DOTA Madness

Chapter 8: Victory

On the road, below the high ground of the Sentinel.

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The five heroes of the Scourge came together, and they were ready to attack the high ground of the Sentinel. The Sentinel side also knew the meaning of this battle. If they can hold it at bay, they would still have a chance. If they failed to defend, they basically were defeated. Therefore, the five heroes of the Sentinel also rushed here, surrounded by the high-defense tower, ready for the attack from Scourge!

All ten heroes gather here, and a large-scale group battle may break out at any time!

From the beginning of this game to the present, the passed time was less than twenty minutes, the offensive of Scourge was quite sharp. However, the Sentinel side has advantages when on their high ground. Scourge attacked from the bottom up, not only have to be suppressed, but also have no vision!

This undoubtedly brought great difficulties to their offense!

However, the more tricky is still behind!

After being scolded by his teammates, Rigwarl stood firmly at the forefront. This time he made up his mind, even if he is dead, as long as his teammates could kill all the five Scourge heroes, it’s also a cost-effective business. In particular, he now had a Planeswalker’s Cloak that increases his magic resistance by 15%, which undoubtedly gave him greater confidence in facing Scourge that conisisted many mages!

In this case, after two trials, the Scourge failed to rush to the high ground of the Sentinel.

“What to do? Attack it!”

The successive failures made Silencer and Furion somewhat impatient. Due to bad positioning, the two men were hit by the tower and lost some HP. Huskar and Rexxar were almost succeeded in killing one of them.

It’s not just the Scourge that had high out brust damage, it’s just the Sentinel needed more time to build up fighting power.

Now, in fact, it’s already in a somewhat delicate transition period.

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Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment, and even denied the two men’s proposals in the voice chat: “Don’t attack recklessly, the Sentinel’s denfense very strict! If we fight now, it’s likely to be a mutual kill.”

Lina also had the same opinion, but he had more ideas: “We can pretend to retreat, and then hide in places where they have no vision. If the hero of the Sentinel want to collect money, they have to leave the high ground. We can take the opportunity to catch one first. Then we have advantage in number, even if the fight become trading lives, we can still destroy their tower!”

“Not bad!”

Zhao Dingguo felt that this method was quite good, and he secretly wrote it down in his heart.

Soon, after the third attack, the hero of the Scourge turned around and slowly left. The five heroes of the Sentinel waited for a while on the high fround, but they didn’t saw any movement. Some people were happy.

“They should be withdrawn!”

Leoric died three times before, thus the loss of money was not small. At this moment, he’s eager to fight for money.

Queen of Pain also felt that the heroes of the Scourge had withdrawn, but she still had some doubts: “But, why the creeps did not see them on other lanes? Maybe they have not gone far!”

Rigwarl was also eager to make money and buy the equipment, so he said: “Maybe they are going home to replenish HP and MP. In short, we only need to be careful!”

Since all said so, Queen of Pain did not insist. Thus, Leoric and Rigwarl walked down from the high ground and began to harvest the ghoul soldiers. Seeing that the gold coins were rising, the two excited people have already thrown the threat of Scourge behind their head. The heroes who did not pay attention to the Scourge have not been exposed in any lane of soldiers since they were evacuated!

This was quite dangerous.

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Queen of Pain , who was still a keen sense of smell, vaguely felt something fishy here. She looked at Leoric and Rigwarl who were two screens away from the high ground, decided to call them back.

It is a pity that she was already late when she spoke!

In the forest where the mysterious shop on the road is located, five heroes emerged in an instant, blocking the back of Leoric and Rigwarl. On the original calm lane, an ambush broke out suddenly. Unexpectedly, Leoric and Rigwarl were caught unprepared. Five to two, when Leoric was stunned by Zhao Dingguo’s Impale, the five people joined forces to fight the Rigwarl!

This guy was really tough, but it’s not enough to hold against five!

