
I’m speechless… Ren Shuhan my dear… You’ve got negative braincells lmao

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Ren Shuhan was keen on making him cry, but not in this kind of situation.


“Baby, what’s wrong?” he lifted Jiang Qingyue’s bottom, shaking him gently like comforting a child while sitting on a chair himself, letting Jiang Qingyue sit on his lap, patiently wiping away his tears. “Tell me, how could I not love you? Can you stop crying?”


Jiang Qingyue blushed in shame and tried to struggle, but he didn’t move.


“Let go,” his recent memories were all from this world, his thoughts mostly stuck in feudal society, especially shy, “I want to talk to you seriously!”


“Okay,” Ren Shuhan let go, “I’m listening.”


Jiang Qingyue blushed under his tone, turned away, went to the window, kept fixing his hair, occasionally wiping the corner of his eye, took a few deep breaths before turning back to say:



“Your original memories were sealed by me.”


Ren Shuhan calmly asked, “Why?”


“Aren’t you angry?” Jiang Qingyue looked at him pitifully, “I didn’t get your consent, yet I did such a thing to you…”


“There must be a reason for that,” Ren Shuhan smiled indifferently, “I trust you.”



Jiang Qingyue stopped crying, looked at him quietly, and asked, “Why?”


Ren Shuhan propped his chin, raised one leg, also looking at him, counter-questioned, “How many years have we known each other?”


“Originally, it’s been several decades,” Jiang Qingyue muttered, “since… since you transmigrated until now, it’s almost been a hundred years.”


“So it’s been that long,” Ren Shuhan nodded, “then if I don’t believe you, who else can I believe?”


Jiang Qingyue sat down slowly on the couch, lowered his head and said, “But why? I’m such a person…”



“What kind of person are you?” Ren Shuhan’s eyes showed a tender expression, “You’re kind, gentle, diligent, even smart and beautiful. Why wouldn’t I love you? And what kind of person am I that I can deserve your love?”


Jiang Qingyue originally wanted to shake his head slowly, but when he heard this, he immediately raised his head to argue, “You’re different from me, you…”


He opened his mouth, but because of shyness, he couldn’t say flattering words to Ren Shuhan.


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Ren Shuhan instinctively found it funny, afraid of annoying him, he felt a bit of a stomachache.


“I’m just an ordinary person, I don’t have your intelligence or your looks…”



“Don’t talk nonsense!” Jiang Qingyue scolded him sternly, “Of course you’re much stronger than me, you originally had unparalleled martial arts skills, you even woke up every day at cockcrow to practice swordsmanship, never slackening, there are countless people who admire you…”


As he spoke, he also felt proud of Ren Shuhan in his heart, but seeing Ren Shuhan’s expressionless face, he summarized in confusion:


“And you’re handsome too, don’t you know how amazing you are?”


“Alright,” Ren Shuhan sighed helplessly, “so what?”


“Isn’t that enough?” Jiang Qingyue said discontentedly.



“This is not a question of enough or not. Let’s not talk about my martial arts skills. Let’s just say that there are many people who diligently pursue their goals every day, right? Not just me, there are countless, billions of people like that,” Ren Shuhan leaned forward and asked, “So if I’m not the protagonist, without inherent advantages, where would I rank?”


Jiang Qingyue was stunned by his question.


“Moreover, there are always people better than others. Once we leave this world, can I still be the best in the world?” Ren Shuhan stood up, poured a pot of tea, and passed a cup for Jiang Qingyue, and smiled, “Now, I’m holding this cup of water, thinking that I’m confident and invincible, but how do I know if the entire world I’m in is just a cup of tea in someone else’s hands?”


Jiang Qingyue completely calmed down, took a sip of tea, and said nothing.


“I see, you’re not confused, you just love me too much. Love is blind, baby,” Ren Shuhan couldn’t help but laugh, “Stop underestimating yourself. I’m just an ordinary person with no special qualities. Maybe the thing I’m most proud about is that I’m dating such an outstanding boyfriend like you.”


Jiang Qingyue was finally amused by him, breaking into laughter through tears and giving him a glare.


“You’re so handsome,” Ren Shuhan, who somehow found a fan, teased him with it, “give me another glare.”


Jiang Qingyue didn’t look at him, just smiled and said, “I want to explain to you, but you keep digressing. Don’t bring up my old accounts in the future—remember when you told me that you didn’t like your past memories, that they tormented you and caused you sleepless nights and unbearable pain? So I took the liberty to add a secret option in the system.”


“Yeah,” unsurprisingly, Ren Shuhan nodded, “I remember the system initially told me to follow my heart and not to fear the whole ‘chasing after wife crematorium,’ was that also your doing?”


Jiang Qingyue, like a child caught playing a prank, covered his cheeks with his hand.


“I thought you wouldn’t choose me, you should have…”


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“Chose Jiang Qingci?” Ren Shuhan felt a headache, “Stop joking, just thinking about my past memories must have been very painful. Don’t make me remember.”


“Really?” Jiang Qingyue looked at him expectantly.


Ren Shuhan had a bad premonition again.


“Did you ever play pranks on me?”


Jiang Qingyue shook his head quickly.


“Then forget it, it’s not too late to remember later,” Ren Shuhan wanted to comply with his wishes, so he said, “Anyway, dealing with the troubles of this book is already bothersome enough. I have to hide from the halo for a few months before the system can finish upgrading. Without the upgrade, I can’t block the protagonist’s halo. I’ll have to pretend to be paralyzed every time I encounter Jiang Qingci.”


