DOTA Madness

Chapter 81: Battle In The Middle Lane

After speaking a few words with Dazzle, Zhao Dingguo chose to TP back to the base.

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His current HP was too low, and it’s dangerous to stay on the line. Although Dazzle’s Shadow Wave could recover HP, the amount of a single cast was small. Even if Dazzle used up all his MP, it may not be enough to restore him to full HP. In this case, a home trip was the most suitable one!

Moreover, he could buy some equipment by the way.

The three Ironwood Branches could be used to synthesize a Magic Wand, which could save two equipment slots. As for the Circlet of Nobility, he used it to make Null Talisman. Destroyer was a hero who needed Intelligence and MP value very much. Null Talisman, which added 3 points in all attributes and 3 additional Intelligence, was very useful for Destroyer in the early and middle period!

After buying these pieces of equipment, Zhao Dingguo’s state was also restored to fullness under the action of the Fountain. He bought another TP with the remaining gold coins, and then returned to the bottom lane.

The overall battle situation was temporarily in a state of stalemate. On the top lane, Tidehunter enjoyed the experience alone and has reached level 6. Although Lich of the Scourge side was a bit worse, he was also about to have the ultimate. Because the key heroes of both sides have not yet developed, the situation was calmed down.

However, this peace was interrupted only for a short while.

A battle happened in the middle lane!

Huskar and Leshrac were working together to push the tower. The latter’s Diabolic Edict skill could constantly trigger explosions, which were particularly effective on the defense tower. Therefore, the durability of the first tower on the middle lane soon dropped to less than a quarter. However, looking at the heroes of the Scourge, it seemed that the tower has not been abandoned, it’s likely that they are waiting for support to fight back. Once the opponent’s counterattack came, Huskar and Leshrac would be in danger!

Zhao Dingguo noticed this, so after harvesting the wave of soldiers in front of him, he chose to TP to the middle, taking advantage of the ultimate to support his two heroes!

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This was the fighting rhythm he saw in a guide of the Illuminati!

Zhao Dingguo has no way of remembering the original words of that sentence, but the main point was that “a carry doesn’t have to always worry about making money, even if you haven’t completely developed, you can consider appropriate participation in the war. In particular, those heroes who have good ultimates can even use team fights to develop: take time to join team fights and gain kills – farm while waiting for the ultimates to cool down-repeat!”

After careful consideration, Zhao Dingguo still agreed with this statement. And his Obsidian Destroyer was a hero suitable for this rhythm!

It had to say that Zhao Dingguo’s support was timely.

Just as Huskar and Leshrac cleared the newly arrived ghouls, ready to demolish the tower, the Scourge opened Glyph of Fortification. Shrouded in golden light, the armor of the defensive towers approached infinity instantly.

Immediately afterward, the Scourge hero launched a counterattack!

When they didn’t notice, Lich and Axe secretly came to the middle lane. A small-scale team battle, triggered by the pushing, outbroke in the middle lane!

To be honest, the moment the opponent opened the Glyph of Fortification and was ready to fight back, Huskar and Leshrac quickly retreated. However, Leshrac was a bit reluctant to let go of the defense tower that was about to be destroyed and stopped a bit more in place. This hesitation was caught by the Scourge. The Lich released a Frost Nova, causing Leshrac to enter a deceleration state and fell into the siege!

If Zhao Dingguo didn’t arrive, the best thing Huskar should do was to escape. In this case, at most only one would die. But since Zhao Dingguo arrived, three to three, Huskar have a little more confidence! He did not escape, but turned around to fight!

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Leshrac knew he couldn’t escape, so he was ready to fight until the end. He released Split Earth, stunned Axe who was rushing towards him in place. Subsequently, Leshrac released the Lightning Storm skill. This was also an AoE skill, although the name sounded domineering, the actual damage was a bit weak. However, after releasing his two skills one after another, Leshrac could be considered to have completed his mission!

At this time, the late carry of the Scourge side, Anti-Mage, joined the battle.

