C5 – I Was Just Passing By.

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“Ding! Picking up done! Obtained empirical value*500.”

Strength: 998 / 100

Speed: 924 / 100

Agility: 902 / 100

Defense: 950 / 100

Spirit: 589 / 100

Skills: Saber Proficiency (0 / 1600), Cat Shadow Step Level 1 (0 / 500) )

Empirical value: 1300

Note: All of attributes in a normal male adult: 100

Looking at the panel of his attributes, Loong Chen smiled in satisfaction.

He had only been here for a few hours, yet within that short span of time, he had transformed from an ordinary person into a being comparable to an Evolver.

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The mere thought of it seemed somewhat surreal.

If he continued to hunt zombies in Death City, nobody knew the extent of his potential power.


Just as Loong Chen contemplated the extent of his future strength, a sudden scream pierced the air. It was unmistakably a human voice.

And it was a female voice.

But why would a human appear in this Death City filled with zombies?

Loong Chen walked curiously towards the source of the voice. It didn’t take long for him to come across two men and a woman.

These three individuals appeared to be similar in size to Loong Chen. One of the men had been stabbed in the chest and lay lifeless on the ground. It was evident that he was already dead.

The girl sobbed while lying on top of the boy’s lifeless body. The other young man wore a cold smirk on his face, gripping a dagger tightly in his hand. He then approached the girl.

Loong Chen noticed a few glowing orbs near the young man and the deceased boy. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he made his way towards that direction.

“Bai Xiaohan, if you obediently hand over the item, perhaps I’ll grant you a quick death. Otherwise, I don’t mind having some fun with you before I kill you,” the young man with the dagger taunted.

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The young man chuckled lasciviously while brandishing the dagger.

“Liu Zhe, you’re a despicable scoundrel! You killed my brother. Even in death, I won’t surrender the item to you!”

The girl declared with determination, her tear-streaked face reflecting unwavering resolve.

“You’re so great, then go to hell.”

The young man with the dagger suddenly stopped talking, because he saw a person walking towards him.

Why was there someone else here?

“Who are you?”

The young man stared at Loong Chen vigilantly.

“Friend, don’t be nervous. I’m just a passerby. You don’t have to pay attention to me.”

Loong Chen said in a flat tone.

The sight of someone approaching filled the young girl with hope, but upon hearing Loong Chen’s words, her hope turned to disappointment.

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Nevertheless, the young man remained vigilant, unaffected by Loong Chen’s words.

“Whoever you are, now that you’ve become involved in this matter, you must die!”

The young man let out a cold snort. Without hesitation, he hurled the dagger in his hand towards Loong Chen.

The dagger transformed into a swift arrow, hurtling towards Loong Chen. This young man was truly ruthless, determined to take Loong Chen’s life.

However, despite the dagger appearing to travel at great speed, it seemed to slow down in Loong Chen’s eyes.

With a slight tilt of his head, the dagger flew past his ear, not even grazing him.

“How is this possible?”

The young man exclaimed, displaying immense confidence in his skill with throwing knives. How could Loong Chen easily evade his attack?

“I’ve already stated that I was merely passing by. Why don’t you believe me? Do you want me to retaliate?”

A cold glint flickered in Loong Chen’s eyes. It was evident that this young man intended to kill him. If Loong Chen hadn’t possessed considerable power, he would have perished moments ago.

“Don’t be too arrogant. What just happened might have been a coincidence. I won’t offer you another opportunity!”

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The young man shouted with great fervor. He swiftly flipped his wrist, summoning another dagger into his hand. With that, he charged towards Loong Chen.

“Be careful!”

At this moment, the young girl’s face showed concern as she hastily informed Loong Chen that she had caused him trouble.

However, Loong Chen remained completely fearless.

The young man swiftly approached Loong Chen and thrust a dagger into his heart.

A cruel smile appeared on the young man’s face. It seemed that what had just occurred was nothing more than a mere coincidence. This person was merely pretending to be enigmatic.

Yet, in the next instant, the expression on the young man’s face froze. He realized that Loong Chen’s form was gradually dissipating, with no blood flowing from his heart.

Suddenly, the young man seemed to sense something and swiftly turned around. However, what met his eyes was a Battle Saber gleaming with a chilling light.


Alarmed, the youth let out a cry. He felt a cold sensation travel down his neck, as if something was seeping out.

The youth hastily covered his neck with his hand, but blood poured out relentlessly. His pupils constricted, and his eyes revealed a sense of unwillingness.

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