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The octopus Soul Beast floated in the air, about two hundred metres away from She Meixiao. Its eyebrows were furrowed as it quietly stared at its opponent. This time, they, the aquatic Soul Beasts, had miscalculated. It had trusted the Deepsea Devil While King and Devilsoul White Shark King and attacked the humans together with them, but it didn't expect such a powerful opponent.

She Meixiao stood on the other side. Her nine Soul Rings were still suspended in the air behind her, the first of her 100.000-years-old, red Soul Rings glowing with a brilliant light as the colossal, now four headed black cobra stood by her side. Her face couldn't be seen, but from her stance and the solemn attitude alone it could be guessed that she was extremely focused on this battle.

Both of them stared at each other and a sharp glint flashed in the eyes of the octopus Soul Beast. Half a dozen pillars of water reached into the sky around it as it pierced out with the golden trident in its hand.

The water pillars reacted instantly, shooting out as well and targetting one of the cobra heads each with the last two aiming for She Meixiao herself. In response to this, She Meixiao spread out both of her and made a diagonal cutting motion with her left hand. None of the cobra heads moved, but the waterpillars were suddenly destroyed.

Sheng Feilong's pupils dilated. Despite being fully focused, he failed to see when She Meixiao's Spirit Essence's True Avatar moved, but it didn't remain in its coiled up state anymore. Instead, it was now flying in the air. Not being able to tell anything for certain, Sheng Feilong could only guess that the six pillars of waters were smashed apart by the cobra's massive tail!

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She Meiciao waved her hands independently again and the cobra's head shot out one after the other, attacking the octopus Soul Beast. The first was easily dodged and the second repelled with a powerful strike of the golden trident, when the third and fourth cobra heads suddenly spat out massive amounts of acid from both sides of the octopus Soul Beast.

The splashes of acid hit the Soul Beast head on before a loud roar was heard again. Azure blue light shot out from within the acid, splattering it apart and revealing the octopus Soul Beast again. Ignoring the cobra heads it charged at She Meixiao with killing intent. It closed the distance in an instant and appeared mere metres away from She Meixiao, thrusting its trident at her head.

She Meixiao stood her ground, not moving back in the slightest and suddenly waved both of her hands up. The four headed cobra's tail shot up and crashed into the octopus Soul Beast, shooting it hundreds of metres up into the air; So fast, that Sheng Feilong couldn't catch a glimpse of its movement again!

The octopus Soul Beast stabilized itself and roared again, but before it could charge down at She Meixiao again, two of the four cobra heads attacked it from behind with their jaws wide open. Of of them brutally bit down on the octopus Soul Beast's lower half, holding all eight of it's long tentacles in it mouth while the second crunched down on its left shoulder, covering half of the Soul Beast's human like torso with it's jaws.

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The octopus Soul Beast roared in anger again and azure blue light shot out from its body as it pierced the snake head that bit down on its shoulder with its trident. Half of the head was instant disintegrated while waterpillars pierced gaping holes through the rest of it's head and neck.

The head was completely destroyed, but She Meixiao didn't even bat an eye this time, calmly swinging her left arm down. The second cobra head that bit on the Soul Beast's lower body suddenly bit down harder and pulled downwards. The Soul Beast was flung down towards the water like a lifeless puppet; The lower half of it's body still remaining in the cobra head's jaws!

She Meixiao made another small gesture with her hand and the cobra head swallowed all of the octopus Soul Beast's eight tentacles its whole lower body in one gulp! The dark purple glow surrounding the cobra suddenly became brighter and the destroyed head regenerated at an incredible speed; Within seconds, it had completely recovered!

A short pause ensued where She Meixiao indifferently stared down at the supposedly Great Beast that had only half of its body remaining and was bleeding profusely, dying the seawater beneath it red. The energy of the Soul Beast surged once more as it released another mad roar. The bleeding stopped and eight new tentacles suddenly ripped out of the wounds, recreating the lost lower half of its body in an instant.

