DOTA Madness

Chapter 70: This World Is Really Small

After seeing the liveliness of the trading platform, Zhao Dingguo became curious about the profit methods here.

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“In fact, it is no different from the ordinary vegetable market!”

Old Li said something and then explained it to him roughly. There are two main channels for profit: first, if a BG user wanted to set up a stall here, he must pay the booth cost of 5 WP; second, for each transaction completed, the Order of Light would collect a commission fee of 1%, rounded down.

Generally speaking, there was no good thing that would be traded in this kind of place, and a few hundred winning points was the most normal price. Even a big trade like 1,000 points, 1% was only 10 points. For most BG users, this was very cheap. In order to have a safe and lively place, they didn’t mind paying a little money.

“Although there are few single sessions, they can add up!”

In Old Li’s words, tens of thousands of WP a month are possible! Of course, the Order of Light also needed to consume a lot to maintain the organization!

“Then, will anyone hide the report and want to save that commission fee?”

Old Li looked at the booths on both sides at random, and said, “This kind of thing is normal, but every day! If it is found, then we will expel him and mark him as the unwelcome to the Order of Light. Of course, there are also people who go out to trade after the talking, and we can’t control that, but again, the risk is greater … eh? ”

Speaking of the last sentence, Old Li’s tone suddenly sounded surprised.

Zhao Dingguo looked in his direction and found two men approaching. The emblem on their chests looks familiar, and it’s a long, wide-backed knife with a silver bottom and blue light. Seeing Zhao Dingguo and Old Li standing there, the two pairs of eyes gazed fiercely!

Old Li naturally noticed the gaze of the two, and he blocked their way: “Ah, hey, isn’t this Scattering Flower people?”

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When they saw Old Li stand up, the two faces immediately became gloomy.

One of them looked at him coldly and said: “What’s the matter? Do you have a rule in the trading platform that does not allow us to come?”

“Of course not, of course not!” Old Li’s tone was full of ridicule: “Scattering Flower, what awesome organization! Who dares not let you come? You even dare to kill one of our directors, what else are you afraid of? ? ”

Although it’s still not clear where the two men are from now, seeing the actions of Old Li, Zhao Dingguo naturally knew that the two men were enemies. As a result, he stepped forward to stand side by side with Old Li, forming a confrontational situation, the right to exert pressure on the other side.

“It’s the Order of Light and Scattering Flower!”

“Are they going to fight? This is the nest of the Order of Light!”

Seeing the excitement can be seen, many BG users suddenly came over and pointed to the four from time to time. At this time, a patrol squadron who happened to pass by also noticed the two people from the Scattering Flower organization. Although the members of the squad didn’t say a word, they stood still quietly, forming a loose encirclement, clearly supporting Old Li and Zhao Dingguo!

Despite the explicit rule that the trading platform was open to members of any organization, it does not prevent them from embarrassing the enemy!

Seeing this obvious partiality, the faces of the two from Scattering Flower were very unsightly. But in the current situation, they didn’t dare to say anything, they just spit and left. After taking dozens of steps, one of them turned back and said, “Don’t come to our land, otherwise you will pay for what you did today!”

Old Li sneered, and exclaimed: “Let’s walk and see, who is afraid of whom?”

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Seeing the two of them leaving, the patrol team followed slowly, apparently to “escort” the two to leave. As he wiped his shoulders, the captain of the patrol squad did not forget to give a thumb up to Old Li.

“Don’t fight? It’s boring!”

“The Scattering Flower people really have no gut!”

Found that the situation has been controlled, those BG users who were watching the crowd gave a disappointed sigh and left.

“They are?” Zhao Dingguo asked, puzzled, looking at the back of the two.

Old Li smiled, and his anger was no longer on his face: “Scattering Flower organization! The strength is roughly the same as that of our Order of Light. It is also one of the first-class BG organization in China. It is said that our hatred exist when the two organizations were established. Although there is no big war, the small disputes between the two major organizations have been going on. In the past two months, we will have killed three of them! If it weren’t for the three strongest BG organizations, we might have been fighting! ”

“But you just now…?”

Zhao Dingguo was not surprised by the position of the Scattering Flower organization, but by the radical and initiative of Old Li just now.

Even if the Order of Light and Scattering Flower weren’t at peace with each other, that was a matter for senior members of the headquarters. Old Li joined the Order of Light for a short time, the confrontation between the two organizations should not have much to do with him. Moreover, Old Li didn’t look like the enthusiasm of the Order of Light as soon as he came in!

Old Li naturally knew something. He looked at Zhao Dingguo and said with a smile: “You only joined the Order of Light today, naturally you don’t know it, and you will understand it after a while. I just looked for a chance to express my altitude. I was just standing in line! ”

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Express the altitude?

“I see!” Zhao Dingguo immediately reacted. It seemed that the forces inside the Order of Light were also complicated. If he wanted to climb up, he must choose one side to follow. Perhaps the one who backed Old Li was someone who advocated against the Scattering Flower organization?

Because he didn’t understand, Zhao Dingguo didn’t want to guess. But he was sure of one thing: the relationship between the Scattering Flower and the Order of Light is really bad, and they may start a war someday!

Perhaps today was a special day. Just after sending away two Scattering Flower members, Zhao Dingguo encountered two guys from Heavenly Tear organization.

To his surprise, he knew one of them!

That guy was the veteran user who summoned Soul Keeper in Zhao Dingguo’s first Death Match!

The Heavenly Tear organization was an old ally of the Order of Light, and the relationship was quite reliable. Although its strength was not comparable to the Order of Light, they still had a Dusk rank expert, and other formal members were nearly two hundred people. Zhao Dingguo did not expect that the veteran user who threatened him at that time was actually a member of Heavenly Tear!

This was a coincidence!

When Zhao Dingguo saw him, the senior user accidentally came over and recognized Zhao Dingguo!

After all, the match was only less than a month ago. It’s not surprising to recognize him.

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“It’s you two!”

The veteran user walked over and stood in front of Zhao Dingguo and Old Li. His eyes glanced in front of the emblem on the chests of the two, but he was helpless.

The person who followed this veteran user was a woman. She glanced lazily and asked, “Du Shen, are they two?”

The senior user named Du Shen breathed a sigh of relief, saying, “The two who were hostile to me in the Death Match last month. I did not expect them to be together! Especially him!” Pointing at Zhao Dingguo: “The kid was still a rookie at the time. I didn’t expect that just after a few games, he even had a Dawn nameplate and joined the Order of Light!”

The woman has heard him talk about this, there was a surprising look on her face: “The one who summoned Silencer and troubled you?”


Although in the presence of Zhao Dingguo, Du Shen didn’t hide his anger: “His Global Silence is really annoying, which has made me unable to use my ultimate several times. At that time, a newbie on their side did not come out. I thought I could win, but I lost. After returning to BG Space, I didn’t hold back for a while, and I used to utter a harsh word. I didn’t expect that I could meet again! ”

Du Shen’s words made Zhao Dingguo slightly embarrassed.

The Heavenly Tear organization was a traditional ally of the Order of Light. Old Li mentioned it to him before. The top management already banned fighting with each other unless absolutely necessary. As for the confrontation in Death Matches, it was randomly matching by the BG platform, and no one could help it. Everyone had to rely on his or her own skills. If they lost, it’s their own fault.

The same was true of Heavenly Tear organization!

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