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Ren Shuhan knew exactly what regret his sweetheart had.


Seven years ago, Jiang Qingyue’s school had a major fire. To this day, they still didn’t know why. The system said it was for the needs of the plot, without any particular reason…


Anyway, that day, Ren Shuhan happened to be going to see him.


At that time, Jiang Qingyue was already 18 years old. When the fire broke out, he was in the studio, working on a painting he wanted to give to Ren Shuhan, planning to confess after graduation. However, he fainted as soon as he noticed the problem.



Before Ren Shuhan entered this book, his physique was no different from ordinary people, and the plot was as simple as a stick figure. So, Ren Shuhan rushed in, carried him out, protected him in his arms, and got hit in the waist at the door. After that, he spent a few days sleeping in the hospital, and that was it.


During his unconsciousness, Jiang Qingyue stayed by his side, never leaving for an inch.


When Ren Shuhan was about to lose consciousness, he was still thinking that if everything was fine this time, he would promise Qingyue, because life was short, and he didn’t want to deceive himself, leaving regrets. However, everything changed after he woke up.


After that incident, they had no further contact.



If he could go back, Jiang Qingyue would definitely want to change this experience, so as long as he went back before that, it would be fine. But…


Ren Shuhan didn’t want that.


Before the incident, his wife was still in high school. If you added the first two worlds, he had already gone through high school three times in just a small period. Now, he had to watch his wife go through high school for the fourth time? This was too inhumane. Even if his wife enjoyed studying, it was unacceptable!


Therefore, Ren Shuhan decided to let the system set the rebirth time during the longest summer and winter vacations. It would be a jump-style time-travel, and he could quickly merge with the system’s time point, ensuring a perfect outcome.


However, the system said, “Due to the limited flexibility in building a new space within the space, the system cannot be used during the rebirth period, with a 0.1% risk.”



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“That’s not a big deal,” Ren Shuhan reassured Jiang Qingyue, patting his head and drawing a diagram for him. “There are only four vacation periods in total. Even if there’s some risk, it will quickly converge with the time point where the system is.”


The four selected periods were before Jiang Qingyue entered primary school, before he went from elementary to middle school, before he transitioned from middle to high school, and during the summer vacation after graduating from high school. After these five or six months, time would directly leap back to the present.


Jiang Qingyue seemed puzzled, saying, “I was so young at the beginning…”


“Let’s just go with this!” Ren Shuhan ignored his questioning, determined. “Come on, let’s go back and spend our honeymoon.”


In the year before entering elementary school, Jiang Qingyue was only six years old…


Ren Shuhan was only eleven years old, a late bloomer in terms of height, still resembling a big dumpling with limbs that seemed a bit too long. His facial features were very well-defined, making him appear both fair and adorable among the dubious individuals in the Lu family. Jiang Qingyue spotted him at first glance, and unable to stay put in his father’s arms, he squirmed and insisted on playing with his “little uncle.”


The brothers of the Lu family made a few sarcastic remarks, discussing family matters that had nothing to do with Ren Shuhan. It was better to leave and avoid suspicion.



Ren Shuhan initially intended to stay silent, but considering the cuteness of little Jiang Qingyue, he decided not to walk away. Suddenly, he opened his arms and said, “Come on, I’ll take Qingyue to play.”


The Lu family brothers: “???”


As soon as Jiang Qingyue was put down, he rushed into Ren Shuhan’s arms with his little short legs.


Fearing that he might fall, Ren Shuhan hurriedly picked him up, heading towards a nearby small forest to play.


There were no other people around, just the two of them. Jiang Qingyue looked around, and the chubby flesh on his round face jiggled. He blinked his big eyes, and his long, doll-like eyelashes curled as he confirmed no one was around. Then, with a loud “pop,” he planted a kiss on Ren Shuhan’s cheek and rubbed his face against him.


“Little uncle, you’re so cute!”


Unable to see his own perspective, Ren Shuhan sighed while looking at his bright eyes. “My dear, you have no idea about cuteness.”


That’s right, Ren Shuhan had this idea. He wanted to experience the feeling of raising a little cutie personally, so he set the first stage of rebirth so early.


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Holding the little dumpling, Ren Shuhan played around in the Lu family and then took him to the nearest children’s park. The two adult men without any shame or dignity played on the children’s facilities for a long time. Ren Shuhan even placed him on a seesaw, recording a video of him puffing his cheeks, kicking his short legs, and struggling to lift himself, trying in vain to move the seesaw.


Until Jiang’s family called, Ren Shuhan brought him back. Jiang Qingyue’s parents were shocked:


How did this little devil become so familiar? He actually took such a little guy out to play for most of the day?


Although the nearby children’s park was relatively luxurious and safe, Jiang’s parents were a bit jealous. Their child was still so young and should not be without his parents. How could he get along so well with this little devil?


What made them even more jealous happened later.


During the more than one-month vacation, Jiang Qingyue looked for Little Uncle every day. If the family made something delicious, he sought him out, and if his mother bought something fun, he wanted him to come. After being dissatisfied with videos for two days, he insisted on playing with the person himself. Jiang’s parents spoiled their son and could only entertain Ren Shuhan with good food and drinks. Fortunately, Ren Shuhan looked good, spoke sweetly, and was a good playmate.