It breathed heavily and stared at She Meixiao again before roaring and charging at her again. She Meixiao huffed and commanded her cobra heads to attack it again. A dreadful and gory fight ensued as the octopus Soul Beast seemed to have lost its reasoning to rage; it charged in again and again, with no regards to its own safety!

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Brutal shock waves were send through the air and sea, destroying the ice that surrounded the ship and killing off numerous of the weaker aquatic Soul Beasts nearly instantly. The shock waves crashed into the ship every time, but with Mu Ye and Cai Yue'er working together to protect the ship, it withstood the assaults without trouble.

The battle continued for nearly half an hour before the octopus Soul Beast finally stopped its assault. It was ripped apart by the four headed cobra once more before falling into the ocean. Soon, it floated atop the water again, staring at She Meixiao in hatred, but it's aura had grown so weak that it couldn't even regenerate anymore; Any random Soul Emperor would be able to kill it by now, much less She Meixiao!

She slowly floated down to face it, stopping just mere metres away from it with the four cobra heads still silently floating by her side. She looked at the defeated Great Beast, then out on the sea towards the other four Titled Douluos and the two 100.000-years-old whale and sharp Soul Beasts. They had also stopped their fight for the moment and the two 100.000-years-old Soul Beasts seemed more than frightened when She Meixiao looked into their direction.

She Meixiao ignored them and faced the Great Beast again, speaking while infusing her Soul Power into her voice so that every and any living being in a huge radius would be able to clearly hear here words. "That was a nice little exercise. On behalf that it must've been hard for you to survive for so long, I shall let you go today. If you ever want to play with us humans again, feel free to come and find me; I'll gladly accompany you."

Turning around, she faced the two 100.000-years-old Soul Beasts again, still speaking with her enhanced voice. "Take your brethren and leave. This is your last warning. I don't know who supposedly killed your clansman and, frankly speaking, I couldn't care less about it, but if you attacks humans again, I'll personally come and hunt all of you down to the last of your kin."

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None of them replied, but the sea water beneath the octopus Soul Beast suddenly turned a dark purple colour - different from She Meixiao's energy – and hastily pulled the beast towards the Deepsea Devil Whale King. Subsequently, all of the aquatic Soul Beasts retreated after their three leaders silently disappeared into the ocean.

The last of them vanished into the sea and the humans aboard the cruise ship suddenly burst out into vigorous cheers. Sheng Feilong and the others cheered loudly as well as She Meixiao dispelled her True Avatar and slowly floated down towards the ship. She also retracted her Battle Armour and lightly nodded towards Mu Ye and Elder Cai before waving at the cheering crowd.

The other Titled Douluos returned as well and stood on the deck a bit away from She Meixiao and the other two. After a moment, She Meixiao, Mu Ye and Elder Cai moved over to Sheng Feilong and the Shrek Academy students, taking them back into the ship together with them.

When they were away from the crowd, Mu Ye looked at She Meixiao with his usual stoic expression, while the latter smiled lightly at Sheng Feilong. "Feilong, let's get back to our quarters. After all of those fights, you should take a rest." She turned towards Tang Wulin and the others who stared back at her in awe and smiled again. "You lot should return as well; Rest and meditate on those fights later."

She then moved towards her quarters with Sheng Feilong following closely behind her. They reached their destination quickly as no one disturbed them and She Meixiao stepped into her room, leaving the door open for Sheng Feilong to follow her. He orderly closed the door behind him when he suddenly heard She Meixiao violently coughing and turned around.

"Master!" Sheng Feilong hurriedly run over to her, holding onto her shoulder. She Meixiao was down on one knee, still violently coughing while a lot of blood seeped through her fingers. Sheng Feilong's face suddenly turned pale from fright. "Master, are you alright?! What- what happened?!"

She Meixiao soon stopped coughing and closed her eyes for a moment to regulate her beathing again. She lowly stood up with Sheng Feilong's help and sat down on the bed. Seeing her disciple's worried and panicked look, she laughed lightly. "Don't worry Feilong, I'm alright. I just overexerted my powers a bit; I'll be alright after a few hours of rest."

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