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For the moment, Sheng Feilong remained in his room, cultivating in peace after he split up with Tang Wulin and the others. Talking to She Meixiao about the happening of the last few days would have to wait as he still didn't hear anything from her.

He was a bit taken aback by the fact that She Meixiao was seemingly still asleep, as she would usually be awake before him, but he wasn't too concerned. Given the fact that he didn't hear anything from her room, she might as well be outside, so Sheng Feilong didn't pry into matters.

It was still early when he started cultivating and a few hours passed peacefully. He made a bit of progress in his Soul Power cultivation and changed to cultivating his Spirit Power some time later. A few months earlier, he still had to balance his Spirit Power cultivation with physical training, but thanks to the influence of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, his body was already much stronger than ordinary Soul Masters of his level.

He finished his daily schedule a few minutes after noon and slowly stood up. Stretching his shoulders and back with a content expression, Sheng Feilong checked his Soul Communicator for any messages out of habit.

He awkwardly scratched his head when he found another article from the Star Luo Empire about himself on the web. Apparently, the general public really hated him by now and news agencies naturally would try to make a profit out of that.

Browsing the web for a little more just to pass some time, Sheng Feilong eventually put the Communicator down and looked towards She Meixiao's room. Coincidentally, he just heard a sound from inside. 'I've never seen Master sleep for so long... Maybe this whole thing took more of a toll on her than I expected... Senior Ouyang said so as well.'

Sheng Feilong had a apologetic and slightly concerned expression on his face, but still waited a few minutes before jumping off his bed. If She Meixiao just got up, then it wouldn't be proper to bother her immediately. He walked out into the hallway and knocked on the door of her room.

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Despite waiting a few minutes beforehand, he didn't get an answer. Normally, he would expect her to be busy with something, but the fact that he, once again, heard nothing from her room made him feel a bit apprehensive.

Knocking on the door again, Sheng Feilong tried speaking to her. "Master? This is Feilong. Do you have some time?" Again, there was no answer. However, Sheng Feilong could hear a faint sound from inside. He sharpened his ears and soon recognized a faint, pained gasping.

Sheng Feilong frowned lightly and knocked on the door again. "Master, are you alright..?" He heard the pained gasps again and finally decided to barge into the room. Reaching out for the door handle, he was surprised to see that the door wasn't locked.

Wondering why She Meixiao would leave the door open, he slowly walked into the room, but soon froze in place, staring at the interior. The first thing Sheng Feilong saw upon entering the room was blood. A lot of blood; All over the floor and dripping down from the bed.

Sheng Feilong felt a cold shudder wash over his back and he quickly run over to the bed where She Meixiao was lying. He carefully, but hastily went to her side with a pale expression. "M-Master, what happened?! Master!"

She Meixiao was lying in a pool of her own dried blood, seemingly heavily injured and just barely conscious, though her eyes were closed. Sheng Feilong soon felt that She Meixiao was slowly circulating her Soul Power to regenerate, so he stopped himself from shaking her awake.

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Instead, Sheng Feilong carefully put his hand on her back and inserted his Soul Power into her body, following along the path that She Meixiao's own Soul Power took. His faced paled more by the minute; Only now did he understand how weak she really was.

Still, She Meixiao was a Titled Douluo and thankfully had a powerful body; Even though she was incredibly weakened, she wouldn't die. Though without help, regenerating would take at least a week, and that was just to get to the point where she would be able to be able to stand again.

Thanks to Sheng Feilong's Soul Power, She Meixiao recovered much faster. After about an hour, her breathing had stabilized and her Soul Power was flowing much more naturally. The self healing process of her body had fully kicked in and Sheng Feilong was able to sigh a breath of relief; For now, he would have to wait.

She Meixiao quickly healed enough to be able to be moved and Sheng Feilong carefully laid her down on the couch. Like this, she wouldn't have to remain lying in a pool of her own blood. From start to finish, Sheng Feilong couldn't spot a single injury on her body that would lead to such a bleeding; there were a few injuries from blunt impacts, but no cuts or stab wounds.

"Ugh..." A few more hours passed with Sheng Feilong continuously watching over She Meixio and the latter slowly regained consciousness with a groan. Sheng Feilong instantly went back over to her side and anxiously called out to her. "Master! Master, can you hear me?"

"Feilong..?" She Meixiao faintly called out when she saw him so anxiously. She seemed a bit confused, but her eyes quickly narrowed as she remembered what had happened. Still, she suppressed the feelings, forced herself to stay calm and smiled lightly at Sheng Feilong. "Don't worry; I'm alright."