So, Ren Shuhan stayed at the future in-laws’ house, accompanying Little Jiang Qingyue to play with ocean balls, trampolines, bumper cars, and even an inflatable castle for a month.


As they were often alone together, able to chat about normal topics, Ren Shuhan didn’t feel too bad. Otherwise, he might have thought his intelligence had regressed a little bit after spending a long time with him.


The time quickly jumped to the vacation before the middle school entrance exam.


This time, Ren Shuhan was already eighteen years old, an adult guardian. He promptly took Jiang Qingyue on a trip, but now Jiang Qingyue was a bit older, not as fun as when he was younger. Although he still enthusiastically tried to get children’s tickets at tourist spots, at this age, it felt a bit weird.


Easily making people feel awkward.


If he said he had no feelings for him at all, that was impossible. If he said he really liked him, he had entered adolescence. Ren Shuhan truly understood the feelings he used to have of wanting to distance himself from him. After all, handling certain emotions at this age was difficult.


Fortunately, going out for a trip was tiring, and time passed quickly. They soon reached the vacation after Jiang Qingyue’s middle school entrance exam…


Thankfully, he was just a fluff!


Ren Shuhan felt even more awkward!


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He deeply regretted his choice now. Why did he choose these two months to relive for their honeymoon? Jiang Qingyue was sixteen, the age when he started having feelings in the previous two worlds. But now, he was already in his twenties!


“I suddenly realized that I can’t keep playing like this. I still need to establish myself in the Lu family,” Ren Shuhan said awkwardly. “You play by yourself for a month, and I’ll come back to accompany you after I finish my work.”


Jiang Qingyue said not very happily, “Oh, do you think I believe that?”


Ren Shuhan: “…”


His wife had learned to be willful, and sometimes he really didn’t know what to do.


Be strict with him? Unwilling. Indulge him? Unbearable. Ren Shuhan thought, well, let’s distance ourselves for a month.


However, after escaping for just two days, Ren Shuhan couldn’t help but come back to see Jiang Qingyue.


Young wives were cute too, how could he resist not looking?


It’s just that the balance was hard to grasp. When he turned sixteen, unlike before when he was a child, Ren Shuhan couldn’t completely ignore his feelings. Yet, having feelings made him feel guilty, as he felt like he was taking advantage of Jiang Qingyue’s emotions from his childhood. If it weren’t for Jiang Qingyue’s memories from the previous two worlds, Ren Shuhan would have completely distanced himself from him.


At least, he should wait for two or three years before coming back to see him. Well, his self-control is usually pretty good.


That’s what Ren Shuhan thought, having not seen his wife for two days.


On the other hand, Jiang Qingyue was quite happy.


He liked being with his little uncle all the time, but even if they were apart, it didn’t matter. Since he could feel that he was loved, he wasn’t afraid at all. Instead, he was a bit proud, always finding excuses to get close to Ren Shuhan. Today, let’s have a meal, tomorrow, let’s watch a movie, and then enjoying the spectacle of Ren Shuhan trying to refuse yet not willing to refuse.


The vacation before entering high school quickly passed. Ren Shuhan breathed a sigh of relief, and he soon arrived at a certain day in Jiang Qingyue’s senior year.


By that time, the college entrance examination had already ended. When Jiang Qingyue crossed to this studio, the fire had already started.


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He covered his mouth and nose in advance, chose a different path from his past life, and quickly ran towards the first floor. There, he ran into Ren Shuhan, who was coming in from the opposite direction.


“You go first,” Ren Shuhan said. “I’ll take your painting down.”


“I don’t want it,” Jiang Qingyue grabbed him. “Leave first and we’ll talk later.”


Ren Shuhan could only nod and take him towards the exit.


But when passing a corridor on the first floor, Ren Shuhan suddenly noticed a somewhat familiar figure at the corner.


“Go ahead. I’ll be right out. Trust me,” Ren Shuhan said to Jiang Qingyue. “If you trust me, don’t look back.”


Jiang Qingyue didn’t know what he was going to do, and the situation was urgent, so he could only agree and leave first.


Ren Shuhan silently approached the corner of the corridor and saw the familiar figure carrying two buckets of gasoline, hiding at the stairwell leading to the second floor. It was the same place where Ren Shuhan had the accident in the previous life.


As that figure turned around, a cold smile on his face, it was none other than Shi Xi.


Ren Shuhan broke into a cold sweat behind him, completely unclear about what was going on. Wasn’t this the Shi Xi from before he transmigrated into the book? Why would he do such a thing? And how did he manage to set the fire and escape unscathed?


Before he could think more, Shi Xi suddenly disappeared.


Ren Shuhan quickly turned around, but the original exit had been blocked by a tongue of fire. He had no choice but to rush out from the place where Shi Xi had set the trap.


As expected, when he woke up again, he was injured once more.




Special news for today! As it’s this humble translator’s birthday in two days and i won’t be around much, I’m releasing some extra chapters for all my projects to celebrate with you all

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