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That night, Ren Shuhan stayed at the He Huan Sect, with a copy of the “Supreme Soul-Consuming Secret Record” by his side, feeling a mixture of emotions.


It was during dinner when Yun Xiangrong found out that the person he was with was a boy and gave him a new book, which was said to be very precious due to its rarity. However, Yun Xiangrong indicated that even the most precious techniques were meant to be fully utilized by Ren Shuhan.


“Tailoring instruction to the individual’s needs,” she lectured Ren Shuhan, “The differences between men and women are significant. Why wait for me to ask about such important matters? If you have any questions, you should raise them proactively. Don’t be shy. Only by learning suitable techniques can you achieve your goals!”


Ren Shuhan, on the other hand, thought Yun Xiangrong’s proficiency in idioms was questionable.


But he still accepted the… manual because the system indicated that it was indeed the best technique for Jiang Qingyue.



The system explained that for a mortal to build their foundation, the only method was to take elixirs. However, as the saying goes, “medicine is three parts poison.” Forcing one’s way with spiritual pills would still be difficult for mortals to bear, only alleviating some of the pain of directly forming the foundation as a mortal.


As for other methods, such as embedding mechanisms in the body or turning people into living puppets or medicine people1meaning they cannot live without taking medicine that will support the changes they got through, they were even less worth considering.


Ren Shuhan had no choice but to take the book back to his room to calm down.


He first opened it and looked through it. The first page was relatively serious, detailing how to operate spiritual energy and transfer it to the other party…



Ren Shuhan snapped the book shut.


After a while, he opened it again and took a look.


In cultivation, there must be gains and losses. So, although this technique was no burden to Jiang Qingyue, it would consume Ren Shuhan’s own spiritual energy in return. However, probably due to his own characteristics, absorbing spiritual energy posed no hindrance to him. Thus, this book became the best solution he could find.


But… Qingyue was still too young!


As Ren Shuhan thought about it, he couldn’t help but cover his face with his hand.



This year, Jiang Qingyue had only just started to come into his own. In the mornings, he would quickly change his clothes when he left the house. He wasn’t as clingy as before, only occasionally snuggling up to him when he felt lonely, softly leaning against him. He wouldn’t actively seek affection anymore, only sneaking a kiss on him while he was asleep, placing his hand on his waist…


Ah, he missed Qingyue a little.

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He took out the mirror from the system, wanting to see him, but then felt it was inappropriate. However, whether to use this technique or not also required his own judgment.


After all, their relationship was very clear now. They had already privately exchanged vows, and both tacitly agreed, but they hadn’t discussed how they would get married in the future.


Ah, getting married.



Ren Shuhan lay down on the bed, covering his face with one hand.


What needed to be said was, he didn’t know how to broach the subject. He really wanted to go back and see him now, ask him what he thought. He would probably be too shy to say anything, right? Maybe he would be so shy that he couldn’t speak?


As Ren Shuhan thought about him, he couldn’t help but smile involuntarily.


After thinking for a while, Ren Shuhan picked up the booklet again and carefully looked through the entire comic-like illustrated book, feeling a bit nervous. With his keen intuition, every time someone passed by the door outside, he would quickly close the book, hide it under the pillow, and sit up straight until the person walked far away before taking it out again to continue reading.


In the middle of it, a handsome young man knocked on the door and brought him some supper and wine, asking if he wanted hot water for a bath or if he wanted to go to the private hot spring pool behind later.



“No,” Ren Shuhan directly shut him out and continued studying the manual after he left.


After half an hour of this, the thin booklet reached its final page.


Ren Shuhan put the book away, got up and paced around the room for a while before returning to the bedside drawer, where he found the special props mentioned in the book and stored them in his system space.


But there was no opportunity to use them.


Then, he suddenly had a bright idea, opened the system store, exchanged a few words with the system, and obtained a new item:


Door of Anywhere.


As he pushed open the door, Ren Shuhan felt extremely excited and elated, completely unlike an immortal lord who had been cultivating for many years and was about to form his core. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly at himself, but he couldn’t control his emotions.


Inside the door was his home.

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The cozy little cottage housed two beds close to each other. Jiang Qingyue was secretly sleeping in Ren Shuhan’s bed, wearing his undergarments and covered with his blanket, lying on his side in deep slumber, breathing softly, with his hands resting beside his face, covered by the long sleeves of the garment, only revealing the slightly cool fingertips.


Ren Shuhan sat beside him, gently holding his fingertips to warm them.


Jiang Qingyue’s eyelashes fluttered, and he woke up.


“Huh?” He opened her eyes, seeing Ren Shuhan, not surprised at all, but grumbling, “Dreamt of you again.”


Ren Shuhan was smiling at first, but the next moment he was startled by his actions.