"Master, what- what happened? Why are you injured like this?!" Sheng Feilong's voice was obviously distressed and he was ghastly pale. She Meixiao still smiled lightly and spoke with her usual, calm voice. "Calm down, Feilong. Let me rest a bit, will you? I'll tell you everything later. Just know that I'm alright for now."

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Although she was speaking calmly, She Meixiao didn't have the leisure to remain this nonchalant. She understood her own condition best, so she immediately closed her eyes and started focusing on recovery.

Sheng Feilong also sat down a bit away from her and gradually calmed down. She Meixiao's breathing was calm and steady and her Soul Power was flowing smoothly, so Sheng Feilong knew that the worst part was already over.

A few more hours passed and She Meixiao slowly opened her eyes again. She had managed to stabilize her injuries for now and didn't have to worry about it anymore. She noticed Sheng Feilong staring at her with an anxious expression, though obviously calmer than before. "...Are you alright?"

She Meixiao smiled lightly and nodded. "My injuries are stable. There's no need to worry. I'll be back to top condition in a few days." Sheng Feilong nodded, his anxious expression calming considerably. "What happened, Master? Why where you injured to this extent?"

By now, Sheng Feilong had changed the bloodied bed and cleaned the floor, so it didn't look that bad. She Meixiao was still wearing her bloodied clothing, but she didn't seem to care. Instead, she frowned and looked at Sheng Feilong with a solemn expression. "Keep your distance from that Gu Yue."

Sheng Feilong had a puzzled expression on his face from the sudden order, but nodded his head lightly. She Meixiao continued after slowly sitting up on the couch. "I went after Gu Yue and Tang Wulin to find out who she really was. I didn't expect her to have another expert by her side. The Soul Douluo that attacked you was nowhere to be found, but surprisingly, there was a high ranking Titled Douluo present. I was ambushed and injured, but managed to defeat the Titled Douluo. Though, I passed out when I got back here."

Sheng Feilong's body shook lightly, but he didn't say anything, only listened to She Meixiao's explanation. "Well, seeing that they didn't do anything to you, nor me when I was unable to defend myself, they don't seem to be our enemies. Still, it's better to not involve ourselves with them. They won't hurt your friend Tang Wulin,though, that much I could ascertain."

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She Meixiao quickly fell into thoughts after this and remained silent for a while, while Sheng Feilong was still anxious and trying to calm down. She Meixiao frowned. 'Something about this doesn't add up. How could Di Tian appear here without anyone noticing? I can understand that Mu Ye and Cai Yue'er weren't able to feel his presence, but Cai Yue'er must know something about this Gu Yue.'

"Master, are you sure that we can ignore this...?" Sheng Feilong was clenching his fists, obviously angered by what had happened. She Meixiao smiled lightly, glad that her disciple would react in such a way for her, but still had to turn him down. "I was spying after them and got beaten up; That much is natural. I would've done the same if someone spied on us, probably even worse. Moreover, Shrek Academy most likely knows who Gu Yue really is. You know them; There's no chance they wouldn't investigate who their geniuses are. Especially since Elder cai already said that they are candidates for the new generation of Shrek's Seven Devils."

Sheng Feilong calmed down. She Meixiao was right; Shrek Academy would know about this... Still it left a bad taste in his mouth. First, he was injured during the Year End Exam because of their neglience, then they injured Song Weihan and now She Meixiao was injured as well, again with them being involved.

'Shrek Academy... They can't be trusted. Especially now; If Gu Yue knows about the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, then Shrek Academy does as well. And Elder Cai... she saw me using it. I hope this won't cause trouble...' Sheng Feilong was lost in thoughts, while She Meixiao silently watched him while internally sighing in relief. It seemed like he had calmed down.

She once again smiled lightly and pulled him out of his thoughts. "Feilong. Could you go and get me something to eat? I'm really getting hungry." Sheng Feilong lokked up at her and quickly nodded, practically sprinting out of the room to get her something to eat.

She Meixiao chuckled lightly, but soon started frowning. She pulled out her Soul Communicator and sent a message to Song Weihan, as well as one of her most trusted aides, through Daedalus' network.

-Shrek has a connection to Di Tian. Investigate that for me, please. Also, find out about Shrek Academy's student, Gu Yue. Di Tian called her 'Young Lady'. We need to know what's going on.

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