Chapter 59 Forty two people (Part 1)

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When Long Yu stepped forward and said those words, the people in the audience was once again in shock.

Feng Longsong froze for a moment, then snapped out of it and said: “Little Yu, I will stay because I belong to Feng clan, my name is derived from it! But your case is different and did you forget how the people of Feng clan used to treat you? Just take Little Yao and quickly leave! ”

Long Yu faintly smiled and said: “Foster father, all my life, I have considered you as my only family, how can I just run and leave you here to fight alone?”


Feng Longsong suddenly didn’t know what to say, in his eyes, there was worry, there was anxiety, but in his heart, he was deeply moved.

Long Yu was willing to stay with him to fight, made him excited in his heart, however, facing the joint forces of three big clans, what could mere Long Yu possibly achieve?

“Ha ha ha, Feng Longsong, this father and son love is really moving my heart!”

Standing nearby, Qin Duan laughed loudly and said, while intention to kill was flashing in his eyes as he was looking at Long Yu: “This boy has killed my son, I already feel like killing him since he did not cherish the opportunity to leave. He insists to stay, so why not let us see how powerful this kid really is? Maybe, this kid can alone resist against us three clans, ha ha ha! ”

The last sentence was obviously meant as a joke, making more than a hundred people of the three clans suddenly burst into laughter.

Put together, a total of more than a hundred people of the three clans present on the scene, among which, three people were at Wudao ninth layer!

Long Yu alone wanting to deal with them seemed quite inadequate to everyone.

It was simply a dream, a delusion!

Everyone felt that Long Yu’s decision to stay here was completely suicidal, including those juniors of Feng clan.

“No matter how you think, today, I’m staying here.”

Long Yu looked all around, assessed the current situation then immediately said in a loud and firm voice: “I, Long Yu, have grew up in Feng clan since childhood, although foster father was the only person who treated me nicely, but foster father’s family is my family as well, so today, I cannot stand and helplessly watch Feng clan perishing in front of my eyes!”

“Those of the Feng clan who believe in me can stay and fight together with me and foster father. If you do not believe me, then leave the clan right now and run the father the better, however in the future, you will no longer have any connection with Feng clan!”

When Long Yu finished this sentence, all of the juniors of Feng clan were stunned.

Long Yu, who was able to beat a powerhouse like Feng Yun, was actually willing to stay here and perish together with their Feng clan?

In fact, all of the members of Feng clan knew that formerly, when Long Yu couldn’t practice and was considered a waste, the people of Feng clan had done many harsh things to him, but now that the same Feng clan was going to be destroyed, Long Yu was firmly standing before them to lead them.

“Humph, I am leaving!”

In the crowd of Feng clan juniors, the grandiose statured Feng Yang immediately stood up and said: “Long Yu, I can tell that the wandering soul glove on your hand is actually the battle weapon of my sister Feng Qianqian! She lost her life in Royal Ancient Ginseng Forest and now we see that you are in possession of her battle weapon, do you actually think that you can mislead the juniors of my Feng clan into accompanying you to their deaths, bah, dream on!”

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Long Yu’s piercing gaze fell on Feng Yang and he differently said: “It is a well known fact that Feng Qianqian was killed by Yu Qianning of Qiansi sect, but instead of going after her to take revenge, you just stand here and make things difficult for me? I’d like to ask you, do you really not mind that starting today, your Feng clan is going to be removed from the entire Yu Guan city?”

When Feng Yang heard this, his breathing became slightly stifled.

Go after Yu Qianning of Qiansi sect to take revenge?

He simply didn’t have the guts, even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn’t dare to go after her!


Feng Yang snorted and did not say anything, he turned away to walk away, in any event, he couldn’t dare to stay here.

“Brother Yang, wait for me!”

Feng Yun’s younger brother, Feng Luo, called out and quickly caught up with Feng Yang in order to go with him.

Feng Luo was actually thinking of later finding his father and brother, then after that, he would be able to live a better life in the future with his father.

After the two of them left, suddenly, a lot of other people also made up their minds and were also ready to leave.

“If you do not want to go, I will leave with Yao’er.”

Li Yu harshly sneered, held her daughter’s hand and turned to leave.

Feng Yao did not speak, neither did she stop, did not even look back.

However, after arriving at the entrance of Feng mansion’s entrance, Li Yu could not help but looked back and looked at Feng Longsong.

“You really won’t come with us?”

Li Yu asked.

“I won’t.”

Feng Longsong simply didn’t entertain the thought of running away.

“Then don’t, forget about it!”

Li Yu turned around angrily and left along with Feng Yao!

Feng Longsong glanced once at the departing figures of his wife and daughter, a somewhat depressed look appeared on his face, but then, a firm look appeared instead.

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Being the Feng Longsong of Feng clan, he would never abandon Feng clan no matter what!

“I am leaving, Feng clan is doomed today. Staying here is no different than courting death.”

“I am also going, only a fool will stay behind and fight with the joined forces of the three big clans!”

“Actually, I don’t want to go, I decide to join the Qin clan, considering my talent, I can certainly obtain good practice resourced in Qin clan.”

A total of four hundred people of Feng clan soon made their respective decisions.

Among them, more than hundred people made the decision to directly leave, while more than hundred people made the decision to join the other three clans.

In the end, there remained only 40 or so people who were still standing firmly behind Long Yu and Feng Longsong!

But these people were actually the juniors from the collateral Feng clan, each and every one of them was full of vigor and vitality, they cultivation was also quite good.


Chapter 59 Forty two people (Part 2)

Also, most of them were still teenagers, but their hearts were filled with the warm blood running in their veins. They were very much impressed by the decision of Long Yu and Feng Longsong so they also wanted to stay and either live or perish together with Feng clan!

