Chapter 99  Dark green lunar wolf    

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Dark green wolf?

Long Yu said with some doubts: “This mineral lode gloomy qi is rich, should not be suitable to any living being, how to have the dark green wolf to exist?”

“You actually don’t know, the dark green wolf can congeal the gloomy qi with spirituality.”

Ling Han said explaining the facts” “You know, these dark green wolves are the protectors of this mineral lode area, any invader either a human being or a monster beast, is their natural enemy.”

“Really has such existence!”

Long Yu’s heart was surprised.

The dark green wolf could congeal gloomy qi, had the ability to comprehend spirituality, wasn’t this and a battle weapon had similar nature of spirituality?

“Um, this Tang State is really vast, every possible strange thing is here.”

Ling Han’s complexion was dignified: “For these dark green wolves, the royal regiment is sent every year to exterminate them, the majority of the wolves are killed every year, but due to the rich gloomy qi of the mineral lode, there will be more wolves every year, and the cycle goes on killing them repeatedly and unceasingly.”

“So that’s how it is, let me observe.”

Long Yu nodded, immediately swept away his Nine Hidden Spear and displayed the Dragon prince, and then he jumped very high above into the sky!

He lowered his head to look in all directions, and his complexion sank immediately.

In the direction of their advance, there was a large group of dark green wolves coming towards their direction, and if these people would go forward, they would definitely encounter these wolves!

Even, the group of these dark green wolves seemed to have been aware of their arrival, and were moving swiftly towards their direction!

Long Yu fell on the ground from the sky and stood firmly, and immediately said: “Everybody, be careful, there are many dark green wolves moving in our direction to attack us!”

“Brother Long, in fact, we don’t need to be anxious, though these wolves  are numerous in their number, but they are generally at Wudao fifth layer, rarely they are found at Wudao sixth layer.”

Ling Han said: “Depending on our current strength, we can easily face them, but what actually worrying me is the fear of sneak attack by someone while we will be engaged in dealing with these wolves.”

“You have really underestimated them.”

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Long Yu’s face was dignified: “Just what I’ve seen, there are several Zhenling realm dark green wolves, the situation is much more serious than what you say!”


The pair of that brother and sister, Ling Han and Ling Yiyue were simultaneously surprised.

Zhenling realm dark green wolves?

“Not a single Zhenling realm dark green wolf did appear throughout the year, and now how several Zhenling wolves have appeared all of a sudden!”

Ling Yiyue, obviously, didn’t believe it.

However, Ling Han frowned: “Can this be possible because of the presence of lunar debris in this area that let the wolves congeal Zhenling?”

“Anyway, we must rush, they’re already here.”

Long Yu felt not far away several dark green wolves transmitting intermittently the cloudy and cold intention to kill.

Now there was no time to change their direction to avoid this confrontation with these dark green wolves.

“Now the time is for me to begin my hands!”

Lu Guan Ming’s face revealed the color of excitement, just after seeing that Long Yu killed Xiao Tianjie, and now his pair of hands was already itchy.

Ling Yiyue was also somewhat eager to try her hands, she actually wanted to make Long Yu know that she was really not physically very weak.

However, when in the front, several dark green wolves flushed, her pretty small face stiffened all of a sudden.

The head of the group of this dark green wolves was a Zhenling realm wolf, and this dark green wolf had already congealed its Zhenling and the ghost of a lunar claw was floating behind it, spreading the intermittent gloomy and grim breath!

But several other dark green wolves were at Wudao eight heavy layer and Wudao ninth heavy layer, although altogether there were six dark green wolves, but their overall strength was stronger than Long Yu and his companions!


Long Yu didn’t act timidly, by grasping his Nine Hidden dragon Spear, his whole stature moved and dashed out wildly!

“Nine Hidden Dragon, activate!”

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“Numerous spear shadows!

This was a battle for life and death. In dealing with these wolves he didn’t need to use wisdom. Take any type of  move, the only aim should be to kill them directly.


The whole stature of Long Yu suddenly flashed, his body became light like a breeze and instantaneously came in front of a gloomy dark green wolf.

Perhaps this gloomy dark green wolf was at Wudao ninth layer. It was of the same size as Long Yu. When it saw Long Yu, he stood up and grasped its claw releasing cold wind that rushed towards Long Yu!

But the next moment, Long Yu integrated his spear with the terrible Zhentian world influence and swept away his numerous spear shadows that instantly crushed the wolf!

Long Yu just used a move of Zhentian spear shock tactic to kill a Wudao ninth layer wolf in one fell swoop!

Then, he rotated his spear point and the terrific repression of the Zhentian world influence suppressed down the other five dark green wolves.

“Imperial rock, kill!”

Lu Guan Ming laughed, and immediately lifted his hand  to congeal one block of giant stone in front of him to resist the gloomy qi that was rushing out from the five dark green wolves!

Lu Guan Ming and Ling Han were at Wudao eight layer, and Ling Yiyue was at Wudao sixth layer.

Thus, after Lu Guan Ming shot his move, Ling Han also displayed his white noble spirit skill to resist the gloomy qi of these dark green wolves, but he paid much more attention to the  protection of his younger sister Ling Yiyue.

Ling Yiyue’s cultivation level was low, and if the gloomy qi struck her, then her death was certain!

“Numerous spear shadows!”

Long Yu swept away the Nine Hidden Dragon Spear of his hand, and suddenly all these dark green wolves were pushed several feet back.

