An hour had passed since Sheng Feilong revealed his bloodline to Mu Ye. The latter lead Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui to another part of the Body Sect's headquarters. Soon, they entered a spacious hall carved out of the mountain.

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The ground, ceiling and walls of the room were further fortified with all kinds of materials, making for an odd combination of colours; Everything seemed to be patched up to try and stop it from collapsing rather than being an effective design.

Mu Ye turned around to the two of them while they still eyed the surrounding hall. "Alright, listen up. This is one of the training areas of my Body Sect. This particular one is my private training area, to be precise. I'll teach you a few things first and we'll see how well you do."

He glanced at Sheng Feilong, hesitating a moment before focusing his eyes on Yuanen Yehui. "Sheng Feilong, you sit this one out; I'll test your girlfriend first." He walked into the middle of the training hall while Sheng Feilong walked off to the side.

Mu Ye motioned for Yuanen Yehui to attack him with a calm expression. "Attack me first; Show me what you can do and I'll choose the most suitable technique to teach you." Yuanen Yehui nodded her head and got into a fighting position, while Mu Ye stood opposite of her.

She shot forward, attacking Mu Ye head on before using a set of footwork to get to his side and kick out at him. Moments later, her eyes constricted as Mu Ye effortlessly caught her foot, sneering at her while throwing her back to her original position with a single hand. "What do you think you're doing? Use your Spirit Essence. I'm not here to play house with you. Don't waste my time."

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Sheng Feilong chuckled, while Yuanen Yehui caught her footing again, stabilizing herself with a slight blush. Her Soul Power surged and her body swelled up, growing into a over four metres tall Titan Giant Ape, while her six black Soul Rings appeared behind her back.

Seeing this transformation, Mu Ye showed an interested expression at first, which quickly turned into surprise when he saw her Soul Ring constellation. 'Only 10.000-years-old Soul Rings at her age? And a total of six? No wonder She Meixiao wanted me to train her... She's a monster. Moreover, there's still her other Spirit Essence. What was it... Fallen Angel? Incredible...'

While Mu Ye was lost in his thoughts, Yuanen Yehui got into another fighting position and prepared herself for the fight. Her second Soul Ring lit up and the muscles on her right arm swelled up further before she punched out in Mu Ye's direction.

A highly compressed shot of air blasted towards Mu Ye, but he still blocked it easily with one hand. Yuanen Yehui shot forwards directly after the attack, closing the distance in an instant before engaging Mu Ye in a fierce brawl.

The two fought for a short while with Mu Ye blocking every one of her attacks and occasionally countering. His expression was exceedingly calm while Yuanen Yehui was in high focus. 'No need to mention her strength, it's incredible. Her reflexes are good, too. Her Spirit Power must be quite good. She knows how to make use of any opening very well, but her movements are sometimes a bit awkward... She's lacking the experience to fight other humans in her transformed state.'

Yuanen Yehui took a step back while Mu Ye analysed her fighting style and pulled out two giant hammers from her Spacial Ring. Mu Ye's brows twitched slightly, but he still blocked the attack, though using his Soul Power to reinforce his body. 'She's using weapons now?'

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Their fight continued for a while, with Mu Ye dodging and blocking her attacks the whole time. After another few minutes, Mu Ye had seen enough and distanced himself from Yuanen Yehui. "Alright, that's enough."

Yuanen Yehui was about to jump after him, but stopped upon hearing his words and nodded her head. She put the giant hammers away and transformed back into her normal form, after which Mu Ye spoke up with a frown. "What's with the hammers? Why do you bother using them? They're useless for you; You Titan Giant Ape's strength and range are already good enough, why bother with heavy weapons that limit your means so much?"

Yuanen Yehui tried to explain her reasons, but Mu Ye's logic was solid; With a Spirit Essence as powerful as the Titan Giant Ape, all weapons were redundant as her best weapons were her own two fists. He fidgeted with his Spacial Ring for a while and pulled out a few booklets. "Take these. The techniques should fit you quite well. I'll demonstrate for the time being."

