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Qu Chong was a young model, still in college this year.


Because he was handsome and openly came out when he entered school, he caused quite a sensation. The term “Campus Hunk Comes Out” even trended, and in pictures taken by passersby, he was wearing gold-rimmed glasses. Online users referred to him as a mild-mannered but insidious Gong, though in reality, he had a very gentle personality. He believed in moderation, had high emotional intelligence, and didn’t enjoy excessive attention from others.


Coming out so publicly in the first place was solely to let Shi Xi know about that.


Since Shi Xi had a boyfriend, he couldn’t confess his feelings. So he resorted to this somewhat futile measure to hint at him: I’ll be waiting for you forever!


Now, many talent scouts and entertainment agencies were trying to sign Qu Chong, wanting him to debut on variety shows, which could earn him much more than modeling. However, he turned them all down because Shi Xi was leading a quiet life, only wanting to model. Qu Chong wanted to continue accompanying him.



Besides, Shi Xi was quite pitiful. He had a penchant for attracting toxic men, so Qu Chong needed to silently protect him.


Sure enough, this morning, Qu Chong went into the dressing room with Shi Xi, and the three toxic men provoked by Shi Xi showed up one after another.


The first one to arrive was Qu Chong’s colleague, Chu Lu. This young model was in the same class as Qu Chong, and he had been jealous of Shi Xi for a long time. Qu Chong had warned Shi Xi about Chu Lu, telling him to be careful because Chu Lu wanted to steal his boyfriend.


Shi Xi, however, was rather indifferent. Not quite a “salted fish1it’s a metaphor for people who aren’t really keen on doing anything, no matter the case, can also refer to “dead” people in bed, like the ones who have no reaction whatsoever” he was more accurately described as aloof. He didn’t seem to care if his boyfriend was cheating or not, and he didn’t seem too invested in his own relationship. This is why Qu Chong had always believed he had a chance to win him over. It seemed like they had recently broken up, and Qu Chong had planned to confess today, but Chu Lu interrupted him early in the morning.



During the fashion show, Shi Xi and Qu Chong were in a private dressing room.


Chu Lu barged in this morning, asking for gossip, “Why hasn’t Qingyue shown up yet?”


“He said he would come today,” Chu Lu turned to Shi Xi and deliberately asked, “Didn’t he tell you?”


Shi Xi replied, “We broke up.”


Chu Lu exaggerated, “Oh my, why? It couldn’t be because of me, right? Listen, Shi Shi, let me explain, there’s nothing between us. Brother Jiang is just nice to me, it’s because he appreciates my body, you know, fine arts students love beautiful figures…”



“You don’t need to explain to me,” Shi Xi interrupted, “We’re already done.”


Qu Chong couldn’t take this anymore.


But with Shi Xi’s interruption, Qu Chong felt relieved.


“How can you be done?” Chu Lu tentatively asked, “You liked him so much; even after breaking up, you must still be tangled up with him, right?”


“Ha ha,” Shi Xi sneered, “Do you think I loved him that much?”

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Chu Lu responded with a mocking tone, “Really? Who didn’t know you two were close? He used to drive a luxury car to pick you up from school and take you out to play.”


Shi Xi’s expression remained impassive: “Did I ask him to pick me up? I used to find it annoying that he treated me like a showpiece to flaunt to his friends.”


Chu Lu didn’t like that response, “Oh, so you’re saying you won’t even post on your social media so other guys think you’re single? Turns out you’re this open. But I guess it’s good for everyone. No wonder Brother Jiang prefers to hang out with me.”



Shi Xi was frustrated but couldn’t argue with Chu Lu, so he just left, saying, “He can like whoever he wants. I never truly liked him. I only agreed to give him a chance. If you want to pick up someone else’s leftovers, go ahead.”


“Hey,” as Shi Xi walked away, Chu Lu got even more audacious, shouting after him, “You string him along for seven years when you don’t even like him? Using his resources to walk his shows? You’ve got that ‘green tea’ vibe that’s popular recently, don’t you?”


Shi Xi: …


Why? Why do I have to be accused of being a “green tea character” by a character that literally embodies it? And I don’t even know how to counter it!


