Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Scorched Earth Oasis

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Translator: Pluto Editor: Tehm

The pocket dimension finally ended. Lin Sanjiu gave a sigh ladened with her complex emotions.
Because they had restarted three times in the pocket dimension, it felt like quite some time had
passed. However, the rays of the eastern sun on the horizon lit up their surrounding only after
they had driven for an hour. Since they woke up at 10 pm at night and the sun usually rises
around 5 - 6 am, it meant that Lin Sanjiu’s group had only spent about six hours in the pocket
In the end, she still could not understand why that woman would commit suicide… Lin Sanjiu
was perplexed by this.
After they had heard the gunshot, she went back to Chen Xiaoyun’s apartment with Li Zhijun
and was shocked by the gory scene. Even though she had a vague hunch that Li Zhijun had
something to do with it, it was undeniable that they only heard that lethal gunshot after they
both reached downstairs. Likewise, it was a fact that the woman killed herself using her own
Li Zhijun acted very naturally, even with Lin Sanjiu looking, he took out a tiny light bulb and
held it above the corpse. Suddenly, as if the corpse reacted, it emitted yellow lights at intervals
which were all absorbed into the tiny light bulb. Lin Sanjiu had her suspicions and tried to pry a
couple of times, but he skilfully avoided her questions.
[Anyway, what has happened has happened. It’s best not to know too much about dangerous
people. The most important thing is to deal with the present…] With that, she managed to stop
thinking about the matter.
The truck slowed down. With Lin Sanjiu leading the way, they drove their fleet of vehicles into
the factory district. The area they were in was a new industrial park which had been well
planned. Ash gray five-story buildings were neatly arranged in rows within their allocated plot.
Despite over a month of erosion caused by the elevated temperatures, the factory buildings
appeared way more durable than the building in the city.

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As Lin Sanjiu looked absent-mindedly at the sign at the entrance of the factory district, she
recalled what Li Zhijun said before he left last night.
“We are leaving now. After all, Tian Minbo is still somewhere out there...” Li Zhijun flashed a
pleasant grin showing his white teeth, “Take care.”
“Didn’t you say that you wanted us to do something in return?” Lin Sanjiu kept that in mind.
“Well, I haven’t decided. Let’s take it that you all owe me a favor…” Li Zhijun said softly, “Just
don’t forget about it.”
“We won’t, of course! Brother Jun, Brother Ji, we got out of this jam thanks to the both of you. If
you need help, just let me know!” Luther leaped forward, thanking them both sincerely. Marcie
stood beside him nodding gratefully.

Lin Sanjiu was the only one who sighed inwardly. Owing someone a favor is one thing, but for
that someone to be Li Zhijun… However, something puzzled her: After 14 months, they will be
randomly transported into any of the thousands of existing parallel universes. If they don’t
even meet again in their lifetimes, wouldn’t Li Zhijun’s intentions be in vain?
Almost as if he had read her mind, Li Zhijun narrowed his eyes and said unexpectedly, “Right,
there is another thing I want to tell all of you. Do you know that there is something called a
visa? If you find a consular officer, you can get a visa each and head to the next world together.
This way, you won’t get separated.”
Luther immediately sought for advice, “That’s our plan, Brother Jun, do you have any clues to go
about that?”
“I don’t have anything concrete, all I can say is that your best chances are where people gather,”
Li Zhijun replied as his gaze rippled across Lin Sanjiu. He continued, smiling, “It is really odd,
but once a person gets a visa for the first time, they will be registered under the shared database
of all consular officers; it works like a network operating system. If you amass enough items to
make an exchange, you could even find another person through a consular officer.”
[Fine. So, this is a debt we must repay…] Lin Sanjiu thought to herself before she suddenly

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asked, “Who manages these consular officers anyway? Is it possible that organizations still
exist within these apocalyptic worlds?”
“No. ‘Consular Officer’ is a type of evolved ability. Usually, a person will not gain other new
abilities after they had developed the ‘consular officer’ ability. However, a consular officer
cannot issue a visa to themselves, so they have to get other consular officers to issue one. You
can say that this ability only benefits others and not the user. Therefore, generally speaking,
people who possess this ability will use their issued visas to exchange for necessary supplies
and safety.”
The three greenhorns listened in awe.
“Okay, good luck to all of you! Try to look in crowded places!” Li Zhijun turned and walked away
as he said this, waving one arm in the hand as a farewell gesture. Before Hei Zeji took a step
forward, he suddenly stopped and looked at the three of them. His ramrod-stiff posture seemed
to mellow a little, “You’re all so weak. No one will come to your rescue next time.”
After he said that coldly, he caught up with his companion. With a few leaps and bounds, they
both disappeared into blocks of buildings. With an array of complicated emotions, the three of
them who remained, made preparations to continue on their journey.
With that said, finding a consular officer was the most pressing issue right now. As they walked
past another factory, Lin Sanjiu ruminated over what Li Zhijun said. [Crowded places? In this
hypothermic hell, most humans are already dead. How can there still be crowded places?]
Just a second after this thought surfaced in her mind, Lin Sanjiu was startled by the sudden
sound of music. A lively, upbeat dance music quickly filled the rundown street in front of them.
If was as if God had overheard her thoughts.
Shortly after, someone shouted out happily, over the loud music, “New people have arrived!”
A cacophony of noise suddenly erupted from the factory building in front of them. The door
belonging to a factory called “Reunion Food Processing Plant” was pulled open, and a group of
people rushed out onto the road, clattering. Lin Sanjiu was shocked and quickly stepped on her