Because of the threat of Life Break, he did not dare to cut into the battlefield with Blink at first, but rushed to the side of Leshrac and attacked him with Mana Break. This powerful orb effect allowed him to burn the target’s mana in a normal attack while adding a certain amount of additional damage. This skill was also the origin of the name Anti-Mage!

Axe who just recovered from the Stun state also came over, focused on Leshrac and gave him Battle Hunger.

At the same time, Lich also cast his ultimate Chain Frost on Leshrac!

Although this was only a three-on-three team battle, the intensity and chaos were far higher than the previous battles. Zhao Dingguo ’s newly synthesized Magic Wand’s charge points have started to go skyrocket. If there was no accident, Leshrac would be killed in the next moment!

Seeing the horrible Chain Frost started to bounce off, Zhao Dingguo joined the battle and did only one thing!

He imprisoned Leshrac with Astral Imprisonment.

The dark green beam of light soared into the sky. Chain Frost that was about to fly to Leshrac suddenly lost its target and turned to Huskar on the side. However, the standing position of Huskar was relatively high. Although he suffered frost damage, there was no second target around. Therefore, the Lich’s ultimate that could bounce seven times only played once!

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This skill not only temporarily saved Leshrac but also cost the ultimate of the Lich.

After the Lich’s ultimate disappeared, Zhao Dingguo stepped forward again and officially joined the battle. His Arcane Orb was toggled on, aimed at Anti-Mage and started a crazy attack!

This Arcane Orb was also an orb effect, which could add 6% of the current magic value damage to normal attacks. Destroyer himself was an Intelligence hero, and the third passive skill Essence Aura could increase the upper limit of MP value. Therefore, the damage added by this orb effect was very scary. The only drawback was that this orb effect consumed too much mana!

Each cast would cost 100 mana!

This was probably the most mana-consuming skill in the entire DOTA!

In the later period, the upper limit of Destroyer’s MP value was high, and the probability of restoring MP through Essence Aura effectively made up for this shortcoming. But in the early period, his MP value was really not enough. Fortunately, the damage it added was really good. After only a few hits, Anti-Mage couldn’t bear it and had to use Blink to temporarily leave the battlefield.

The chaos continued!

Huskar threw his ultimate to the Lich, and Axe was guarding next to the astral prison, ready to use the ultimate to KS. Zhao Dingguo turned off the orb effect, used ordinary attacks to cooperate with Huskar to attack the Lich, and finally released his ultimate Sanity’s Eclipse!

This was a one-for-one exchange.

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The most vulnerable Lich was killed by the Scourge, and Leshrac of the Sentinel failed to escape.

Although Zhao Dingguo’s ultimate dealt a good deal of damage to Axe, without CC skills, he still let Axe slip. After Axe eliminated the target with his ultimate, he would get a short-term acceleration effect, thus Zhao Dingguo could not catch up with him at all!

This deliberate fight ended in a hurry. In addition, the defense tower with only a little HP left in the Scourge’s mid lane was also denied! In this case, each Sentinel hero could only get the minimum reward of 100 gold coins, which undoubtedly greatly reduced the income.

For this result, Zhao Dingguo felt very dissatisfied.

He used his own ultimate, but in the end, only killed one person, and it was still the kind that could be killed without an ultimate. For Sentinel, this battle was a loss!

“Because our tactics are wrong!”

When Zhao Dingguo returned to the bot lane, Dazzle pointed out the key to their problem, and bluntly expressed his opinion: “We are playing against each other’s strong point with our weaknesses!”

“Fight their strong point with our weaknesses?”

Zhao Dingguo froze for a while, and soon thought about the taste.

This started from their lineup. Whether it’s Tidehunter, Dazzle, or himself, the ultimate was especially suitable for team battles. Once a large-scale team battle was fought, it undoubtedly maximized their advantages. But the Scourge side was different. They only have the Lich’s ultimate which was the most suitable for team battles. The other skills were more suitable for small-scale battles!

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