He continued their training session for about an hour, explaining the techniques to Yuanen Yehui and demonstrating them a few times as well as giving her pointers with her form and the likes. Mu Ye glanced at Sheng Feilong at the side before clicking his tongue and shooing him off with his hand. "There's no need for you to watch; Go meditate or something."

Sheng Feilong couldn't help but smirk lightly. Mu Ye had quite the rough mannerism to him, but he was actually spot on; The techniques he was teaching Yuanen Yehui were completely useless to Sheng Feilong, as they focused purely on physical strength and how to make use of ones own momentum – Perfect for a Power Attack type Soul Master like Yuanen Yehui, but useless for him.

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Heading Mu Ye's advice, Sheng Feilong bowed lightly before leaving the training hall and returned to She Meixiao and Song Weihan. Yuanen Yehui returned in the evening before everyone went to sleep.

Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui went to meet Mu Ye in the training hall again the next morning, where Yuanen Yehui showed what she had learned the day before and asked a few questions, which Mu Ye answered.

After a while, Mu Ye was satisfied with Yuanen Yehui's progress for now and told her to train on her own while he turned to Sheng Feilong after she left. "So, the Three-Eyed Golden Lion bloodline, huh. Tell me a bit about it."

He tried to hide it, but Mu Ye was excited beyond belief to be able to work with Sheng Feilong. A Three-Eyed Golden Lion bloodline appearing in a human is unheard of ever since the Body Sect had been created. The Three-Eyed Golden Lion itself was already known as one of the apex Soul Beasts in the world, even before they opened their legendary third eye.

A bloodline of such a beast is invaluable for the Body Sect, much less one like Sheng Feilong's that allowed him to actually open the third eye. Sheng Feilong nodded his head and started explaining about his bloodline from the beginning. "The ancestor of my Clan's bloodline is Sheng Wuyong, a 100.000-years-old Three-Eyed Golden Lion, who absorbed the power of the sun for over 30.000 years on a mountain in the Great Star Dou Forest."

"I first awakened my bloodline after I graduated from the Intermediate Academy; My Master, Song Weihan, gave me one of the first Artificial Soul Bones as a gift. That Soul Bone was made from the Soul Bone of an actual 100.000-years-old Three-Eyed Golden Lion. The residue power of the Soul Bone reacted with my bloodline and awakened it." Sheng Feilong spoke in a calm tone, to which Mu Ye simply nodded.

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He was about to say something when Sheng Feilong continued his story. "About one and a half years ago, I ventured into the Great Star Dou Forest together with Yehui and another friend, where we found the mountain my Ancestor had been residing on. I obtained his whole inheritance there, including his blood, which allowed me to fully awaken my bloodline. When I broke through the Spirit Domain Realm some time ago, my third eye opened."

He left a few crucial details concerning the pride of Golden Lions and his new Spirit Soul out, as he didn't want to reveal too much to Mu Ye. Still, what he said already caused Mu Ye's eyes to widen slightly. He took a moment to compose himself before falling into thoughts, trying to decide which technique to teach Sheng Feilong.

"Well, first of all, I want you to release your bloodline at full power. I need to know how strong it is exactly to give you the best suited technique." Mu Ye said after a while, to which Sheng Feilong nodded. He took a few steps back, releasing the full strength of his bloodline, including opening the third eye.

Mu Ye was quite composed at first, but the intensity of Sheng Feilong's bloodline shocked him deeply. He remained silent for a while, then pulled out another booklet from his Spacial Ring, similar to how he did when giving Yuanen Yehui her techniques. "This one should be most suitable for you. You don't need to awaken your bloodline, but instead refine and strengthen it. Honestly, it's already ridiculously strong, but a promise is a promise."

Sheng Feilong simply smiled and started reading the booklet. Mu Ye explained a few of the more complicated things as soon as Sheng Feilong read of them and he soon understood how the technique worked.

He sat down on the ground and started meditating, then tried to manipulate his bloodline's energy how the technique said. It took a while to get a grasp of it, but Sheng Feilong could quickly feel his own bloodline getting more agitated.

However, when he started manipulating his bloodline to strengthen it, an aged voice sounded out within his spiritual consciousness, clearly upset about what was happening. "What are you doing, Sheng Feilong? Why are you meddling with my dear brother's bloodline?"

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