Tenderness and Requests

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Yi Zhize didn't want to bring it up again, "There's nothing to talk about, it's all old news."

Ou Tingyun changed the question, "Are you tired, Zhize?"


"Let me help you relax for a while, okay?"


"The smell of smoke in here is too strong for rest.” Ou Tingyun opened the bathroom window and fresh air poured in.

A slight coolness was introduced and Yi Zhize felt a little clearer.

Ou Tingyun said, "How about going to your bedroom?"



"It smells like smoke."

"On the sofa, then?"


The two of them went to the living room, where Yi Zhize lay obediently on his back on the sofa, and Ou Tingyun sat beside him and whispered, "Zhize, close your eyes."

The room was full of silence and there was no light.

By the light of the moon, his eyes were downcast to the side.

At the moment, his patient's eyes were slightly closed and the teardrop mole in the corner of his eye was tinged with a little moonlight and glowed an unreal white.

Ou Tingyun asked, "How do you feel now?"


"Don't focus on your pain, Zhize, put all your attention on my guidance."

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"Let go of all your perceptions, leave behind the past, the present, and the future. It is as if there is a whole new life, everything is light and wonderful. You come to a universe that is entirely yours. Your heart begins to calm and you breathe deeply."

Immersed in his guidance, Yi Zhize's furrowed brows gradually eases.

"You are the source of life creation, and you can dissolve everything you don't want at will. Those will dissipate as you breathe, no longer coiled, no longer stagnant, breathe deeply."


After an unknown amount of time, he seemed to fall into a deep sleep and it seemed like he never left his guidance.

"Zhize, when I count backwards from ten to one, you will open your eyes and return to the real world. You will gradually wake up and feel comfortable and happy."

"Ten, wake up slowly and comfortably, both physically and mentally."

"Nine, regain your senses..."

"Eight, you are at peace and tranquillity within."

When the countdown reached one, Yi Zhize slowly opened his eyes, reflecting the face of the doctor at the bottom of his eyes.

His eyes were deep and his upper lip was slightly curled with some Hong Kong-style casualness.

From blur to clarity.

Ou Tingyun smiled at him, “Zhize, how do you feel now?"

"Much better." Yi Zhize looked at him seriously, "Thank you, Teacher."

"What's the use of saying thank you, how about something practical?"

"Okay, what do you want?"

"I don't know, you'll owe me first."


Ou Tingyun laughed: "You're too nice, Zhize, don't be deceived."

"Would you lie to me, Teacher?"

Ou Tingyun's smile deepened, "Of course not. A psychologist is always honest with his clients."

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Ou Tingyun looked at his watch, it was nearly ten o'clock at night, and said, "Get some rest, I'll go home."

"Wait," Yi Zhize sat up from the sofa, "I..."

Ou Tingyun stood still, waiting for him to finish his sentence.

“Forget it," Yi Zhize rubbed his temples, "You can go."

"Zhize, what are you trying to say?"


Ou Tingyun didn't relent, "Zhize, do you owe me a request?"


"Now that I've thought about it, I want you to finish that sentence you just uttered."

"What kind of request is that?"

"How is that not a request? Don't cheat."

Yi Zhize averted his gaze and whispered, "Today is my birthday. Although, there's less than two hours left."

Ou Tingyun quietly approached and said gently, "Happy birthday, Zhize. Don't say thank you."

"Then what can I say?"

"You can make a wish."

"I don't have a birthday, and I don't make wishes."

"That won't do,” Ou Tingyun said, "I'll order you a cake now, it has to be tonight."

Yi Zhize smiled, "I appreciate that, but it's really not necessary."

"You don't like it?"


"Then how do you want to spend it?"

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Yi Zhize tentatively said, "This time of year, I can't sleep. But today, you helped me with hypnosis and I feel in good shape. So I was wondering if you could leave after I've fallen asleep? I know that this may be a bit over the line, and you can always refuse."

"I promise you.” Ou Tingyun said, "Go and take a bath and try to fall asleep before twelve o'clock."


After a refreshing bath, Yi Zhize entered the bedroom in his robe.

His minty body scent lingered on the tip of his nose, and Ou Tingyun teased, "Zhize, you don't want me to tell you a bedtime story, do you?"

Yi Zhize lay back on the bed and turned on his side towards him, "Would you?"

"Unfortunately, I won't."

"So what can you do?"

"I don't know anything about coaxing children."



"Nothing, I'm sleepy."

"Okay, good night, Zhize."

"Good night."


A peaceful night's sleep.

The next day, Yi Zhize woke up.

Ou Tingyun had already left, and Yi Zhize looked at the chair where he had sat last night for a while.

Then he got up, washed up, got dressed, and everything was as usual.

Even better than ever.

When he left the house, he looked like an elite lawyer, with no trace of the decadence and degradation of the night before.

At 9am, he arrived at the law firm on time.

An Rong was making a cup of coffee and greeted him, "Yo, Mr. Yi, good morning."

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"Good morning."

"You seem particularly handsome today."

Yi Zhize:...

"I'm serious," An Rong took a sip of her steaming coffee, "Just, it feels like you're in particularly good shape. Honestly, aren't you the man, eh?"

"What?" Yi Zhize just felt baffled.

An Rong winked at him in a serious manner, and Yi Zhize couldn't resist: "I'm going to the office."

What he didn't expect was that someone was already waiting in the office.

However, what he really didn't expect was that that person was actually Mu Xin.

Yi Zhize's face was clearly surprised as Mu Xin took the initiative to greet him and said, "Good morning, Mr. Yi."

"Good morning." Yi Zhize sat down opposite him, "Mr. Mu, do you have a legal question for me?"

"You could say that."

"What is it about? Do you have the relevant materials with you?"

"Mr. Yi, two years ago, did you handle a case of an orphanage property dispute?"

Yi Zhize has handled so many cases that he didn't think of it for a while.

Mu Xin reminded him, "That case involved multiple interests, and helping a public welfare orphanage that had no profit was a thankless task. No one was willing to take it on at that time, except you."

Yi Zhize recalled, "Yes."

"That orphanage was where I grew up, and when the case was in court at the time, I had paid attention and even went to sit in on it. So the first time I saw Mr. Yi, I felt that you looked familiar. In the past few days I've searched for information from that time and identified Mr. Yi, and I want to thank you."

"Since the case had been taken over, it was my responsibility, no need to thank me."

"Having said that, that case was complicated and you were the one who fought for what was right and preserved the legal rights of so many children. Only you could have done that, only you did that." Mu Xin said sincerely, "My request is simple, I just want you to come to my private recital."

Mu Xin took out a beautifully drawn ticket and placed it on Yi Zhize's desk, "To make friends with music and to give thanks with music, this is my heart."

Yi Zhize was about to refuse, but for the sake of the fact that he had saved his grandfather's life, he eventually agreed.


Mu Xin smiled, "See you tomorrow night, Mr. Yi."

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