Deception and Brokenness

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Ou Tingyun stood still.

Yi Zhize was so engrossed in his work that he didn't notice him.

As if he was annoyed with himself, Ou Tingyun thought, just wait three more seconds, surely Ze Ze will see me.

He counted down mentally, very slowly, well beyond the three-second time frame.

He smiled softly, his face as warm as the wind.

The fantasies in his head, however, had long been growing like mad.

Wanting all the people surrounding him like flies to disappear.

Wanting to imprison him, to lock him up.

Wanting to have him all to himself.


wanting to kill him.

Ou Tingyun turned in silence, took the elevator back to the ground floor and threw the carefully prepared lunch box in the trash.

He returned to his car and called Yi Zhize.

It rang and the call was not answered for a long time.

He felt suffocated, and tyrannical emotions surged through him.

Stubbornly, he called again and Yi Zhize's clear, jade-like voice came through: "Tingyun."

Forcing down the agitation in his heart, Ou Tingyun's voice was gentle, "Ze Ze, are you busy?"

"A little, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I miss you."

The lawyer's low laugh came to his ears, "We just met a few hours ago."

"I miss you, Ze Ze, I want to kiss you."

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"I'm working."

"I want to kiss you, now."


"I'm just downstairs."

Yi Zhize walked to the window and peered down, and sure enough, he saw Ou Tingyun's car.

The doctor urged, "Ze Ze, I'm waiting for you."

In desperation, Yi Zhize could only hang up the phone and find an excuse to exit the office.

He had only just gotten into the passenger seat when Ou Tingyun leaned over to kiss him.

Domineering, eager and fierce, it practically made his breathing unsteady. His cheeks flushed and his body went limp.

Ou Tingyun licked and nibbled at his earlobe and whispered, "Ze Ze, I want to hold you."

"No... No way." Yi Zhize refused, "We'll talk about it when we get home."

"Please." Ou Tingyun’s voice was sticky and greasy as he kissed his neck, unbuttoned his shirt and roamed inside: "Ze Ze, please, okay?"

Yi Zhize couldn't say yes, but he couldn't say the words to refuse either.

Ou Tingyun laughed softly, like a childish teenager who had succeeded in his tricks: "Ze Ze, sit on my lap and do as you're told, hmm?"

To have him bear my mark.

The doctor thought.

Wherever he goes,

he will never be able to part with me.


On the way back from his drive, Ou Tingyun received a phone call.

The caller was his doctoral supervisor, Xu Kangbin, a respected authority on psychology in A City. 

Xu Kangbin asked him to meet him at 3pm.

When he arrived at the study in Xu Kangbin's residence as promised, he gestured for him to sit down.

Xu Kangbin, who was nearly ancient, was not angry: "Tingyun, I have heard that you have been doing very well in your research recently."

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Ou Tingyun said politely, "I owe it all to your guidance in the past."

"Your recent article in the Annual Review of Clinical Psychology has caused a huge response in the academic community." Xu Kangbin cut to the chase, "But I've also heard a lot of gossip and I was thinking I should approach you about it."

Ou Tingyun smiled, "Go ahead."

"Both the Institute of Psychology and the Psychological Society have received anonymous complaints accusing your paper of violating academic ethics." Xu Kangbin said seriously, "Specifically, there are two allegations: one, that you did not respect the subject's right to know, and that the entire experiment was conducted without the subject's knowledge; and two, that you developed an uncommonly intimate relationship with the subject, a relationship that is not allowed and should not exist. Are these circumstances, in fact, true?"

"It is entirely fictional." Ou Tingyun immediately denied it, "It's not true."

"You are one of my best students," Xu Kangbin poured a cup of tea for Ou Tingyun, "There should be no academic stains."

Ou Tingyun accepted the porcelain cup and took a sip of the tea, which was as bitter as it could be.

"There are quite a few people in the academic world watching you," Xu Kangbin patted him on the shoulder, "I'm sure you'll manage."

"Please don't worry." Ou Tingyun put down his tea and repeated, "I will take care of it."