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brakes. At the same time, she heard Luther’s confused voice over the walkie-talkie, “What going
“I have no idea... Let’s see what they’re up to!” she replied hurriedly.
Unlike Lin Sanjiu and the others who were clad in filthy clothes covered with dirt, sweat, and
blood, the group of men and women that came out, blocking the road in front of them, wore
fresh and clean clothes. They waved incessantly at them, as if welcoming the return of their
families. Each of them seemed to be genuinely happy. Within the crowd, there was even a girl
who jumped and waved continuously, even though she was wearing high heels.
Lin Sanjiu hesitated and did not dare to get down from her vehicle. She didn’t mind being called
a coward, but the first thought that came to her mind when she saw so many people was that
they were all posthumans. The elevated temperatures within Hyperthermal Hell had already
reached an unknown level. Anyone who could survive and maintain the normalcy of their
appearance and mannerism must undoubtedly be a posthuman. From her rough estimate, there
were at least twenty people in the group. After all, their vehicles were filled with supplies, if
these people harbored any ill intent...
Lin Sanjiu cautiously winded her window halfway down and shouted out, “Who are you guys?
Why are you blocking the way?”
The group of people started discussing softly among themselves. Finally, a middle-aged
woman was elected out of the group by popularity. She appeared slightly embarrassed and even
said to the group, “You are all putting me on the spot.” Thereafter, she smiled and approached
Lin Sanjiu’s truck.
Lin Sanjiu quickly sized her up. The woman was about forty-years-old, had a medium built,
and her hair was tied up in a bun. She had an honest and kind countenance. The thing that
bothered Lin Sanjiu the most was the fact that the woman was wearing clean, elegant, and
well-coordinated clothes, and a pair of mid-heels. Her outfit was seemingly fitting, even for a
time before the insane heat descended upon their world.

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Not only this woman but also the group of people behind her, all appeared relaxed as if their
lives had been comfortable and peaceful. In contrast, a drop of Chen Xiaoyuan’s blood was still
on Lin Sanjiu’s face. She tried to casually wipe it away, but instead, it was smeared into a line.
Her originally beautiful long hair was now tied up in a messy ponytail; when she looked at her
reflection in the rearview mirror, she saw that her brows were tightly knitted, her guard was up,
and her face was covered with dirt.
“Hi, young lady. This place is called ‘Oasis’. My surname is Li, you can call me Sister Li,” the
middle-aged woman sounded very enthusiastic. She was like… the type of representative that
the management will choose to speak in general meetings. ”You don’t have to be worried or
afraid anymore. Once you are here in Oasis, your suffering and difficulties will end!”
She ended her sentence with a zealous fervor, and the group behind her cheered.
Lin Sanjiu did not say a word—honestly speaking, she did not know what to say in such a
situation either. She looked at Sister Li quietly and waited for her to continue.
“Young lady, what’s your name? Why don’t you come down? You can have a proper meal and
take a bath… You poor child. You must not have rested well these few days.” Sister Li looked at
Lin Sanjiu sympathetically.

Lin Sanjiu did not move, she only asked, “What kind of place is this Oasis?”
She heard a few crackling static sound from the walkie-talkie beside her. Apparently, Marcie
and Luther were listening in without a word.
Sister Li smiled confidently as if she had anticipated her doubts. “You must know what has
happened outside. Many people have died… Not only humans, even trees! There isn’t even any
water out there! But under the protection of Oasis, our living conditions are just as before. We
don’t ever have to be worried or fearful because our camp is able to support a population of
more than ten thousand people. Everyone here has enough to eat and drink. If we fall sick, we
can also see the doctor…”
Her face beamed when she talked about Oasis, “There is already a population of 1800 people in
Oasis. We swore to save every single human being in this world!”

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