DOTA Madness

Chapter 107: Fighting For Vision

As Yan Yuelan expected, the squatting action by the Sentinel did not last long.

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Generally, this method was only used when the core hero was about to buy critical equipment. But Scourge just forced the Sentinel to do so just because their gank was too powerful. In a short time that may not a problem, but the economy of the five people couldn’t keep up with the delay!

One person made money and four people protected, of course, was far worse than five people developed together!

Therefore, after seeing the gank of the Scourge side stopped for a while, Nevermore TP to another lane and started collecting money. Because the magical damage output of the Scourge was stronger than physical damage output, he needed to buy the Black King Bar as soon as possible!

As Nevermore left, other heroes also dispersed, each went to farm money.

Of course, this did not mean that they have forgotten the threat of the Scourge. In order to deal with this effectively, Lion once again contributed a set of wards, inserted into the lane and the river. In this way, once the Scourge heroes had any changes, they could know in advance, and then evaded the opponent’s gank!

This trick did let the Scourge suffer.

The next two gank, Zhao Dingguo and Gao Yue saw the other side scattered on the line, when they just went half of the way, the enemy left in time as if they had received the news in advance. Not only did they fail to kill their opponents, but they wasted their development time.

“They must have placed wards again!”

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After two futile runs, Gao Yue gritted his teeth and spit it out. He lowered his voice and cursed two words, and then spent 700 gold coins to buy a Gem of True Sight!

This was a permanent anti-invisible prop, which was very useful against stealth heroes and wards. Unfortunately, there was a big disadvantage: Like the Divine Rapier, it would fall when the user was dead!

Once the carrier was not careful, this 700-gold coin would be a gift to the enemy!

Gao Yue, who had this thing on his body, was also obviously cautious, saying, “Zeus and Tinker came with me. Furion, ready to support!”

Scourge heroes followed Gao Yue’s Clockwerk and set off.

For high-end battles, there may be many variants of the position of the ward. However, in low-end rounds, there were usually fixed places, such as the most common one in the middle of the river, or on high slopes at both ends of the river. Anyway, the three of them strolled around, and quickly found the position of three eyes!

Under the mysterious glow of Gem of True Sight, all these invisible wards have all become visible.

Zhao Dingguo and Tinker attacked a few times at random, and then eliminated these wards. Half a minute later, the Sentinel’s vision became so dark. After buying the Boots of Travel, Tinker who temporarily had some deposits quickly bought a set of wards with the Flying Courier and turned this into his own vision!

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Such an increase and decrease let them grasp the movements of the Sentinel.

The Scourge’s eye-catching deward was so obvious, the heroes of the Sentinel also knew the consequences of continuing to separate after losing vision. Under the convening of Nevermore, they quickly gathered, intending to kill these guys who came to deward. Enigma who has just bought Blink Dagger patted on his chest to guarantee that a perfect Blink + Ulti!

Zhao Dingguo obviously underestimated the determination of Sentinel, they did not expect them to fight back so quickly. As soon as they retreated slightly, Sentinel’s heroes had already followed.

Bara was the first one to attack. He launched Charge of Darkness and came straight to them!

“They want to fight!”

Zhao Dingguo reminded in the voice channel, quickly activated Lightning Bolt skill, and interrupted Charge of Darkness. Without this initiator, the other heroes were a little behind, he hesitated for a while, but finally gave up the pursuit carefully!

Taking advantage of this short gap, Tinker quickly TP to the bot lane to cooperate with Furion in pushing.

The high maneuverability of the Scourge was a real headache for Sentinel!

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Originally, in the face of the fierce gank, they could gather to push. But in this special battle mode, the Scourge’s ability to push was stronger than them. With Furion and Tinker on the Scourge side at the same time, Sentinel’s hero only needed to leave the line for a while to lose a lane!

This somewhat extreme global stream lineup has a good pushing ability. After Spectre made a Radiance, they would be able to push three lanes at the same time, which also made up for the shortcomings of the limitation of CC skills!

In desperation, Sentinel intended to hold off like this and drag into the late game!

Although the Scourge side had a powerful late hero, the Sentinel side has Bara, Nevermore, and Sven who had a very strong output when equipped. If you fight later, they were not afraid of Scourge. They decided to abandon their control of the outer and compress their front to within second towers. In this way, the security would be greatly improved, and the support and counterattack by ganking would be faster. Once the line exceeded the second tower, they either ignored it or went out again with a five-men team!

As long as the other party’s global gank did not achieve its effect, and the pushing could reach the high ground, it did not matter even if they handed over all the surrounding areas. At the later period, there would always be a chance to reverse the situation!

This strategic compression has had an immediate effect.

Zhao Dingguo, after removing the three outer towers, wanted to continue to push but was greatly hindered. They could not find a chance to gank at the moment, and if the team fight was not a good idea as there was Enigma on the opposite side. But at this moment, while passing through the river, Clockwerk accidentally found a rune of invisibility that just refreshed!

With such a rune, he could do much more!

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“Come together, I’ll start!”

With that said, Clockwerk used the rune and was the first to advance towards the other tower. Zhao Dingguo and Gao Yue followed him far behind, and once they confirmed that there was a lone enemy, they would follow. However, the defense tower had a True Sight effect, and Clockwerk in the stealth state did not dare to lean too close, only dare to squat in the edge area of ​​the defense tower.

Ten seconds passed quickly.

Seeing that the line of soldiers was pushed under the second tower again, the heroes of Sentinel’s side did not seem to rush out to collect troops, made Clockwerk feel anxious. But just when the invisibility was about to disappear, Nevermore finally couldn’t help but rushed over. He cleared a wave of soldiers and took a few steps at the same time, ready to take off the catapult!

Here’s the chance!

When he destroyed the catapult and turned around, Clockwerk move and released his claws. The unguarded Nevermore was hooked and caught in a short Stun. Then, Clockwerk used Battery Assault plus Power Cogs to trap Nevermore, making him unable to escape!

Hiding deeper in the woods, Zhao Dingguo and Tinker also rushed out.

The arrival of the other party’s support would not exceed five seconds at most. If they could quickly kill Nevermore and retreat to a safe distance in time, the gank would become a matchup!

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