“I never imagined that in the end, only 42 people will stay behind to fight.”

Feng Longsong sighed with emotion.

“Clan head, this is a critical moment of life or dead for our Feng clan, how can we leave you alone?”

“Yes, clan head, other direct descendants of Feng clan treat us like servants, always on beck and call, but only you often taught us to practice, teaching and directing our martial arts! Even if I die today, I will have no regret dying alongside the head of our clan!”

“Formerly, I was merely a servant of Feng clan, but it was clan head who discovered my talent as a martial artist and bestowed upon me the surname of Feng, hence I became a collateral branch junior of Feng clan. I will never forget such graciousness!”

There were excited facial expressions on the faces of these 42 people as they were telling their reasons for staying behind. Some of the Feng clan junior who chose to leave Feng clan would not be able to lift their heads if they saw this scene.

“Good, good, then today, we will have a good time fighting together!”

Feng Longsong was moved to tears that were rolling down from the corners of his eyes. He did not think that at this time, so many people would be standing firmly behind him, willingly present to die alongside him if necessary.


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Long Yu said to show his approval, then he looked up and his fierce gaze clashed with the gazes of those Feng clan juniors who just now joined the three enemy clans and were standing behind them. Suddenly, a cold look flashed in Long Yu’s eyes.

Long Yu decided in his heart that he must make these people regret their decision to betray their own clan!


Long Yu took a long step: “Foster father, you stay here to guarding them, I’ll go first and deal with them.”

“Little Yu!”

Feng Longsong was suddenly startled at his words, he was about to stop Long Yu, but saw that Long Yu’s figure flashed and moved several meters away!

“Qin clan’s head, Qin Duan!”

Long Yu’s body was light like the breeze, he instantly came in front of Qin Duan and shouted: “You said that I have killed your son, Qin Tianque but you actually don’t know that your children are shameless and despicable, they tried to seize the treasure and eliminate the potential informant, I wonder who is to blame for your son’s death?”

Accompanied by the loud shout, the golden light flashed on the palm of Long Yu as he instantly used ‘Demon vajra seal’!

Qin Duan never thought that Long Yu would suddenly attack him out of the blue!

In a hurry, Qin Duan began the circulation of Xuan qi within his body and immediately used Qin clan’s agility type martial skill- Qingfeng martial skill. A screen of blue wind congealed out of nowhere and tried to resist Long Yu’s attack.

“Zhentian charm!”

Long Yu released a burst of repression force which instantly fell on Qin Duan’s body and firmly suppressed the circulation of Xuan qi within his meridians, hence even the Qingfeng screen ended up becoming somewhat fragile.

Boom Kara!

The golden palm instantly crashed into that defensive barrier derived from agility type martial skill and shattered it!

Not long ago, Long Yu had faced the same blue wing screen of Qin Tianque in the Abyss of Teng snakes, but last time, there was no way to break through the barrier and his last resort to use the peak level speed of flickering wind step to deceive Qin Tianque and perform a surprise kill.

But now, Long Yu was facing Qin Tianque’s father and actually managed to smash the blue wind screen in one shot.

Long Yu’s ‘Demon vajra seal’ shattered the blue wind barrier and went towards Qin Duan, but just when the barrier was smashed by Long Yu, Qin Duan immediately used the agility skill to quickly retreat several feet away. His entire face was covered in beads of cold sweat.

Long Yu’s strength was extremely fearful and this Qin Duan was absolutely not his opponent!

“Bewildering trace step!”

At this time, Tan ancestor finally went into action, he suddenly shouted and instantly used the agility type martial skill called ‘Bewildering trace step’ to instantly arrive next to Long Yu.

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“Space breaker palm!”

There was ruthlessness apparent in the old appearance of Tan ancestor when he displayed perfection level of ‘Space breaker palm’ martial skill. It seemed like he wanted to kill Long Yu in one fell swoop!

“Demon vajra seal!”

Long Yu turned back and his golden palm collided with the palm of Tan ancestor.


Both of them were pushed several steps back by the collision and dignified looks emerged out on their faces.

“This old guy has indeed been there on the Wudao ninth layer for several decades, no wonder he can skillfully use Xuan qi, and way better than Ling Lie.”

Long Yu narrowed his eyes and thought.

“First encircle Feng Longsong and those other people behind him, do not let them run.”

Luo clan’s head, Luo Chenghui, who had a refined temperament and fox-like eyes, pointed at Feng Longsong and commanded his men: “The three of us should collaborate and crush this Long Yu, let us take him down and then we can consider Feng clan as finished.”

As his voice fell down, Luo Chenghui’s figure flashed and appeared behind Long Yu.

Three Wudao ninth layer strong masters suddenly surrounded Long Yu and could launch an attack on him any moment!

But, Feng Longsong and the 42 Feng clan juniors were also surrounded by the members of the three clans and could not even take one step to help Long Yu!

There were more than 100 people, with each having the cultivation of at least Wudao fourth layer, who had come to represent the three clans, while there more than 100 people who betrayed Feng clan and joined the other three clans. So basically, there were more than 200 people crammed up in the Feng mansion.

“Little Yu!”

When Feng Longsong saw that Long Yu had been surrounded, he could not help but worry for him!

“Foster father, you rest assured!”

Long Yu shouted loudly and while being besieged by three strong masters of Wudao ninth layer, the layer of golden light remerged on his body.

“Demon vajra cover!”

Tan ancestor, Qin Duan and Luo Chenghui, all three masters attacked Long Yu at once!

Everyone present on the scene heard a loud thunderclap and saw the three masters retreating several steps, while Long Yu was still standing in the middle, motionless, and a faint golden light was shining on his body!


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