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As Ren Shuhan undid his shirt buttons and belt while walking, casually tossing them onto the carpet, he proudly displayed his perfect physique. He turned on the shower and stepped in, taking a shower without a care.


Jiang Qingyue, on the other hand, blushed and averted his gaze. He neatly arranged his hair and filled the bathtub with hot water. He added a milk-scented bath bomb and turned on the hydromassage function, allowing him to soak in first. He took off his bathrobe and wrapped a towel around his lower body instead, sat on a stool, and with his back turned, he started washing his hair.


The beautiful scenery passed in an instant, leaving Ren Shuhan unsatisfied.


“Let me help you.”


Ren Shuhan took the nozzle from him and rinsed away the foam from Jiang Qingyue’s body. He retrieved a hair mask from a box, scooped some onto his palm, and gently applied it to his hair.


For Jiang Qingyue, his long, jet-black, silky hair held a special significance. While it was troublesome to take care of, it required careful protection and was deemed sacred. Neither of them spoke, as if they had an unspoken understanding.


Whenever Ren Shuhan’s fingers accidentally touched Jiang Qingyue’s bare back, he would tremble slightly.


“We used to do this often when we were younger, didn’t we?” Ren Shuhan’s voice carried a hint of laughter, sounding even more seductive in the bathroom. “What are you afraid of?”


Jiang Qingyue: But you were still young back then…


(Then the two of them would eat some fruits to replenish their energy and continued playing.)


Jiang Qingyue was reduced to a puddle of mush as Ren Shuhan carried him horizontally into the bathtub.


He sat on the edge of the tub and once again arranged Jiang Qingyue’s long hair.

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“Young Master,” Jiang Qingyue lifted his arm to hold Ren Shuhan’s neck, leaning in for a kiss. “Kiss…”


However, Ren Shuhan mischievously straightened up, preventing him from reaching him. “I don’t think there’s a scene like this in the script, is there?”


Jiang Qingyue was adamant and rubbed his face against Ren Shuhan’s knee.


“Is the second male lead as naughty as you?” Ren Shuhan lightly brushed his nose. “Is it a lack of skill on his part?”


“Well,” Jiang Qingyue murmured, his head lowered. “You should come and punish me, Young Master.”


Could anyone bear this? This was something that nobody could stand, right?


But Ren Shuhan endured it because he was not just a normal person. Of course, the main reason was that he wasn’t fully prepared and was afraid of hurting Jiang Qingyue. He merely symbolically punished him. The inexperienced beauty was exhausted from his playfulness, tired and sleepy, unable to keep his eyes open.


Ren Shuhan held him like a doll, washing and drying his hair, carrying him back to the bed, and gently placing him down before returning to his own room’s bathroom to wash up.


When he came back, Jiang Qingyue surprisingly hadn’t fallen asleep. He tried his best to keep his eyes open, reaching out for a hug. Only when Ren Shuhan laid beside him, holding his waist, was he finally about to sleep contentedly.


“Goodnight, Young Master.”


Ren Shuhan kissed his cheek. “Goodnight, baby.”


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He was too adorable, so adorable that Ren Shuhan didn’t know how to treat him properly. Even though he was the one who had stolen a kiss, he felt like he had made Jiang Qingyue suffer.


“I don’t have to shoot any scenes tomorrow afternoon, so let’s go on a date,” Ren Shuhan played with his fingers, softly saying, “I’ll make any past grievances up to you.”


Ren Shuhan felt that he should possess everything that Gu Weici had in the past and even things that Gu Weici didn’t have, only then would it be right.


The next morning, before six o’clock, Ren Shuhan woke up on time, intending to exercise. Suddenly, he realized there was a warm and soft little treasure in his arms, and this felt very good. He turned his head and remembered that they had eaten a late-night snack last night1They messed around and flirted, basically. The little treasure was sleeping soundly, with long legs still bare and wrapped around his waist.


Ren Shuhan couldn’t bear to disturb him. He quietly got up, finished his morning exercise, and was ready to go to the filming set alone. Before leaving, he secretly kissed Jiang Qingyue and took a picture together, leaving a note asking him to accompany him for a shopping trip in the afternoon.


