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Sheng Feilong was making his way to his quarters. When She Meixiao told him they would go to the Star Luo Continent for the mission, he was so excited that he didn't even realize how rude he was to just leave his Master behind in the office while he run off.

That Star Luo Continent was one of the three continents on the planet and also the one that has the shortest history to it, only spanning back around 10.000 years. Back then, wars plagued the Douluo Continent after a tectonic shift connected the Douluo Continent with the Sun Moon Continent.

The Sun Moon Empire, the overlords of the Sun Moon Continent, used their superior technology to conquer the Douluo Continent over the course of many years and forced the two great empires of the Douluo Continent, the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire, to flee.

Eventually, the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire found uncharted continents and made themselves at home their, leading to the creation of the Star Luo Continent and the Heaven Dou Continent. While the Sun Moon Empire slowly evolved into the Federation of the Douluo Continent as it is known today.

According to what books on the matter said, the Star Luo Continent was a completely different world compared to the Douluo Continent, so Sheng Feilong was excited to see this 'different world' for himself. With that in mind, Sheng Feilong began reading up on the Star Luo Continent in order to get as much information as possible.

She Meixiao still sat inside her office. After Sheng Feilong left, she couldn't help but laugh a bit, not minding how rude it was for him to leave just like that. Still, since the latter didn't let her finish her explanation, he'll be in for a surprise when they go there.

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Later that day, Song Weihan visited She Meixiao. He already came in with a frown and sat down after being offered a seat. "Madam She, I heard about your talk with Feilong from this morning. Are you really sure about this? We still don't know who they will sent."

She Meixiao smiled lightly and offered Song Weihan a cup of tea before taking one for herself. She took a sip before she began talking. "I've just got the information today. It's confirmed that the Silver Moon Douluo will be the only Titled Douluo Shrek sends to the Star Luo Continent. Other than her, there will be a Soul Saint level teacher and a handful of students. With me accompanying Feilong, nothing will go wrong."

The Silver Moon Douluo Cai Yue'er and the Smiling Snake Douluo She Meixiao weren't on the same level at all. When She Meixiao was already a Titled Douluo and had her position in Daedalus long established, the Silver Moon Douluo was just beginning to make a name for herself as one of the Shrek's Seven Monsters.

By now, although not knowing She Meixiao's exact level of strength, Song Weihan knew that she was much stronger than the Silver Moon Douluo. And unlike the latter, She Meixiao was a Four Word battle Armour Master, thanks for a favour Divine Blacksmith Zhen Hua owed her.

Song Weihan still didn't seem very happy about the situation and was mostly concerned about Sheng Feilong's well being, so he couldn't help himself from continuing to frown. She Meixiao smiled again. "If what you said is true, then this is the best opportunity for us. The Silver Moon Douluo won't be able to hide anything from me. If they are at fault, her reaction to seeing Feilong alive will be everything I need. Moreover, once we're on the Star Luo Continent's territory, instigating her death won't be a problem."

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"Are you really sure you'll be able to deal with her if need be? Although I know you're stronger than her, the Silver Moon Douluo is still a force to be reckoned with. If you-" Song Weihan continued to doubt her, which annoyed She Meixiao somewhat.

He quickly stopped talking when he saw She Meixiao throw him a sweet, harmless smile, that would sent shivers down the spines of anyone who knew She Meixiao. "Sir Song, there really isn't any need for you to be so anxious. Feilong is also my disciple. If I wasn't a thousand percent sure that I'll be able to perfectly deal with the situation, I wouldn't dare to let him come with me. Please just leave it to me."

Song Weihan nodded stiffly and then took a deep breath. Looking at She Meixiao, he now smiled lightly, his frown completely gone. "I'm sorry. I'll be troubling you for the time being, then." The two of them continued to talk about the journey for a while longer, though much more light hearted than before.

The next two days passed quickly and in the early morning of the third day, She Meixiao asked for Sheng Feilong to come to her office. Song Weihan was already there as well, when Sheng Feilong arrived together with his father. She Meixiao smiled as she once again told everyone of the journey they would go on.