“Oh…” Jiang Qingyue scratched his head embarrassedly, “The slow upgrade problem, I can help you with that.”


“Can you?”


Ren Shuhan thought that this system was made by him, so he couldn’t improve it anymore, but now it seems not.


“I’ve modified this system, as long as you have the permission,” Jiang Qingyue blushed and leaned closer to him, confirming with him again, “Do you really not want to remember?”


“Up to you.”


Ren Shuhan played with the jade pendant hanging from his lap, thinking that this was a meaningless question after all. After crossing so many times, he never cared about his past lives.


Jiang Qingyue leaned on his shoulder, hesitated for a moment, and said, “But hiding it from you all this time is not a solution. It’s better to wait until everything in this world is over, and then we’ll go to the world where the system is.”


“Okay.” Ren Shuhan hugged his shoulder, listening to his plans for the future, “Do you know how to operate it?”


“Yeah. When we get there, we’ll be able to find out the origins of the system,” Jiang Qingyue raised his hand with fingers as white as jade, and made a few gestures in the air, as if setting something up, “It’s a world I’ve never been to. I guess there should be… a bookshelf.”


Ren Shuhan was stunned.


“Through the bookshelf, we can find our original world, and then we can go home…” Jiang Qingyue casually operated for a while before continuing, “By then, you’ll know how amazing you used to be.”


Ren Shuhan pinched his earlobe, thinking that when he was in the first world mingling in the entertainment circle, this little guy must have been a fan who could blow his own trumpet.


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But after half a day, Ren Shuhan didn’t know what he had done, and the system was upgraded, popping up a voice prompt:


“The protagonist halo blocker can now be activated.”


“Baby, you’re really a treasure,” Ren Shuhan couldn’t help but kiss Jiang Qingyue on the cheek, “I was worried that the halo would become too big and troublesome in the future, luckily I have you.”


Initially, Ren Shuhan was worried that in the previous world, due to some unknown reasons, there was forced interference, weakening the protagonist’s halo, which allowed him to live very smoothly. But in the world before that, his legs were paralyzed, and in this world, his whole body was paralyzed. Following this trend, he would be mentally disabled in the next world…


Jiang Qingyue felt ashamed and confessed, “Actually, it’s because of my modifications that the system has the slow upgrade bug…”


Ren Shuhan: “…”


He couldn’t help but laugh and cry, then he tapped Jiang Qingyue’s nose.


“Do you know you’ve extended your husband’s rehabilitation time?” Ren Shuhan grabbed his collar and bit his neck, “Tell me, how are you going to compensate me?”


Jiang Qingyue turned away, not looking at him, and said softly, “How about marrying you?”


Ren Shuhan: “!”


He was shocked.


After being together for many years, he was still being flirted with.


Ren Shuhan immediately stood up and walked to the window, opening it and covering his chest with his hand, taking deep breaths as he looked out at the quiet courtyard.


Jiang Qingyue looked up in confusion and complained, “Aren’t you going to agree?”


After saying that, he realized that Ren Shuhan’s ears had turned red…


“Idiot,” Jiang Qingyue’s nose tingled, urging him, “Even Lu Bing is sending invitations to my house, and you’re still not agreeing?”


“Agreed,” Ren Shuhan turned back and said dumbly, appearing somewhat excited, he circled around the small table twice and added, “We’ll let Wen Xin take care of the three formal visits and six betrothal gifts, there should be no problem.”


Jiang Qingyue: “…”


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What kind of thought process was this?


“Then I’ll deal with Lu Bing first,” Ren Shuhan tapped his hand with the fan and said, “He’s looking for me.”


“…How are you going to deal with him?” Jiang Qingyue watched him anxiously, suddenly feeling very reassured, “He’s timid, and he’ll never leave the palace after being scared by you.”


“I’ll go find him.”


After saying that, Ren Shuhan thought for a moment and found it feasible, so he nodded, “Hmm, you stay here and wait for me.”




Going alone to start a rebellion???


Before Jiang Qingyue could say more, he had already jumped out of the window, and by the time Jiang Qingyue hurried to the window and looked out, he was nowhere to be seen…


The body of Lu Yan was already skilled in lightness techniques, and Ren Shuhan’s own body had also regained some strength. Even if it was just simple skills, he felt that there would be no problem. Therefore, from the Marquis Mansion to the Imperial Palace, it was just a blink of an eye.


The palace was heavily guarded everywhere, with strict security measures. Lu Bing had also hired several martial arts masters who were scattered around, ensuring that even if there were assassins, they would never find his whereabouts.


However, Ren Shuhan had the system, which allowed him to see through.


So, in less than half an hour, Ren Shuhan had found Lu Bing’s location and the direction of the city gate. He planned to first attack and capture Lu Bing, and then take him hostage to surrender to the guards and ministers. He estimated that there would only be a few personal guards left.


Ren Shuhan didn’t originally intend to rebel.


He had no interest in becoming an emperor. He only planned to leave with Jiang Qingyue and live in seclusion in the mountains. When he felt homesick, he would bring him back to see his parents. But today, with the sudden mention of a grand wedding, he couldn’t help but think of the elegant young master of the Marquis Mansion, the festive red decorations for miles, the lively drumming, the auspicious dragon and phoenix symbols, and the entrance to the bridal chamber…


Thinking such romance—damn it, he decided to rebel first!




I’m speechless… Ren Shuhan my dear… You’ve got negative braincells lmao


Thank you for reading

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