Due to endorsement deals, Ren Shuhan’s clothes were usually delivered directly to his home by collaborating brands. He didn’t bother to choose what to wear and simply wore whatever was available because he was too lazy. However, it was different for Jiang Qingyue. His valuable clothes were all gifts from Ren Shuhan’s parents and were only worn on special occasions. Ren Shuhan had asked the system about Jiang Qingyue’s financial situation and learned that he earned just as much as him, if not more. However, he had invested all his money, mainly in companies under Ren Shuhan’s name. In simple terms…


“He’s supporting you,” the system said.


Ren Shuhan: “…”


What the hell! Why was it like this? He knew Jiang Qingyue was a top student, but he shouldn’t be this powerful, right? This was not logical!


The system calculated and showed him a detailed account, and Ren Shuhan suddenly realized that although he had a substantial family fortune, it was all obtained through coaxing his parents. Before his parents entrusted the family business to him, they had already given Jiang Qingyue a considerable sum of money…


Yesterday, our little cutie ranked first in the High school entrance exam. Reward! Today, our little beauty ranked first in the college entrance exam. Reward! Oh, what’s this? Our little sweetheart earned two degrees from V University. Such an ambitious person. Reward!


Years of family legacy have been almost squandered by these two big stars who only knew how to indulge in food, drinks, and playing. Ren Shuhan finally understood why they went all out in acting and aimed to develop his money-making abilities.

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After all, if their son too doesn’t make money, they won’t have the funds to live extravagantly anymore, right?


He thought that by holding the fate of the entire family in his hands, he could finally disregard anyone’s opinion and openly claim the little beauty as his own. But it turned out that no one really cared about who he dated. They all just wanted to trick him into taking over this mess. Well… it was true that the older the ginger, the spicier it gets2Basically means that experience comes with age, and the older you are, the wiser you become.


Fortunately, his wife can live without worrying at all. All the money they’ve saved up would work out for them later on. The only downside was that it gave Ren Shuhan a strange feeling of spending his wife’s money to buy him a bag, which was a bit weird and not very cool at all…


Jiang Qingyue arrived at the set at noon, wearing a long-sleeved shirt in the scorching heat, drawing everyone’s attention, yet another sound made them look away:


Yoooooo~~ The Ice God is speaking up!


In the afternoon, Ren Shuhan decisively took him away, not letting others see anything else, and went to the mall to shop in a place that he had reserved in advance.


This left Jiang Qingyue a bit puzzled.


In the past, the young master seldom bought clothes for him. Only when he liked something and wanted him to have a matching set would he arrange for it. The young master didn’t have any particular preferences when it came to clothes, and neither did Jiang Qingyue.


He didn’t know that Gu Weici enjoyed both dressing up and luxury goods. The original host had bought him quite a few things, and Ren Shuhan’s current actions were driven by a compensatory mindset. So, when they passed the women’s clothing section, it led to some misunderstandings.


Ren Shuhan’s memories were slowly coming back, and today he just took a longer glance at the cheongsam3Also known as Qipao, it’s a chinese dress worn by women worn by a model and suddenly heard Jiang Qingyue say, “Young Master… that, I like it.”


Huh??? Unexpected surprise!


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Wait a minute, Ren Shuhan remembered a moment from his childhood, and so did Jiang Qingyue. Even though he didn’t show any interest in clothes, if he caught him looking at a little dress, he would say he wanted to wear it. So, he didn’t really like it, did he? Ah, his ears were turning red again. Being so shy and saying he liked it—it looked like he was forcing himself for the sake of Ren Shuhan…


Wasn’t this better?


Ren Shuhan decisively snapped his fingers. “Let’s buy it.”






Hello, it has been a while *:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*

I’m happy to announce that I’m back to translating after a long, long break! Stuff happened in my life that took all my motivation and energy to translate. But a couple of time ago I slowly started translating again and now i’m happy to be back !

While I wasn’t here, there was some kind supporters ko-fi that donated for bonus chapters. While it’s quite late, I’ll be posting the bonus chapters as well as other chapters to finish this arc and celebrate my return (ω)








1They messed around and flirted, basically2Basically means that experience comes with age, and the older you are, the wiser you become3Also known as Qipao, it’s a chinese dress worn by women

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