it were just people, I could use a boat to traverse, but we had to transport goods to the town as well. It’s impossible to fit a large supply of goods on a small boat.” 

“You couldn’t use an alternate route?” 

“Retti Shire is a city bordered by mountains and rivers, so there’s no easy passage for the carts to follow except for that bridge.” 

The city is large enough to be self-sufficient, but its economy will probably suffer due to this incident.” 

“Oh, no. How soon will they begin the reconstruction?” 

“Maybe in a month or two at the earliest. Our items are mainly used in the spring, so it’ll be difficult to make a profit if we miss the timing. We’re in trouble.” 

She rubbed her forehead in distress.

A heavy silence fell upon them. Luciola eventually raised her head, “Oh, originally I wasn’t going to talk about this. I am sorry to bore you, Farren,” she apologized. 

“No, I don’t mind,” Farren, who had been quiet, responded politely.

“Come, let’s eat. The chef said he paid special attention to these dishes. You should eat a lot.”

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“Yes, Countess.”

After the gloomy matter was buried, the dinner carried on placidly. Luciola would direct questions towards Farren, of which he answered sincerely, while Madenna listened carefully from the side.

As the dessert was served, Luciola stood up and in an endeavour to change the atmosphere, said, “Madenna, it was your choice to choose Farren, and I respect that. I dislike the recent trend of considering the sponsored as an ornament, I understand you didn’t choose this child with such intentions.”

“Yes, Mother.” 

“But even so, you will need to make many investments to nurture Farren in the future, which come from our family assets that I’ve acquired. Therefore, I’d like to test him beforehand. 

Looking up at Luciola, Madenna took a deep breath to calm her agitation. As she knew what her mother was going to say. 

She interjected, “Mother, it’s-“

“I’m going to ask Farren a question. Madenna, you stay still,” Luciola resolutely broke off her daughter’s words and turned towards Farren. 

“The reason Madenna brought you here is that you’re a mage. Farren, can you prove your talent as a mage?”

It was useless to argue about his excellence in academics. As a mage, his talent could only be proven through magic, a skill mocked as carnival tricks in the Alleo Empire.

Despite that, Farren was composed as he stared straight into Luciola’s eyes. 

“I think it’s possible.”

“Alright, how will you show us?”

“If it doesn’t trouble the Countess…” he answered, clasping his hands on the napkin.

“I can resolve the problem regarding the broken bridge that both of you were talking about.”

Not only Luciola was astonished by Farren’s bold suggestion, but even Madenna, who was listening from the side, was surprised. 

Considering the projection magic he showcased at the orphanage, Madenna acknowledged his brilliant magical talent, even with his young age.

Nevertheless, Farren’s words sounded rather absurd, as all small-scale magic had a limit, no matter how powerful the individual is.

“It’s a bad habit to overestimate your abilities. Can you take responsibility for your claim?” Luciola asked sternly as she thought he was exaggerating his ability.

But Farren’s gaze didn’t waver. Even with Luciola’s rebuke, he stayed steady and levelled.

“Yes, I made such a declaration because I thought it would be possible.”

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Luciola brought a spoonful of ginger sherbet to her mouth then answered with a frown, “Alright, but if we act on your words, and your spell fails, our family will suffer a major loss.”


“Even if you deceive me, I’m not going to force you to recompense. However, I will immediately cancel your sponsorship.”

“Mother, but….” 

“Madenna, you are not the head of our family yet, only the heir. This is an order.”


When Luciola initially told Farren to prove his worth as a mage, she probably wasn’t expecting much.

At least, Madenna didn’t think she would be at risk of losing Farren. 

Luciola knew there was a limit to a young child’s magic – Farren would have passed even if he demonstrated a little fire magic.

Madenna glanced at Farren next to her, ‘Why is he risking his sponsorship?’ 

Even so, his gaze was unyielding. He still looked straight into Luciola’s eyes. There was no fear nor bravado reflected in his eyes, yet they seemed as if they were saying, ‘I said it was possible because I can do it.’ 

“Is that acceptable, Farren?”

“Yes, no problem, Countess.”

“Okay, then I’ll arrange the supplies and leave for Retti Shira in a week. Madenna, you take care of the deal for me.”