Forget it, Shi Xi thought, I’m a ‘salted fish’ with a calm and elegant demeanor. I won’t engage in arguments with cannon fodder. There’s someone who loves me and will defend me.


Qu Chong wanted to speak up for him.


But today, Qu Chong felt a subtle change in his mindset compared to usual… It seemed like Chu Lu’s words weren’t entirely unreasonable?


“To be honest, there’s nothing between Brother Jiang and me,” Chu Lu said, “If he doesn’t believe it, then so be it. I’m just sorry to see Brother Jiang being mistreated.”


What kind of mistreatment could a scumbag like him endure?


Qu Chong still disliked Chu Lu and felt sorry for Shi Xi.


And as soon as Chu Lu left, Jiang Qingyue entered.


Jiang Qingyue peeked inside, making sure Chu Lu wasn’t there before asking, “Where’s Shi Xi?”


“Chased away by your boyfriend, Chu Lu,” Qu Chong said.


“I don’t have anything to do with Chu Lu!” Jiang Qingyue protested innocently.


Qu Chong looked at Jiang Qingyue in the mirror, lifting his chin as if to challenge him, indicating he should look down at his own neck.


On the side of Jiang Qingyue’s neck was a large patch of red marks, left by Ren Shuhan who often bit his neck gland. Now, even tugging at his collar couldn’t hide them. Jiang Qingyue was a classic example of a scumbag.

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“Well, this is purely accidental,” Qu Chong, being a classmate and colleague of Shi Xi, was diplomatic and kept his mouth shut. Jiang Qingyue had never clashed with him before, and he sighed “I don’t know how to explain it to Shi Xi now.”


“There is no need to explain anything.” Qu Chong said. “He seems to have no feelings for you.”


Jiang Qingyue slumped onto the couch, holding his knees, murmuring, “You say that, but what are emotions really about?”


Qu Chong: ?


Are we having a heart-to-heart conversation?


But Jiang Qingyue was his boss for this show, and even though Qu Chong didn’t particularly like him, he couldn’t say anything confrontational.


“Little Chong, you’re smart, tell me,” Jiang Qingyue scratched his disheveled hair, “I have a friend. Two days ago, he was so in love with someone, but yesterday he fell for someone else, and today he likes yet another person…”


What kind of weird scumbag talk was this?


Jiang Qingyue realized he wasn’t explaining himself well, so he added, “It’s all true love, really! I mean, no, it’s not me, just this friend of mine. He really is devoted…”


Qu Chong: Grandpa on a subway, looking at his phone.jpg.2It’s a meme reaction of a grandpa on the subway, looking all confused at his phone


“Well, forget it. I’ll go find Shi Xi first. I can’t just leave things unexplained with him,” Jiang Qingyue decided to give up on overthinking, got up and left, adding somewhat mysteriously, “By the way, Little Chong, I have a feeling Uncle Han might come backstage today. If he does, don’t mention you’ve seen me.”


This conversation was puzzling.


Who was Ren Shuhan? Qu Chong had heard of him, he was the current head of the Lu family.


Today’s fashion show was showcasing a brand managed by the Jiang family enterprise, which was decently known internationally and positioned as high-end luxury. However, compared to several industries under the Lu family, it was relatively ordinary.


If Ren Shuhan was coming, Qu Chong thought, maybe he could make some connections, even if he just showed his face, leaving an impression might be useful in the future.




As it turned out, Ren Shuhan did show up, and Qu Chong quickly realized he was also a scumbag.


“Did you see Qingyue?” Wen Xin pushed the wheelchair inside and went to wait outside, leaving Ren Shuhan in the room. He had even asked the makeup artist to leave, carefully scrutinizing the room and asked with a sour tone, “Is this the fitting room Qingyue prepared for Shi Xi? He’s quite thoughtful.”


Jiang Qingyue treated Shi Xi well, ensuring he didn’t have to share a room with others. Since Qu Chong often helped Shi Xi, Shi Xi allowed him to share a room with him.

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Qu Chong could tell at a single glance—


Ren Shuhan was dressed casually, his V-neck T-shirt revealing hickeys on his collarbone. He addressed Jiang Qingyue quite intimately and seemed a bit jealous. Combine this with Jiang Qingyue’s earlier words—


So, it wasn’t Chu Lu who made it to him; it was Ren Shuhan!