Out of these five dark green wolves, one wolf was at the Zhenling realm ninth level, and at that time, it congealed its Zhenling lunar claw behind it and again it congealed its gloomy qi and swept it towards Long Yu .This gloomy qi instantly shrouded Long Yu completely!

Depending on his current strength, it was somewhat difficult for Long Yu to deal with this Zhenling realm dark green wolf. But, Long Yu didn’t fear and instantly condensed Dragon qi on the tip of his Nine Hidden Dragon Spear and swept it towards that wolf.

This Nine Hidden Dragon qi collided with the gloomy qi of this wolf and shattered it completely.

Then, he clenched his fist and blasted it towards that lunar wolf.

“Nine Hidden Dragon Fist,  the intoxicated hell, kill!”

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Long Yu pounded his punch, but suddenly he found that this lunar wolf was not deterred by his Dragon qi!

Long Yu’s black and strange Dragon qi and the lunar claws of that Zhenling realm wolf collided with each other with a bang!

After the bang, Long Yu was pushed back a few steps because the gap between their strength was too big.

However, his fist continued to rumble to the ground.

“Nine Hidden Dragon burst stream!”

As he pounded his fist into the ground, there was a terrible burst of Nine Hidden Dragon qi out of the ground and rushed towards that dark green lunar wolf and instantaneously enveloped its whole stature!

The gloomy qi of this lunar wolf was completely shattered by this Dragon qi. The lunar claw that had been congealed by this lunar wolf was turned into ashes by the impact of Dragon qi and the body of this dark green lunar wolf soon turned into a dried corpse.

It was not the first time that   Long Yu killed a Zhenling realm powerhouse, at this moment, his this technique reached a high degree of proficiency!

When this dark green lunar wolf was killed by the burst of the Dragon qi, then Lu Guan Ming and Ling Han teamed up to kill other dark green wolves.

Lu Guan Ming had been practicing imperial rock top grade martial skill and by using this skill he could cast out a strong defence, and the attack capability of this skill was also very impressive.

But he eventually he killed these dark green wolves not by the attack of the imperial rock martial skill, but by using martial skill of Demon vajra.

Long Yu knew that this Lu Guan Ming was a disciple of Elder Yu, and from him he came to know the beauty of this Demon vajra martial skill, and therefore, he learnt this skill from Long Yu and chose to practice Demon tyrant form.

For Guan Ming Lu, displaying the Demon vajra skill proved to be very effective.

And Ling Han, who cast his white noble spirit, and Lu Guan Ming, who were only at Wudao ninth layer, but killed these Wudao ninth layer dark green wolves like slaughtering an ordinary dog.

“I didn’t need to display the Demon vajra, although this style is powerful, but its power is inferior to Nine Hidden Dragon Fist and Nine Hidden Dragon Spear.”

Long Yu thought to his mind, he was now at Wudao ninth layer and it was impossible for him to use Demon vajra to kill these dark green lunar wolves.

He must use his own unique means of killing!

“Brother Long, the bodies of these dark green wolves contain a gloomy Dan, because these dark green wolves congealed gloomy qi, therefore this gloomy Dan inherits the most of the Yao Qi of the wolf.”

All these dark green wolves were killed, Ling Han then walked up and said with a smile: “If one absorbs this gloomy qi, the effect is not inferior to the swallowing of a high-grade immortality pill.”

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Long Yu heard this, nodded his head, and looked around, a total of six dark green wolves had been killed, leaving behind them six gloomy Qi Dans dodging dim light on the ground.

Stronger the strength of the dark green wolf, the stronger would be the strength of his gloomy Qi Dan. And when absorbed, it would enhance the power of the cultivation of a Wudao master.

“These gloomy Qi Dans, better first to keep them, then go back and   absorb them slowly.”

Long Yu felt that dark green lunar wolf’s Qi Dan was the largest one and the effect of its absorption would be better than a high-grade immortality pill.

But its effect wouldn’t help in congealing Zhenling, so Long Yu didn’t want to waste time in its absorption.

Han also knew that time was running out, so he put away all six Qi Dans.

Afterwards, the four people led the way to go towards the destination once more.

In the martial world, Wudao masters used to take immortality pills for rapid enhancement of their power, but  it had certain limitations. If a Wudao master took the second immortality pill in continuation, then the effect would be reduced or even would be less than half of the first one.

The fact also applied to these Qi Dans.

After taking one, if anyone would take the second one in continuation, then the effect would be sharply weakened, if this was not so, then it would have been very easy to upgrade one’s cultivation.

But Long Yu had Nine Hidden Dragon Mark that usually helped him by completely absorbing such immortality pills. If Long Yu would take one Qi Dan then its effect would be three times more than that of the others and it was a great advantage for him in comparison to others!

Four people were marching forward in the front, but they suddenly felt the invasion of a strong gloomy qi from the front again.

“The earthly position of the lunar debris was nearing in the front, but there are many dark green wolves, not far from here, how do we pass over them?”

Like before, Long Yu again saw that over a hundred dark green wolves were wandering not very far from them.

Depending on the current strength of these four people, it was almost impossible for them to pass such a large number of dark green wolves!

When they couldn’t find the way out, they saw many persons’ shadows that came at this time in abundance, and immediately went towards the direction of that large group of those dark green wolves.

“Bai Hang!”

“Hua Fu!”

Long Yu and other three people looked at the four Zhenling powerhouses heading towards the direction where they would have to take joint action to kill the dark green wolves!

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