DOTA Madness

Chapter 119: The Dangerous Journey

This reminder of Furion revealed the sincerity of this plot hero.

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If it’s some “eclectic” heroes of the Scourge, they would not care whether others would be in danger, as long as they could achieve their goals in the end. However, this old man who had the power of nature did not do so. He pointed out the dangers of this trip, and he gave Zhao Dingguo the right to choose!

This undoubtedly made Zhao Dingguo feel touched.

If it were an ordinary person, so scared by the words of Furion, maybe he would have shrunk back. After all, Thunder Swamp was infamous for its danger. But Zhao Dingguo had the help of the scout griffin, so he dared to take a chance!

“Now that you are determined, I wish you a triumph!”

Furion had done his duty. Now that Zhao Dingguo had chosen to go deep into Thunder Swamp, he would not stop him, but just gave a blessing in accordance with the tradition of the Sentinel Corp!

Zhao Dingguo didn’t waste any more time. He took a small magic beacon with positioning effect from Furion, and then got up and left the courtyard. This beacon was used to notify Furion when he found the Decaying Ancient Wood. Although the Decaying Ancient Wood had “wood” in its name, its quality was very heavy. Moreover, raw Decaying Ancient Wood couldn’t be incorporated into space equipment without processing. Therefore, if Zhao Dingguo was lucky to find it, he just needed to activate the beacon nearby him, and Furion would naturally receive the signal from the beacon and would teleport to his place!

This was certainly a valid reason, but it’s not without another explanation.

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Decaying Ancient Wood was extremely rare and difficult to find. Even if the other party was a hero, there was no guarantee that he would not have some despicable thoughts, such as swallowing Decaying Ancient Wood alone, and then create a little “accident” or something … This would not only save a generous reward but also effectively block the news of this treasure!

With the strength of Furion, it was so simple to create a little accident in the depths of Thunder Swamp.

If Furion had a high reputation in the Sentinel Corp, and he had indeed given a reminder in good faith, Zhao Dingguo might have to be alert by heart. For this reason, he still decided that if he was lucky enough to discover the coveted wood, he must first try to see if it could be put in his nameplate space. If it could, it meant a lot of wealth would be obtained. By that time, Zhao Dingguo would be the only one who could decide what to do with that treasure!

“Goodbye, Lord Furion!”

Zhao Dingguo said goodbye respectfully and then walked out of the house of Furion.

After such a long period of time, the number of people waiting for Furion not only didn’t decrease but increase instead. Seeing Zhao Dingguo stepping out from the inside, many people went noisy again. If this wasn’t the aristocratic area of ​​the World Tree Base Camp, these impatient guys might capture Zhao Dingguo and torture him for information.

“Please be patient. I have to leave now!”

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Seeing some of their overwhelming reactions, Zhao Dingguo was indifferent and deliberately stimulated them.

These guys were stupid, and couldn’t find a suitable reason to go in, and they blamed him. What kind of logic was this? After hurting them in this way, Zhao Dingguo was much more comfortable, and then he accelerated his pace and left. He wasn’t stupid enough to stop here only to yell at them. His time was precious!

Seizing the time to trigger the mission chain in Southern Wilderness was the top priority!

After quickly throwing off two unscrupulous guys attempting to follow him, Zhao Dingguo came to the teleportation circle. Unlike the free one when he came, he had nothing to do with the base camp, and could only obediently pay for the fee with magic gold coins. As for the last free transmission opportunity on the temporary identity token, Zhao Dingguo would naturally use it for the longest distance transmission!

Even the smallest saving was still a saving!

“Honorable warrior!”

Seeing Zhao Dingguo stepping out of the teleportation circle, the soldiers who had already waited here shouted with joy. From the faint smile on Zhao Dingguo’s face,  the soldier knew that the map was obtained.

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Zhao Dingguo did not let him down.

Seeing the clearly printed map, the soldier opened it with excitement and carefully looked at it. It didn’t take long for him to reach the same conclusion as Zhao Dingguo, that was three possible places. Just fly and then take a look, they could find the big vortex, and then observe the situation there!

Zhao Dingguo believed that as long as he could find the Great Vortex and the nearby Naga, he would be recognized by the BG platform for his busy and hard work, and then trigger the mission!

“Let’s go now!”

After seeking Zhao Dingguo’s consent, the soldier immediately called his two companions. Because there were three targets in total, they were going to check the situation at the same time, and then meet at the agreed place. This not only saved time but also effectively prevent accidents. These three griffins were also the only mobile flying units in the Southern Outpost. The remaining griffins had been sent out due to the Naga’s attack!

Soon, the three griffins slapped their wings and took off, flying in the direction of the swamp.

Because of the insistence of Zhao Dingguo, the soldier took him along. Although his scout griffin was very strong, flying with two people had greatly affected its speed. So in order to take care of them, the other two took the initiative to assume the lakes on the north and south sides.  Those two were farther away from the outpost, the terrain was more dangerous, and detours were needed. In contrast, Zhao Dingguo almost didn’t need to change direction, they just flew straight all the way!

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Zhao Dingguo liked this kind of preferential treatment.

There were basically no risks from the outpost to the perimeter of Thunder Swamp. The griffon was flying fast and stable. Zhao Dingguo didn’t mind relaxing his nerves while enjoying the cool breeze blowing on his head while looking at the scene below. However, as the griffins gradually flew into the depths of Thunder Swamp, the soldier became cautious and the griffins flew slower.

“Flying too high will attract the attention of flying snakes, two-headed vultures, and Hellert wyvern; by flying too low we would be attacked by some monsters with long-range attack methods situated on the ground. If you are unlucky, you may encounter the overlord of Thunder Swamp, the ghost poisonous dragon! It is said that the monster is a distant relative of the hero Viper, and is very powerful … ”

While carefully observing the surroundings and the ground, the soldier explained some units and knowledge to Zhao Dingguo, which greatly benefited him.

However, as the griffins approached the central area of ​​Thunder Swamp more and more, the soldiers did not even dare to speak distractedly, and carefully manipulated the griffins. There were many times he quickly had to pull the griffin away to avoid attacks from the ground. The most common methods of attack were spraying some acid and venom, followed by thorns, water magic, and so on. Basically, as long as they were hit, other monsters lurking in the dark would come out, making them fall to the dead-end!

Although very dangerous, the threat from the ground was not worth comparing with the threat from the sky!

On several occasions, Zhao Dingguo and the soldier had to land with griffins and evade those native flying monsters who flew past the sky. Near the target area, they even encountered a ghost poison dragon. Seeing the monster with a fifteen-meter-long wingspan and full of dark green poison, Zhao Dingguo couldn’t help but have fear!

This was really not a place for humans to come to!


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