"Everyone, don't move, just look at me properly."

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Hearing this, all of the peoples from Heaven Duo convoys were stunned.

As he finished speaking, he was already dashing out.

Ryu ran toward thousand bandits in rapid speed using Soru.

"Too fast…."

"Who is this kid?"

"He came from Shrek's convoy, is he the Shrek hidden card? Shrek is very strong already"

Then Ryu exerted his willpower onto those bandits. A thousand bandits were fallen unconscious, leaving only hundreds of peoples now. These hundreds of peoples were at least rank 50 spirit masters.

"Who is this kid?"

"Is he some expert?"

He knocked thousands bandit without physically harming them. This is too awesome"

Watching this scene, all of the bandits and the Heaven Duo Imperial Kingdom convoys were stunned.

"He is my man," Qian Renxue said in her mind. She masquerades as Xue Qinghe.

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"Brother Tian Meng, let's show them our power"

"Yeah, I'm itching"

"Spiritual Shock"

Ryu exerted his willpower again, and it was amplified by Tian Meng ability: Spiritual Shock. Hundreds of peoples coughed mouth of blood, then fell unconscious, leaving twenty peoples. They were rank 70 spirit masters at least.

"You dare....."

"We will kill you"

"It's showtime…." Ryu revealed his power, 7 spirit rings appeared.

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens, Hyōrinmaru. Bankai: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru"

Ryu's Bankai causes ice to flow from Hyōrinmaru onto Ryu, starting at his right arm, which ice forms onto in the shape of a dragon's head around his sword hand, encasing the sword up to the hilt, which also changes from the shape of a four-pointed star to that of an eight-pointed star. The ice continues forming up over his shoulders, with two large wings sprouting from his back and a long tail. The ice forms down his left arm and encases his hand, which ends in a claw. Ryu's feet are encased in ice in a similar manner to his left hand, as they also end in claws.

"A fifteen years old Rank Seventy-eighth Spirit Master" all of them shocked again.

"Leave him to me"

The masked Spirit Douluo's gaze fell directly on Tang San. Then his gaze fell directly on Ryu, the gaze in his eyes like a vulture. His mouth issued a long cry, soaring into the air, he directly pounced at the altogether Shrek Academy people.

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Golden light erupted from the black-clothed masked Spirit Douluo, his arms shaking in the air, transforming into golden wings. Even more tremendous golden light formed light and shadows behind him, his black clothes being replaced by golden feathers, the true face of his spirit was revealed.

It was unexpectedly a golden giant eagle.

At the same time as the wings formed, both his arms separated from the wings, becoming two sharp eagle talons. At the same time, his body began to contract and change, becoming closer and closer to the golden eagle illusion behind him.

This Spirit Douluo was using his seventh spirit ability, Spirit Avatar, from the start. He was clearly aiming to finish it quickly.

Eight spirit rings shone brilliantly, three yellow, two purple, and three black. A fairly good spirit ring configuration.

Even though it wasn't ideal, it was still enough to amaze. The black light of the seventh spirit ring curled over the golden body, appearing frightful, powerful.

"Let me see, who is the king of the sky, me or you?" Ryu then flapped his wings and ascended to the sky to face this Spirit Douluo."

"Ice Empress, it's showtime"

"Bing Bing, show him our power"

"Ice Empress' Wrath"

An incredibly strong ice ability accompanied by an enormous amount of pressure released from Ryu. Then he extended the pressure with his Conqueror Haki and amplified it with Spiritual Shock.

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With a "wah" sound, the Eagle Spirit Douluo could no longer endure and spat a mouthful of blood, the wings on his back losing their radiance. Taking a deep breath, his sight was fixed on Ryu. When the blood was spotted, it was frozen.

This was the power of "Permafrost Domain" A Domain-type ability that causes the area around the user to freeze up quickly.

By now everyone could see that these black clothed people absolutely weren't bandits. If bandits could have Spirit Douluo overseers, then wouldn't the world be in upheaval?

The golden eagle's gaze roamed, its eagle's vision undoubtedly extremely sharp.

"You think to scare me? I'm Roldiarra, others fear you, but I don't. I will kill you, kid"

Roldiarra issued a sharp bird call, the ear piercing sound breaking the air.

"You still had companions?" Ryu said

"Roldiarra, the longer you live the more you regress. Can you really not settle such a simple task?"

A feminine voice came from the distance. When he spoke Roldiarra's name he was still in the distance, but when he spoke the final word, his silhouette had already quietly appeared in front of everyone.

It was still a masked man, his age couldn't be seen, nor heard from his voice. However, his clothes weren't black, but rather all white.

The white-clothed man's gaze turned to the Golden Eagle in the air, somewhat impatiently saying:

"Deal with them immediately, or could it be you want me to do it?"

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"Yes, lord." The Golden Eagle flew toward the Shrek convoy.

The enormous pressure once again pervaded the Heaven Dou Imperial Kingdom convoy.

Making the convoy shocked and heartbroken was an aura with a special fragrance filling the air from that white clothed man. The instant it spread over them, most of them unexpectedly unable to move, and even unable to use their spiritual power.

Scaring off the Spirit Douluo, what did that prove? Shouting at a Spirit Douluo, what did that mean? All kinds of signs explained the strength of this white-clothed person.

The white-clothed man's gaze focused on Ryu,

"You could actually break my Aura Binding Realm."

His nose twitched. His face couldn't be seen, but the expression in his eyes was somewhat stunned,

"Good, you are not an ordinary kid, show me your power"

"Oh my God, the white-clothed man is Title Douluo," Flender said

"Title Douluo?" everyone was shocked.

The white-clothed Title Douluo seemed to have figured something out, his mouth issued feminine laughter, making everyone who heard it shudder,

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I'll first kill that Tang San and then capture you. I do not believe that you will not submit to me. Yes, I will bring this bunch of kids back. Everyone's talent is pretty good. I will instruct you all well."
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