Sheng feilong flinched when she told them that they would board a ship to cross the ocean and join a politic delegation on the journey. Song Weihan and Sheng Lingtian merely nodded, seemingly already being aware of that fact. Sheng Feilong finally realized that he didn't wait for She Meixiao to explain everything to him two days ago and started seriously listening to her now.

Just two hours later Sheng Feilong and She meixiao sat inside a Soul Train, travelling to Skysea City at the north-east of the continent. There, they would meet up with the politic delegation and board the ship. According to She Meixiao, that ship would be sailing the ocean for two months before they would finally arrive at the Star Luo Continent.

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Sheng Feilong used the time they spent on the train to meditate in silence, while She Meixiao just used her Soul Power to create a sound proof barrier so they wouldn't be disturbed. They were travelling first class and She Meixiao made her identity as a Soul Master known to the staff of the train, so no one dared to bother them anyways.

Time passed by silently and after a few hours, Sheng Feilong was woken up by She Meixiao, who told him that they had reached their destination. They walked through the train station, She Meixiao lead the way. "For now, we'll head to the Grand Skysea Hotel. Everyone who joins travels to the Star Luo Continent is supposed to meet up with the politic delegation there first. Afterwards, we'll board the ship with everyone."

She paused for a moment while they were walking before chuckling lightly. "Well, we'll also get special treatment, so to say. Since I'm a Titled Douluo and all, you see? You better thank you Master properly; If not for me, you would have to wait quite a while. As far as I know, there's over a thousand people joining the journey this time."

"...That many?" Sheng Feilong was slightly shocked and She Meixiao explained that this journey wouldn't just be a politic delegation but also an exchange program for experts of various professions. Blacksmiths, Mecha Makers and the likes; Even cooks and space travel researchers would join.

She Meixiao didn't mention that students from Shrek would join the delegation for a student exchange program and stealthily made sure that he wouldn't see them when they arrived.

At the Grand Skysea Hotel, the leader of the politic delegation, the federation's head secretary Zhang Panwen, gave a speech before introducing a few important people that would be joining. They were mainly the top brass of the politicians and delegates that would be joining as well as some of the more important members that would join the first class, as well as the leader of the delegation that will return to the Star Luo Continent with them.

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Later, when they were ready to begin boarding the ship, Sheng Feilong could see head secretary Zhang Panwen personally accompany a group of people to board the ship. They weren't introduced before and from his position, Sheng Feilong couldn't quite see who they were, but a few of them seemed to be quite young. Tilting his head slightly, he guessed that they must be important people from the Star Luo Continent that didn't want all the attention drawn to them.

A few minutes later, another high ranking member of the politic delegation came to She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong to escort them to board the ship as well. The man looked to be in his late fifties and had a balding head. He wore a formal suit and had a standard practised smile of a politician on his face.

Due to her status, the man naturally paid She Meixiao high respects. He side eyed Sheng Feilong as he didn't recognize the latter, but didn't dare disrespect him as he was together with She Meixiao. "Madam Smiling Snake, who is this young man by your side, if I may ask?"

She Meixiao had a business like blank expression on her face and answered somewhat indifferently to the politician. "He is my personal disciple. Feilong, come greet Deputy Minister Hao." Sheng Feilong nodded and stepped forward before slightly bowing to the man with his hands clasped in front of him. "She Feilong greets Deputy Minister Hao."

As he had talked about with She Meixiao before, Sheng Feilong gave a fake name instead of his real one. By now, the name 'Sheng Feilong' was somewhat renown among the federation as the conflict between Shrek Academy and Song Weihan got many people to investigate the matter.

Deputy Minister Hao returned the greeting with a friendly smile and a light nod. Although Sheng Feilong was She Meixiao's disciple, he was still a junior, so he didn't bow to the former. Afterwards, they were lead onto the ship by Deputy Minister Hao and shown their respective quarters for the journey.

Like this, their two months long journey to the Star Luo Continent would begin!

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