Jiang Qingyue was playing around with two “03Basically slang for bottoms” while rumors were spreading that Ren Shuhan had “issues” in the lower department…


Qu Chong: Yeah, couldn’t tell at all.


Some people might look tough and domineering on the surface, like a tyrannical CEO, but they’re actually the submissive one.


Since he was a scumbag, Qu Chong didn’t want to get to know him. He responded with a lukewarm attitude, “I don’t know either. Please ask someone else.”


Ren Shuhan wasn’t bothered by that, and maneuvered his wheelchair to the back of Qu Chong’s chair, asking again, “Think again, did he just leave and go find Shi Xi?”


Such a simple question, yet it was like Qu Chong was sobered. Suddenly, he wanted to ask himself:


Do I really like Shi Xi that much?


This is Ren Shuhan, do I need to show hostility towards him just because he had a thing with Shi Xi’s ex and may have an interest in Shi Xi?


Getting closer to this big shot might not only brighten my future a bit… Wait, why am I willing to sacrifice my promising career for more private time with Shi Xi and helping him with school matters, even wanting to continue walking the runway with him?


Isn’t that an unconventional way to deal with a crush? It seems like I’m overdoing it.


Besides, now that I think about it… What do I like about Shi Xi?


In the modeling field, there are plenty of good-looking people, and the ‘salted fish’ type like Shi Xi isn’t really my type.


Qu Chong, being a meticulous person, and being less influenced than Jiang Qingyue, realized many things all at once. He also noticed the most crucial point:


Why did I suddenly have this change of heart?


Qu Chong: Does this big shot radiate wisdom or something?


Ren Shuhan had interacted with him as early as the first world, so he understood that Qu Chong’s thoughts might be more profound. He smiled mysteriously, extending an olive branch, “I heard about you before. There were people trying to recruit you to our entertainment company, but you refused. Was it because the person you like doesn’t plan to enter the entertainment industry?”

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What? The Big boss knows about me?


Qu Chong instantly changed his tune, echoing the scumbag sentiments that Jiang Qingyue had just expressed before: “Well, you know, feelings can be fickle. You might like someone one day, and the next day not anymore. To be honest, I haven’t really liked anyone for a while now. I’m actually thinking of changing my work environment.”


Ren Shuhan: Good.


The young man knew how to play it smart.


In order to extend the time and effectiveness of blocking the protagonist’s spotlight, Ren Shuhan suggested, “Why don’t you skip the stage today and help me back to the company? I’ll keep an eye on the contract for you, and the company will compensate you for the breach of contract.”


“Sure, but…” Qu Chong agreed, wanting to inform the person in charge but then hesitated, changing his train of thought, “Actually, let’s just go now.”


Qu Chong was feeling a bit apprehensive.


Being a background character among background characters, he had a strong sense of autonomy. He suddenly felt that his current self was the real him. What if leaving the aura of this big shot, Ren Shuhan, caused him to revert to his previous state of love-stricken naivety?


Just then, a timely entrance from Chu Lu. After glancing around, he asked, “Is Brother Jiang not here yet?”


Qu Chong had a bright idea and waved at Chu Lu, “I think I remember where Brother Jiang went. Come over here for a moment.”


Let me test if this big shot has an aura.


Chu Lu then stood in front of Ren Shuhan’s wheelchair, frozen for a couple of seconds, with a look of sudden enlightenment. Clearly, he had acquired some unusual knowledge, as if an entire galaxy had been added behind his head.


Qu Chong: Wow, is this for real?


Ren Shuhan: “…”


It’s good to be clever, but being too smart can be difficult to control.


I wasn’t prepared to rescue two supporting characters today!


Ahaha, isn’t Qu Chong way too smart? Can’t wait to see how Ren Shuhan is going to get himself out of the problem he just created~


Thank you for reading! You can consider checking out my ko-fi for bonus releases (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ


1it’s a metaphor for people who aren’t really keen on doing anything, no matter the case, can also refer to “dead” people in bed, like the ones who have no reaction whatsoever2It’s a meme reaction of a grandpa on the subway, looking all confused at his phone3Basically slang for bottoms

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