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Why were you angry?

Chi Ning sat on the balcony, his chin resting on his hands, gazing out the window. He let out a long sigh, losing all interest in reading.

After that day, Chu Shaochen became very busy.

Every day the two of them spend less time talking.

Lost in his thoughts, Chi Ning sighed again and closed his book, slumping onto the desk.

Alpha’s mind was so hard to understand.

Their pheromone levels were separated by a huge gap, and they don’t have the tacit understanding of high-matching AO couples at all.

Should he cook dinner for Chu Shaochen tonight?

Last time, it seemed like he enjoyed it, but he was interrupted after a few bites.

As he sighed, there was suddenly a sound from outside the garden. It was the noise of a hovercar entering.

He propped up his upper body to look and saw a man wearing the uniform of the Federation Fleet, holding two folders and a document bag.

Oh, is he one of Chu Shaochen’s subordinates?

He watched the other party walk into the first floor, and soon heard footsteps going upstairs, and then entered Chu Shaochen’s private study.

After more than a week of rest, most of Chu Shaochen’s shoulder injury healed, and dressing changes were now done once a day.

After more than a week of recuperation, Chu Shaochen’s shoulder injury had improved by more than half, and the frequency of dressing changes had become once a day.

As a result, Chi Ning had fewer opportunities to approach him openly.

It was all because he was too thin-skinned and didn’t want to bother him during his usual time.

Chi Ning heard the sound of the study door closing, and his heart was in great torment. In the end, he couldn’t resist the temptation. He acted like a thief, glancing around, inch by inch, moving the chair to a position against the wall.

He definitely wasn’t trying to eavesdrop on confidential information. It’s just that…

“Young Master Chi, be careful not to fall.”

When he was only one step away from success, the old gardener’s voice suddenly came from downstairs, Chi Ning staggered and fell off the chair.

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“Young Master Chi!” The old gardener was startled and shouted loudly, “Are you okay? Should I come up and check on you?”

Upon hearing that, Chi Ning quickly raised his hand and propped himself up, waving down from behind the railing. “N-No, it’s fine. I’m okay.”

Indeed, one cannot do bad things without swift retribution.

Chi Ning rose from the ground, fixed the chair, and returned to his room after dusting off the dirt from his body.

Forget it, the Federation’s affairs and his insignificant Omega status have nothing to do with each other.

After rubbing his eyes, Chi Ning went back to his room with the book in his arms.

In the study room separated by a wall, Ka Xiu, who was in the middle of giving a work report, suddenly heard a loud noise. He stopped talking and looked at Chu Shaochen, who was sitting there.

Chu Shaochen paused his action of flipping through the intelligence files and looked up. “Continue, don’t mind it.”

“Yes, General.”

Ka Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly synchronized the collected information to Chu Shaochen.

Through the investigation, it was indeed confirmed that the Chi family was conducting research. Based on the current information, the Chi family intended to create an artificial pheromone using trace elements found in natural azure crystals, which were important raw materials for this research.

From the records to the information submitted, there were no indications of any illegal activities.

“Artificial pheromone?”


Chu Shaochen put down what he had in his hands, squinting his eyes slightly. He habitually tapped his fingers on the desk, pondering before asking, “But Chi Ning said that Chi Mingye didn’t tell him about the details of the experiment, only mentioned the channel for acquiring the azure crystals.”

Chi Ning wouldn’t lie, so he truly didn’t know about the research being conducted by the Chi family.

In fact, artificial pheromones have always been a field that most research institutions would explore. However, so far, all attempts had ended in failure.

The Chi family’s desire to pursue it probably meant they had some new technology they wanted to try.

As for such a costly research endeavor, on one hand, if it succeeded, they could make huge profits. On the other hand, if it failed, they could still claim it was for Chi Ning’s sake.

No matter the outcome, this deal would not be a loss.

Especially under the current circumstances where the conflicts of interest between the aristocracy and the commoners were intensifying, the Chi family can definitely use this as a strategy to gain favor.

Tsk, they truly live up to their reputation as a business family.

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“Continue the investigation. The Chi family cannot be conducting research without any reason. Not many people in the entire Imperial Star would believe it was solely for Chi Ning’s sake,” Chu Shaochen said.

Chu Shaochen received a call from the top executive of the Federation Fleet this morning. The other party stated that if his injuries were getting better, he should set up a time to return.

There were some matters regarding the progress of the repairs on the Helia that needed to be discussed in person.

This included the routine maintenance of Suzaku.

The Helia was currently the largest starship in the Federation, known as a carrier. Those who wanted to eliminate him would not easily sacrifice a carrier. He could simply let it go, but Suzaku was different. It was his mecha.

The person who gave this order was really sure that he would show up for Suzaku.

“General, about Young Master Chi—”

“Can you obtain evidence of the mistreatment of Chi Ning by the Chi family, especially during his underage years?”

Ka Xiu’s eyes widened, quickly realizing the situation, and hesitated before saying: “Not necessarily, based on the information we currently have, Young Master Chi did not experience any mistreatment or physical abuse in the Chi family. Not only were his daily necessities the same as his three siblings’, but he even attended the best private university on the Imperial Star.”

Chu Shaochen frowned, recalling Chi Ning’s absent-mindedness and frequent distractions these past few days, suspecting that the Chi family had assigned him some tasks.

“Contact Chi Mingye and discuss the matter regarding the azure crystals.”

Ka Xiu was shocked: “General, what is the purpose of this?”