Jiang Qingyue sat up directly, unhesitatingly threw off the covers, not afraid of the cold, and straddled him…


“…,” Ren Shuhan was helpless, allowing him to move around for a while. Unable to bear it anymore, he turned away and tucked him back into the covers.


“Hmm?” Jiang Qingyue struggled unhappily, “Why are you like this today?”


“How am I usually?” Ren Shuhan crawled under the covers himself, restraining his restless hands and feet.


“You never refuse me,” Jiang Qingyue felt very wronged, “And you’re always the one taking the lead. You like it a lot, and you’re fierce…”


As he spoke, he became shy, turning away from himself.


Could he still be angry?


And in the end, is it me who likes it, or you?


Ren Shuhan didn’t know if he should laugh or cry, patting him gently and softly saying, “Go to sleep.”


Jiang Qingyue fell asleep again immediately.


The next day, Jiang Qingyue woke up very early for some reason. Seeing the person in front of him, he rubbed his eyes, his mouth slowly forming an ‘O’ shape, unable to speak.

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“I’m back,” Ren Shuhan had been watching his sleeping face for a while, “I’ve found a way for you to build your foundation and form your core, and I’ve found something good. Now we can go to the immortal realm together, just in an instant.”


Jiang Qingyue was stunned for a moment, wanting to say many things to him but not knowing where to start.


“What about your master…”


“I know,” Ren Shuhan’s expression became serious, frowning, “He’s having some problems. The current Jian Ci might not be my master anymore.”


Although he had doubts, Ren Shuhan subconsciously trusted the system, and besides, he himself could see that there was something wrong with Jian Ci.


Jiang Qingyue nodded, then said, “The Jiang Mansion and the Cold Mountain Sect have already torn their faces apart, Jian Ci could strike against the Jiang Mansion at any time.”


“Don’t worry,” Ren Shuhan rubbed his head, “With you here, the Cold Mountain Sect itself isn’t enough to cause concern. And if the head of the Cold Mountain Sect finds out that Jian Ci is problematic, there will be internal conflicts. I’ve written them a letter, explaining the danger. They will make their own decision.”


The Cold Mountain Sect was a place that valued tranquility and inaction, and from Ren Shuhan’s observation, they also valued personal relationships.


Jian Ci’s mother was once a master of the Cold Mountain Sect, and Jian Ci was born and raised there. He left the sect to travel at the age of fourteen. So now the people in charge of the Cold Mountain Sect have a good relationship with Jian Ci, especially the head, who has watched Jian Ci grow up. Once they find out that something is wrong with Jian Ci, they will turn against the current Jian Ci.


As for Ren Shuhan himself, he didn’t know how to face this Jian Ci for the time being. He planned to focus on cultivation first, go to the immortal realm to understand the situation, see if such a bizarre thing really happened, and then make a decision.


Anyway, if the enemy doesn’t move, I won’t move either.


After thinking for a while, Jiang Qingyue said again, “Wen Xin won first place in the Sword Trial Tournament. The old master said she has the potential to inherit the Jade Mountain and even said it was all thanks to your good teaching.”


Ren Shuhan pinched his cheek, “It’s mainly because she’s talented. Do you have anything else to tell me?”


“Yeah, Ah Lu bought some chicks and ducks a few days ago, and a hen just laid an egg as soon as it arrived.”


Ren Shuhan was speechless, “…Think again about what you should tell me.”


Jiang Qingyue finally remembered what happened last night, his face suddenly turning red, he hugged his neck and buried his face in his chest without saying a word.

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“Do you often dream of me?” Ren Shuhan asked with a smile, “Why do I always have to take the lead? Isn’t that unfair to you?”


“I, am I not taking the lead?” Jiang Qingyue was a bit coquettish, then quickly changed the subject, “I, I also want to tell you, what did you mean when you said you found a way for me to build my foundation and form my core?”


“Ahem,” Ren Shuhan cleared his throat, “You’ll have to wait… another two years, and then I’ll tell you.”


Jiang Qingyue lifted his head from his chest, staring blankly at him.


“Are you saying that I… I, a mortal, can also, cultivate immortality?”


Ren Shuhan nodded solemnly.


Tears suddenly welled up in Jiang Qingyue’s eyes, “Really?”


Ren Shuhan suddenly realized something, “Did you already know that forming the core would make you forever youthful?”


Jiang Qingyue didn’t speak, just pursed his lips.


“What are you thinking to yourself again?” Ren Shuhan felt sorry for him, stroking his face, “I will never let us grow apart.”


Two silent tears streaked down Jiang Qingyue’s cheeks, and he shook his head, “What nonsense are you talking about? I’m just a mortal, how long can I stay with you?”


Just an ordinary mortal.


“With me for a lifetime.” Ren Shuhan gently wiped away his tears, “If you really can’t form your core, then even if I’ve already formed mine, I’ll dig out that damn Golden Core and throw it away, and grow old with you, okay?”




Cuties :’)))


Thank you for reading

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