In the high ground of the Sentinel, with the support of the defensive tower and teammates, Zhao Dingguo did not try to fight it. But now, there was no one around Rigwarl that can support him, uder’s five heroes’ attacks, the value of the HP quickly fell to the bottom!

He was originally the strongest wall, but when it was exposed to the firepower of the Scourge, it was the first to fall down!

Next was Leoric!

Zhao Dingguo’s technique was re-applied, use Mana Drain to take his magic. Having only life remaining, Leoric could not stop the attack of five people. When the other three Sentinel heroes rushed to support, both of them had returned to the Fountain to wait for resurrection.

“We’re tricked!”

Queen of Pain and the other two Sentinel heroes realized this, but now regrets were useless. The three could only make a quick turn back to withdraw, trying to continue to defend the high ground and delay time. It is best to wait until Leoric and Rigwarl resurrected, so there may be opportunities!

However, the opponent wouldn’t allow them!

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Deliberately ambushing for a long time, and successfully killing two Sentinel heroes, now was the best time for Scourge to kill the high ground. They did not hesitate, and the hero who followed the Sentinel rushed up.

This time the attack was real!

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With 5-vs-3, the level and equipment have no small advantage. If they couldn’t beat it, the heroes of the Scourge can commit suicide!

On the Sentinel side, the Beastmaster, who has been doing nothing, is the first to throw a ultimate. His ultimate skill Primal Roar could stun the enemy for two seconds while shaking off people around him. However, Silencer also opened his own ultimate, quieted the whole battlefield!

The world suddenly became quiet for a short time.

After being silenced, Queen of Pain, who was also a mage hero, was abolished!

Huskar looked at the bright silver spear in his hand, not knowing who should he fight first! He was still hesitating whether or not use his ultimate immediately, and now the heroes of the Scourge made a choice for him!

Both Lion and Lina use their ultimate on Queen of Pain, killing this almost full-HP hero directly. Although it seemed a bit wasteful, it’s a small mistake and did not hinder the overall situation. Then, the remaining five people joined forces to kill Huskar. Only the Beastmaster saw that the situation is not good, turned back and ran back to the Fountain!

No one was going to care about him!

The Dark Ranger was eager to move, seemed to want to chase after Rexxar, but then was called back by Zhao Dingguo.

The key now was to destroy their high ground tower and barracks, so that their own barracks would sent out Mega Creeps. At that time, even if Scourge did not do anything, those powerful creeps would continue to push to the Sentinel’s base, brought great pressure to them! Moreover, they could take the opportunity to destroy the World Tree!

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Once it was destroyed, it’s the Scourge’s victory!

With the help of the combined attack of the five heroes and the help of Furion’s Treants, the Sentinel’s high ground tower was also destroyed, exposing the two barracks behind. Although Leoric and Rigwarl have been resurrected at this time, the Scourge heroes have successfully rushed to the high ground. Without the protection from the tower and the geographical advantage of the high ground, they had no way to confront the Scourge. So they could only watch the two barracks being destroyed!

This team battle, the Scourge won a great victory!

Not only did they break through the high ground of the Sentinel, but they also killed four heroes. Due to the correct strategy, not only the Scourge heroes did not die, but even the newly-created Mekansm also not being used!

“It’s easier than I think!”

The Dark Ranger bought his new equipment Yaksha, and spoke freely.

Zhao Dingguo also bought his own equipment, Dagon. This is a red staff that can release a lightning bolt that dealt 400 damage. With this, in conjunction with Lion’s own ultimate, his explosive damage has been horrible. The only downside was that this piece of equipment and his ultimate consumed a lot of mana. Although the Demon Witch was an Intelligence hero, his MP was also a bit lacking at the moment.

He must calculate the cost of the skill, especially paid attention to what skill he should use.

In fact, not only the Dark Ranger and him, but the other three Scourge heroes also bought stronger equipment. After the invasion of the high ground, they have made a small fortune more or less. It could be said that the Scourge Corps was now firmly crushing the Sentinel. Maybe only one more battle, they could end the game and win!

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