Dr. Jiang's Daily Adversities

Chapter 1116: 1116

Both parties looked at each other, and the air suddenly became still.

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When Pei Rusi saw Mo Boyuan’s figure appear in the department, her heart was indeed not that calm.

Mo Boyuan was the same, but he did not show it on his face.

In just a few seconds, both parties had already made many eye contacts.

At this moment, Director Gong came out of the office and looked at the large group of people standing in front of him.

“What are you all standing here for? Go and get busy” He roared.

Hearing Director Gong’s roar, everyone finally came back to their senses and dispersed.

From time to time, they couldn’t help but turn around to take a look.

“Woah, is that really Mo Boyuan?”

“Why is the Tycoon’s son in the department?”

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“It looks like he came out from Director Gong’s Office!”

Everyone had all sorts of doubts and guesses. They finally understood when they saw the person who came out of the changing room.

“Good morning, Dr. Jiang!”

“Dr. Jiang, did that person send you to work?”

It was the truth, sisters.

Jiang Tingxu felt a little uneasy.

“Ahem, good morning, everyone. He’s just on his way.”

Can you believe this excuse?

Fortunately, it was work time now, so everyone didn’t have time to gossip. After greeting one another, they went off to do their own things.

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Mo Boyuan rarely saw his wife at work. Now that he saw the woman in a white coat, he felt that his wife seemed to be emitting a halo.

“I’m going to work, you should leave quickly.”

There would be a lot of people later.

This time, the man nodded in agreement.

“Well, I’ll leave first. If there’s anything, call me. If you have time in the afternoon, I’ll pick you up from work.” He said.

Jiang Tingxu wanted to say that there was no need, but she relented.

“Okay, okay, okay.” She replied.

In any case, it was fine to leave first.

There were no media paparazzi in the department, but there were quite a number of paparazzis outside.

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The people outside didn’t know that the person they had been longing to film had already arrived.

Unfortunately, these paparazzi couldn’t enter the emergency department.

If they dared to intrude, the hospital would immediately call the police.

Moreover, even if someone came in disguised as a family member, as long as they had a camera or something on them, the detector at the door would emit a sound.

After a few days, this group of paparazzi from the media had become much more obedient. They only squatted outside and would not rush in impulsively.

The emergency department was not a place for gossip. This was a place that saves lives!

In the Doctors’ office, Jiang Tingxu received a few glares the moment she stepped into the door.

“Good morning, Dr. Jiang.”

“Dr. Jiang, come in quickly.”

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“Alright, although it still seemed a little strange, it was still normal in general.” She thought.

Jiang Tingxu walked in, settled in her seat, and turn on the computer.

Only the few colleagues in the office had known about the situation, so they were much calmer than those who did not know about the situation beforehand.

The emergency treatment during the day was still alright. It was not as busy as night time. Jiang Tingxu did not see a single patient in the morning. Other than one involved in a car accident with a broken leg, he did not have any other problems. Of course, he still needed a CT scan and blood tests.

Jiang Tingxu was writing a list. There was this family member glanced at her from time to time. After a few glances, he finally confirmed it.

“You are Dr. Jiang, right?”

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