Chu Shaochen leaned back in his chair, “Chi Ning has been so worried that he can’t sleep these days. Every day, he either secretly cries until his eyes are swollen or get lost in his thoughts. I believe the Chi family is putting pressure on him.”

Hearing that Ka Xiu’s eyes widened again, he looked at Chu Shaochen with disbelief, “General, with all due respect, Young Master Chi is indeed beautiful, incredibly rare among Omegas in terms of looks, but—”

“You think he’s beautiful?”

“Yes, is there a problem? Young Master Chi is indeed very beautiful.”

“Beautiful, and he’s mine.”

Ka Xiu was at a loss for words, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He didn’t want to offend his superior.

Seeing Ka Xiu’s frustrated expression, Chu Shaochen raised an eyebrow and smiled. “Don’t worry, I know what you’re concerned about. But Chi Ning is not like that. You can trust him just as you trust me.”

Ka Xiu and Qiao Si had climbed up to their current positions alongside Chu Shaochen and were as close as brothers. That’s why he trusted them to investigate matters that he couldn’t personally handle.

They had their suspicions about Chi Ning, but Chu Shaochen didn’t think there was any problem.

But he trusted Chi Ning and his own vision.

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Having followed Chu Shaochen for so many years, Ka Xiu knew what Chu Shaochen’s words and attitude meant. He took a deep breath and said, “Yes, I understand.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door accompanied by a voice.

“General, may I come in?”

Chu Shaochen sensed that something was off in Chi Ning’s voice and glanced at Ka Xiu, lowering his voice. “Alright, you may leave.”

Ka Xiu: “…”

Fine, he’ll come back next time as a dog.

“Cough, in order to avoid suspicion from above.”

Chu Shaochen added something, then returned his voice to normal volume and said towards the door: “You can come in.”

Chi Ning, who was as anxious as an ant on a hot frying pan, heard those words and felt a sense of relief. He quickly pushed open the door and said, “General, I—”

Upon seeing Ka Xiu still in the room, Chi Ning froze for a second before realizing the situation. He walked into the study with composure, gently closed the door, nodded to Ka Xiu, and then approached the desk.

“General, I have something to discuss with you, will I disturb you?”

Oh no, oh no, why was he still here!

He thought that an hour had passed, and Ka Xiu had already left.

Chi Ning’s eyelashes drooped slightly and he didn’t show any anxiety at all. He carried himself gracefully, exhibiting an air of noble elegance, clearly a young master raised in a wealthy household.

Seeing Chu Shaochen glance over, Ka Xiu immediately understood and said respectfully, “I won’t disturb General and Young Master Chi. I’ll take my leave.”

Hearing this, Chi Ning bowed slightly with an apologetic smile on his face.

Ka Xiu was slightly surprised but walked out of the study and closed the door behind him.

The young master of the Chi family really looked dignified and beautiful, like a doll, sensible and well-behaved.

No wonder the general liked him so much.

Inside the study, Chi Ning relaxed when he saw Ka Xiu leaving.

“What do you want to discuss with me?”

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When Chu Shaochen’s voice sounded, Chi Ning paused for a moment before recalling his purpose and immediately said, “I want to go out for a walk and buy something, so I came to inform the General to avoid any worries.”

A few minutes ago, he received a message from Tang Xi, saying that those people had caused trouble again.

Several families on the street paid money but still had many things confiscated. Those who refused to pay were beaten and had their shops vandalized.

Since Tang Xi informed him last time, they had closed the shop for several days.

Seeing that the situation had calmed down, they decided to open today, but who knew they would run into trouble again.

He could only ask Tang Xi to close the shop temporarily and hide for a while.

But the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt. He messaged Tang Xi, but there was no reply. He didn’t know Tang Xi’s neighbors and couldn’t confirm his safety.

“You want to go out?” Chu Shaochen asked curiously, “Why do you suddenly want to go out?”

Since moving in, Chi Ning had never made such a request. It must be because something had happened.

Chi Ning almost slipped up under Chu Shaochen’s questioning but managed to steady himself and said, “I just want to go out for a stroll. I happen to be missing a book from the set in my hands, so I thought I’d see if I can find it while I’m out.”

There was no trace of lying in his expression, and he blinked his eyes lightly. “Does General dislike me going out?”

After speaking, he lowered his gaze, immediately showing a sense of disappointment on his face.

Chu Shaochen frowned and suddenly focused his gaze on Chi Ning’s hands—the hands that had changed his bandages and fed him medicine.

They would never normally be entangled like this, pushing around uneasily.

Sensing that Chi Ning was hiding something from him, Chu Shaochen stood up, and his tall figure immediately cast a shadow over Chi Ning.

“Well, that’s just right. I also want to go out for some fresh air.”

Chi Ning slightly raised his face to look at Chu Shaochen with a dazed expression.

Wait, Chu Shaochen said he was going out too?

Ah, what should he do now? How can he go find Tang Xi like this? He couldn’t possibly tell Chu Shaochen…

Chi Ning’s inner panic suddenly calmed down.

A smile and anticipation slowly gathered in his bright eyes as he reached out and grabbed Chu Shaochen’s arm, “Then general, let’s go now.”

Chu Shaochen raised an eyebrow, looking at the interesting changes in Chi Ning’s expression and deliberately asked, “Where do you want to go?”

This time, Chi Ning didn’t hesitate. He dragged Chu Shaochen downstairs and greeted Voss, saying, “We’re going to District Seven. I used to go there frequently!”

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