Love and Growth

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Man and tree are the same the more he wants to grow towards the bright heights the deeper his roots sink into the earth into the depths of darkness and evil

~ Thus Spoke Zarathustra


Even though he knows that the man before him is indeed his lover, as true and real as gold, in Heaven and on Earth, he is the only one. But in a way, he was not exactly his lover.

Yi Zhize was caught in a dilemma.

"What?" Ou Tingyun felt a little wronged: "Didn't you just say that no matter which one I am, it's still me?"

That said, Yi Zhize felt that making love with this current Ou Tingyun would have the guilty feeling of cheating: "Is there any other way than this?"

"This is the most effective way."

"As you said, we are meeting for the first time."

"But you have been intimate with my body for a long time."

"I still don't think it's right."

"Well, it's just a suggestion, I won't force you." Ou Tingyun said, "What time is it?"

Yi Zhize awakened his phone and glanced at the screen, "11:58."

"Time to rest."

"Mhmm. But," Yi Zhize suddenly responded, "the door has been locked by me and the key lost."

"Why would you do that?"

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"To prevent you from going crazy."

Ou Tingyun laughed, "I can understand that."

"Dr. Ou, do you know how to pick a lock?"

"Mr. Yi, I'll return the question."

"As a lawyer, why would I know how to pick a lock?"

"As a doctor, would that be my specialty?"

"As far as I know, you have a doctorate."

"So what? It's just a paper diploma."

Yi Zhize searched for a lock picking tutorial from the internet and handed it to Ou Tingyun: "You just informed me that your personality is now in your university years. As we all know, the university years are the peak of learning, so this task is for you."

Ou Tingyun took the phone and laughed helplessly, "Mr. Yi is worthy of being Mr. Yi."

"False praise."

It had long been clear to Yi Zhize that this doctor of his had a great capacity for learning. But for a highly practical operation like lock picking, he was still a little unsure if his Professor Ou could handle it.

He was proved to be overly concerned, as after only one tutorial, the man produced a tool by himself using a piece of metal from the treatment room, and with a crunching sound, the door opened.

"Professor Ou is worthy of being Professor Ou."

"False praise."

In the night, Ou Tingyun hesitated to go to sleep, and Yi Zhize asked him why.

Ou Tingyun said, "If I fall asleep and wake up again, I don't know if I will see you again."

Yi Zhize replied, "You are always you."

"Look, you don't have the same heart and mouth again. If I were me, why wouldn't you want to be intimate with me?"

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"Because you are not fully you." Yi Zhize said, "You are part of you, and I am all of me."

"I shouldn't have debated with you," Ou Tingyun said, dropping his head and kissing the corner of his brow, "I can't say no to you in any way."

"Good night, Tingyun."

"Good night, Ze Ze."


Waking up the next day, Yi Zhize had just opened his eyes when he saw Ou Tingyun smiling at him, "Good morning, Zhize."

"Good morning." Yi Zhize rubbed his eyes and immediately realised that something was wrong: "You didn't sleep all night?"

"Yes and no." Ou Tingyun said, "I dozed off, but I couldn't fall asleep."

"That hurts your body." Yi Zhize was a little distressed.

"It's okay, I've got a handle on it, I just don't want to leave." Ou Tingyun whispered, "Just let me stay with you a little longer."

Yi Zhize had mixed feelings in his heart and could only agree, "Okay. But you have to sleep tonight."


"Do you have any work scheduled for today?"

"No, I took the day off."

"Well, that is best so as to avoid any mistakes at work."

"Zhize, can I come and see you at the law firm?"

"What do you mean?"

"There are only twenty-four hours in a day, and your work takes up eight of them, so I'd like to visit you on your lunch break and have lunch together."

"That's not good." Yi Zhize had already predicted how An Rong and Victor would flirt with him, "I can call you."

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"But that's not the same as meeting. I want to see you, is that okay?"

The look in Ou Tingyun's eyes was too seductive for Yi Zhize to resist: "O... Okay."

"Zhize is so good to me."


For the rest of the morning, Yi Zhize was a little distracted at work.

An Rong teased him, "My Barrister Yi, why do you seem to be out of shape today? Are you expecting some sweetheart?"

"An Rong, I suggest that you should worry about yourself." Yi Zhize snapped back, "I heard that you've been seeing a certain partner from the law firm next door."

An Rong immediately blushed, "Who did you hear that from?"


"I see," An Rong smiled, "Yi Yi, keep this a secret for me."

"In exchange for what?"

"I'll run the court stamps for you next time, deal?"


As soon as An Rong left his office, Victor's wail came from the other side: "Gooooood! No, help help, please have mercy aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!"

At lunchtime, when Ou Tingyun arrived at Ruizheng Law Office, Yi Zhize was meeting with his clients in his office.

An Rong had just made a cup of coffee from the pantry when she saw him, and she greeted him with a smile, "Mr. Ou, you've come to visit Mr. Yi again?"

At the moment, Ou Tingyun had no memory of An Rong, so he just smiled and said, "Yes."

"Our Yi Yi is having a meeting now, it may take a while, so you can sit down first."


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"Yo, look who's here." Victor, wearing a distinctive pink shirt, whistled at Ou Tingyun, "It's our Yi Par's rumoured top ten boyfriend. How's it going man?"

Although he didn't know Victor either, he spontaneously ignited some hostility, "None of your business."

"Whoa! So much fire, I am so scared! Yi, Yi, Yi! Please help me!" Victor shouted a few times towards Yi Zhize's office, just in time to meet Yi Zhize coming out from inside, and he immediately complained, "Yi, your boyfriend is so rude to me."

"Then I'll apologise on his behalf." Yi Zhize walked over to Ou Tingyun, "Been waiting long?"

"No, just arrived." Ou Tingyun took his hand and kissed the side of his face.

"Wow!!!" Victor cajoled, "Easy! Public place! It's a public place!"

"Victor, as a half-breed who grew up in England," Yi Zhize retorted, "aren't you making a bit of a fuss?"

"Yi! You've changed!" Victor was outraged: "You weren't like this before! You are too indulgent with him!"

An Rong chimed in, "Yi Yi, you've really changed, but it's good, hope you last for eternity."

The two of them came out of the law firm and on their way to the restaurant, Ou Tingyun suddenly said, "Zhize, I'm actually a bit jealous."


"I don't have any of that past with you."


"But that doesn't matter," Ou Tingyun said, "I can have all your future."

In the afternoon, Yi Zhize returned to work at the law firm.

Ou Tingyun entered the treatment room and opened his laptop.

A dark thought was taking shape in his mind.

I'm going to completely kill every other personality except mine.


I want to have him all to myself.

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