Xu Kangbin gave Ou Tingyun the accusation materials and instructed him to write a clarification statement as soon as possible.

Ou Tingyun returned to his home, went straight to his study, opened a locked drawer, took out a thick stack of thesis materials and began writing a report and clarification of the experimental data. At around 9pm, when the clarifications were ready, he immediately sent them to Xu Kangbin.

Yi Zhize came home from work just in time for this.

He hadn't had dinner yet and was a little hungry.

According to the past, the doctor should have prepared a meal long ago, expecting him to taste and evaluate it.

But tonight, he didn't see Ou Tingyun.

Could he be at work?

Yi Zhize went to the study and the door was open.

There were many papers on the desk and the computer screen was still lit, so the owner had obviously just left.

Out of concern for tidiness, Yi Zhize could not resist the urge to help him clear his desk.

As he approached the desk, he saw the title of an English paper.

Yi Zhize only took a glance at it, but immediately recognised the familiar term.

Psychogenic Amnesia.

He vaguely remembered that the doctor had told him that this was the cause of his illness.

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The paper was in English and involved many tables and terms that Yi Zhize did not read carefully.

The first drawer, once locked, was open and a notepad was lying upright.

Yi Zhize took out the black notepad and flipped it open to read.

The records dated back to the 12th of September 2021.

The day they first met.

There were only a few words: [New prey]

The second entry was dated 22 September 2021.

They met a second time.

That doctor wrote: [The game begins]

Going forward, the records became more and more frequent.

From just a few words to a great deal of analysis and conjecture.

From the minute details of his demeanour, his language, his treatment reflections and even his expressions each time.

Yi Zhize's blood began to congeal.

Every word of these records revealed indifference and arrogance.

The doctor was like a superior controller,

and he was just a doll at his mercy for his experiments.

What a mockery.

The man he thought was his saviour was merely Satan in saintly clothing.

What a mockery.

His commitment and indulgence were met with cold research and wanton manipulation.

What a mockery.

He may never have been invested, after all...

a farce.

The headache that he hadn't felt in a long time struck again.

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Yi Zhize calmly read through the entire record before putting it back in its rightful place.

His temples were throbbing, the pain was so intense that his whole body was numb.

Yi Zhize walked out of the study and sat on the sofa in the living room.

When Ou Tingyun returned, his smile was as gentle as ever.

But all he felt was a piercing sensation and a sore pain in his heart.

Ou Tingyun said, "Ze Ze, are you hungry? I'll go and cook for you."

"Teacher," Yi Zhize looked at him, "what is a psychological experiment?"

There was a flash of panic in Ou Tingyun's eyes, which he quickly covered up, "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"The subject of the experiment, code name Z2109," Yi Zhize's tone was indifferent, "it refers to me, right?"

Ou Tingyun looked surprised, then fell into silence.

"Teacher, I remember you once said," Yi Zhize's eyes flooded with a bit of sadness, "you said that you wouldn't lie to me."

"Ze Ze, I think you've misunderstood." Ou Tingyun smiled, "That paper did relate to you, and it's true that I didn't tell you the truth. But it was all done so that you could heal as quickly as possible."

"Everything you've done to me, every step of the way, was planned ahead and well thought out, wasn't it?"

"Ze Ze, it's not important."

"Every word of reassurance, every promise, every moment of tenderness you made for me was nothing but a rehearsed illusion, right?"

"Ze Ze, let's calm down, okay?"

"I'm calm," Yi Zhize's voice was calm, and he spoke one word at a time, "you're having fun with the hunting game, aren't you?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about," Ou Tingyun said, playing dumb, "Ze Ze, are you tired? Do you want to take a nap and rest for a while?"

"There's no need to act anymore." Yi Zhize got up and gazed into his eyes, "The game is over."

"Ze Ze, I was wrong." Ou Tingyun pleaded softly, "Don't make me angry by saying such inexplicable things, okay?"

Yi Zhize's eyes were frosty and he didn't reply, he just walked towards the door.

Ou Tingyun took his wrist, "I'm sorry."


"Dr. Ou," Yi Zhize said, "we're done."

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