DOTA Madness

Chapter 97: A High Noon Rank Woman

There was a reason why Zhao Dingguo believed that the man came from the Divine Rapier Society.

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One of their leaders was killed, and the contract card that they tried so hard to obtain was robbed. Finally, they even risked being punished by the Order of Light to attack Zhao Dingguo. After paying such a price, they were still unable to regain the card. How could they be willing to stop? With such a premise, the leaders of the Divine Rapier Society definitely obsessed with this lost card!

As for why the man only came once, Zhao Dingguo was not sure, but he had his own guess.

The first was that the people of the Divine Rapier Society did not have much hope of retrieving the card.

Because the more person the card was passed, the more likely an accident would happen. For example, if Zhao Dinggo didn’t choose to draw items, or if he was unlucky and did not get the second item, it may lead to the card being completely missed from them.

The reason why the people of the Divine Rapier Society still come was because of hope.

If they could find it, that’s the best. If they couldn’t, the situation couldn’t go worse. They just come to try out of unwillingness!

The second possibility was that there was not enough manpower in the Divine Rapier Society!

For a first-class organization like the Order of Light, there were about 400 users in High Noon rank and above. But the Divine Rapier Society was different. Most of them were in Dawn rank. Very few people at this level could gain two additional evaluations in the Death Match. Even Zhao Dingguo had to admit his achievement was the combination of strength and luck.

In this way, there may be only a dozen people who can have the hero medal and enter the Warcraft realm!

Such a small number of people, scattered throughout the Azeroth continent, could make no change, not mention that they couldn’t enter at the same time. Furthermore, every BG user had their own thoughts. Even if the boss of the Divine Rapier Society wants to send someone to check for him, they would not do free labor, but asked for benefits!

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For a lot of reasons, the threat that the Divine Rapier posed to him was actually not that great!

After thinking, Zhao Dingguo’s original panic disappeared instantly. Because, not to mention that the people of the Divine Rapier Society did not find him, even if they knew that Zhao Dingguo took the card to find Kael, as long as he was careful, the Divine Rapier Society couldn’t do anything. After all, all the major cities forbid fighting inside the city!

As for the real world, the Divine Rapier Society has already angered the Order of Light because of its previous actions and paid a not-so-small price. In a short time, they did not dare to trouble Zhao Dingguo anyway.

Of course, if that person really comes from the Order of Light, that’s fine!

If Zhao Dingguo hasn’t activated the card, maybe they would have some crooked ideas. But now he has entered the second step of the mission, even if he is killed, the card was no longer available. The Order of Light could grow to a first-class organization, there must be some capable and visionary people in it. Let some guys kill a potential member for nothing, or protecting Zhao Dingguo and gaining another strong BG user in the future?

This was obviously easy to choose!

If the senior members of the Order of Light didn’t even have this kind of mind and vision, they would not be among top BG organizations in China!

Therefore, there must be pressure from inside the Order of Light. What Zhao Dingguo has to do was to publicize his bloodline mission. As long as this was stated, the Order of Light would give him preferential treatment. Of course, in that case, he would become the target of other BG organizations. The benefits were great, but the risks were also greater. The best way was to make progress in a low-key manner, and publicize it after he has got his bloodline and his strength has risen!

After considering the whole thing, Zhao Dingguo talked to the soldier, telling him that when someone asked, he must cover the story. Then he left the outpost and found an uninhabited place waiting to return to the real world.

One minute left!

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“Your stay time is only one minute left. Do you want to pay 200 WP (based on the current nameplate level and current area) to extend it to another 12 hours?”

It’s possible to spend some money to buy stay time?

Seeing this prompt, Zhao Dingguo was somewhat surprised. However, this surprise immediately turned into cursing. Half a day cost 200 WP, which was equivalent to a Regular Match victory. If there is anything that required him to stay for two or three days, wouldn’t it be a thousand wins to go out at once?

That’s a huge sum!

Moreover, he noticed that the cost was also related to his area!

Outside the southern outpost, it’s neither an important place nor a secret location, just the most common wasteland, therefore it must be the cheapest one. If he traveled to places like Moonlight Forest or Mount Hyjal, the price would rise rocketed.

It seemed that if it’s not particularly important, the extravagant behavior of spending money on time should not be done!

Although he could earn WP by staying on this continent, it’s clear that unless he had super good luck, it’s a loss in most cases!

Although at this moment Zhao Dingguo had enough winning points to buy once, of course, he would not do that, but chose to return to the real world directly after the countdown.

After the transmission, Zhao Dingguo returned to his room.

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Everything was the same as before the start of the Death Match. Zhao Dingguo went to the sofa, looked at the time, and found that it was only a few hours since he left!

It’s said that the time between the two worlds was not synchronized, it’s really the truth!

Lying on the sofa for a moment, Zhao Dingguo smiled lightly, got up, and opened the door locked from the inside.

In this Death Match, not only he got a lot of BP but also obtained the hero medal. As for the trip to the Dota continent and activating the bloodline mission, it was a series of gains, which also gave him a more comprehensive understanding of the BG platform. For the elementary mastery of ice magic, Zhao Dingguo felt that the value of this stuff should be expensive!

In the battle with the Murloc before, Zhao Dingguo has fully tested the ability of the ice magic system. Now in the real world, Zhao Dingguo tested it again. With a flat palm, he used the mana in his body to quickly condense an ice bomb in the size of a pigeon. Although the effect looks far less gorgeous than the flame missile, the added lethality was the same. As for the advanced ice cone, in addition to the slightly higher damage than the ice bomb, it can also add a slight deceleration and knockback effect!

With his current strength, the effective kill range of the ice bomb was about 50 meters!

With this, Zhao Dingguo did not need to fight against people at the melee range!

As for the specific price of this book page, he checked it at the branch trade fair of the Order of Light. Zhao Dingguo was anxious to figure out how many WP this thing was worth…


Seeing Zhao Dingguo coming out, the female secretary whom Old Li had assigned to him hurriedly ran over to stop him. Apparently, she has been waiting outside for a long time.

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Zhao Dingguo glanced at her and asked, “Is there anything wrong?”

The female secretary leaned forward deliberately or unintentionally, and said softly, “Boss Li asked me to wait for you here, saying that after you come out, go to the club on the top!”


Zhao Dingguo frowned, knowing most of what happened. He bid farewell to the female secretary and walked quickly towards the top floor.

Because the three top floors were only open to VIPs, it always looked empty. At the moment, there were only two people on the top floor clubhouse. The man facing Zhao Dingguo was Old Li, and the other sitting opposite him was a very beautiful young woman.

She was wearing a white ruffled one-piece windbreaker, and the waistband was tied with a beautiful bow, making her waistline extra slim. A long black hair was softly passed to the waist, forming a contrast with the trench coat and her creamy skin. However, the unique atmosphere of a senior BG user made Zhao Dingguo feel an inexplicable danger!

Obviously, looking at Old Li’s respectful attitude, this woman, who was in her early twenties, was probably more powerful than Old Li!

Could it be that she is a master with a High Noon tavern nameplate?

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