“I understand. “

It seemed like her mother was assigning responsibilities to Madenna as well since she was the one who decided to sponsor him.

‘But it’s in my mother’s nature to give someone a duty to build their experience. That way, by fulfilling their duty, they can grow as a person. Since she has already decided, I won’t be able to change her mind. Besides, I must believe in Farren.’

After the sudden arrangement, the dinner ended in a relatively poor atmosphere.


“Since you seem determined, I’ll believe in you, but… why are you being so rash, Farren? Imagine the cost of a single mistake,” Madenna asked as she accompanied Farren to his room. 

“I’m sure she wasn’t expecting anything grand, even simple magic done earnestly would have convinced her. You didn’t have to make a risky proposal.”

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“If I fail, would I be a burden to you? “

“If you can’t do it, then you can’t. But, if you can, it’s a different story.”

Farren grinned at her words.

“We’ll be fine, because I really can do it. “

“You’re really confident.”

“Of course, as milady has said, it’s acceptable for me to just show the Countess ordinary magic given that ‘It’s enough for a young child.'”

Faren raised his right hand over his chest. Red and blue flames ignited and tangled with each other passionately, leaving a beautiful afterimage of purple hues in its trail.

“But milady also said that I have to be as sincere as I can to win people’s favor. This kind of magic is just a spectacle, and as dazzling as it is, it’s only a feast for the eyes. .” 

“Although Farren called it ‘a feast for eyes,’ the magical fire he created involuntarily stole Madenna’s breath as the flickering flame danced away and disappeared, leaving her with its lingering afterimage. 

“So, I decided to take a different approach. It would benefit everyone if the Countess’ business dilemma was solved.”

When Madenna saw Farren was applying what he had heard at the boutique, she could only sigh, “You are really an outstanding student.” 

“Is that a compliment?”



Farren’s countenance brightened at the praise. He seemed elated to hear that. 

Eventually, Madenna’s expression softened at his happy face. 

“If you succeed, you won’t only be acknowledged as my protege, you will also obtain my mother’s support.”

“I sought not only for the Countess’ acknowledgment but for the young miss’ as well.”

“There’s no need to joke.”

“I’m not kidding,” said Farren. His voice was sullen, and he added earnestly, “I was very displeased at the boutique earlier. Milady was told I was useless because of my age and my identity as a mage. “

“…I see.”

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“I want to prove myself to both the Countess as well as milady. I won’t let you regret choosing me.”

Without him demonstrating his worth, Madenna could only hold onto her belief about his ability and observe his future development. His bold idea might pose a risk, but there was no reason to stop him from doing so if he genuinely thought he could accomplish such a thing.

“I’ll believe you can achieve it. Believing in you is my job as your sponsor.”

“Thank you for trusting in me.”

“Now that we’re leaving in a week, I’ll have to finish your building’s interior design before our departure. As I’d expected, the temporary residence is too small for a person to live in.” Although Madenna called it cramped, Farren’s room was still larger than most commoners’ rooms. 

Farren simply shrugged and smiled at her aristocratic standard. 

“Since my mother has decided on this unforeseen trip, it would be best for us to postpone our contract.”

“Is that the blood contract you mentioned last time?”

“It is.”

“I’m not going to fail, but in the worst case scenario, will milady send me back to the orphanage?” Farren asked cautiously. 


Madena shook her head firmly. 

She had chosen Farren as her way of survival in the future. Thus, she had no intention of abandoning him. 

“If that happens, I’ll either oppose my mother’s decision or leave this house, becoming independent. However, regardless of the outcome, I’m not going to stop sponsoring you.”


“If I abandoned you, wouldn’t it be the same as forsaking a foster child? It’s beyond cruel to do that to an orphan.”

Farren’s eyes were wide open, and a red shade started to permeate his pale cheeks. “Thank you very much,” the voice where the whisper came from was shaking. 

Farren eventually raised his head and requested, “Can you give me your hand, milady?” 

“Huh? Like this?”

Madenna reached out her right hand and which was gently clasped in Farren’s hold. He leaned in, and a light kiss was placed onto the back of her hand. He astonished her with his bold action. 

Although it wasn’t the age of chivalry, Farren’s kiss felt like a knight’s pledge of loyalty to his lady.

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