Luo Xing’s eyes suddenly lit up when he saw Lin Suiyan. He came over and said with concern: “Suiyan, I heard that you had a car accident some time ago. Was it serious?”

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Lin Suiyan’s attitude towards Luo Xing was cold and distant, and he said softly, “Thank you for your concern, Senior. I’m fine.”

Luo Xing felt Lin Suiyan’s indifference. He frowned slightly, and said, “The company is busy exploring overseas markets and sent me out. I also only came back yesterday. I wanted to see you, but it was too late. I didn’t want to disturb your rest, so… “

He paused for a moment. He looked at Lin Suiyan and said, “You’re not mad at me for not coming to see you, are you?”

Lin Suiyan chuckled: “Why, senior, you think too much.” If it weren’t for today’s meeting, he wouldn’t even have remembered Luo Xing.

Luo Xing didn’t think that he was thinking too much. He was confident that Lin Suiyan was mad at him.

Luo Xing said, “I’ve been so busy these days, and I’ve just heard the news about your car accident. If I had known earlier, I would have flown back to see you as soon as possible. Don’t be angry, okay?”

Luo Xing spoke earnestly, as if it were true.

Su Yuli sneered in his heart. He didn’t show up when Lin Suiyan was in a car accident and was hospitalized. Now that Lin Suiyan was well taken care of by him, he jumped out to show concern.

He’d never seen such a brazen person.

How can a person who has gone to such great pains to climb up the ladder like Luo Xing not know about Lin Suiyan’s car accident? It’s just that he was so busy doing something else these days that he didn’t have time to care about Lin Suiyan.

Luo Xing was confident. Given Lin Suiyan’s level of obsession with him, even if he doesn’t do anything, Lin Suiyan will still come if he beckons.

He didn’t expect Lin Suiyan to lose his temper, but it’s better to be angry. So as to prove his position in Lin Suiyan’s heart.

Luo Xing talked with Lin Suiyan, completely ignoring Su Yuli’s existence

Luo Xing smiled. He was wearing a well-tailored silver suit and looked gentle and charming. He said softly : “I’m glad you’re all right, Suiyan.”

Su Yuli’s eyes rolled skyward.


A blind man could see that he was acting.

After complaining in his heart, Su Yuli looked at Lin Suiyan’s handsome profile, and silently added a sentence in his heart. It’s you I’m talking about, Blind Man Lin.

Feeling Su Yuli’s gaze, Lin Suiyan looked at him. Su Yuli’s face changed in a second, and a waiter happened to pass by. He took a glass of orange juice and handed it to Lin Suiyan.

Looking at the orange juice handed to him, Lin Suiyan was stunned at first, and then laughed. The smile came from the bottom of his heart, unlike when facing Luo Xing, when his smile was only on the surface.

Lin Suiyan looked at the orange juice in his hand rather strangely. He hadn’t touched this drink for many years. Usually no one would offer him this.

Su Yuli held Lin Suiyan’s arm and smiled at Lin Suiyan with a well-behaved look, “Husband, although your cast has been removed, it’s still better to not touch the wine. Drink orange juice instead, it tastes good.”

Lin Suiyan nodded, and really took a sip. The taste was sweet and delicious, it was really good.

Seeing Lin Suiyan drinking the orange juice, Su Yuli’s depressed mood from seeing Luo Xing, couldn’t help but feel better.

Luo Xing saw the secret eye contact and conversation between Su Yuli and Lin Suiyan, and frowned slightly. He quickly laughed again and called out Suiyan.

Lin Suiyan looked over, with just the right amount of surprise: “Senior, is there anything else?”

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This translates to “Why haven’t you left yet?” The smile on Luo Xing’s face was almost unbearable. For so many years, no one has ever talked to him like this. No one had ever not been attentive to him.

Luo Xing pressed down the anger that had risen in his heart and gave a gentle smile: ” Well, I’ve been having a problem at work lately that I haven’t been able to figure out, so I’d like to ask you for advice.”

Since it was a work matter, Lin Suiyan couldn’t refuse. So he nodded: ” Senior, you say it.”

Luo Xing looked at Su Yuli, who was next to  Lin Suiyan, with an embarrassed look on his face, ” Can we talk alone?”

Luo Xing thought that with Wen Jin there, it was inconvenient to talk to Lin Suiyan. If they could talk alone, Lin Suiyan would definitely calm down.

Just as Lin Suiyan was about to refuse, he felt Su Yuli let go of his arm.

Su Yuli’s good mood was disturbed by Luo Xing’s pretentious appearance, and he was too lazy to look at their greasy appearance in front of him.

Su Yuli said: “Then Suiyan, you have a good chat with the senior. I just saw a few friends here. I’ll go and get together with them.”

Lin Suiyan originally wanted to stop Su Yuli, but Su Yuli walked fast. And in the blink of an eye, he slipped into the crowd of people and disappeared.

Watching Su Yuli’s back disappear in the crowd, Luo Xing raised his lips and stretched out his hand directly, as if he wanted to hold Lin Suiyan’s wrist.

Lin Sui dodged without a trace. Luo Xing paused, then turned his hand and made a gesture of invitation, “The balcony is quiet. Let’s go there and talk.”

Su Yuli plunged into the crowd. Saying that he’d seen a friend was actually a lie

There are only a few people in this world that Su Yuli knows. The people at the reception were even more unfamiliar. There were a few familiar ones, but he didn’t know the names and identities of those people.

However, there are many young people of his age here, all of whom are attending school. And Su Yuli quickly became acquainted with these young people.

The group of young people got together someone suggested they play the game of “Truth or Dare”.

They took an empty glass and passed it around. When they stopped, whoever held the glass would lose, and they had to choose between truth and dare.

If you can’t do it, you’ll have to drink.

This game is deeply loved by young people, and they had a great time playing. Soon, the glass stopped in Su Yuli’s hand, and he lost.

Su Yuli used to play this game with friends a lot. He smiled and said, “I choose truth.”

This group of people was very bad. Those who just lost and chose dare either had to make a phone call to express their love to strangers at will or do some funny dances in public. It was really embarrassing.

Su Yuli still had some handsome guy baggage. He would never do something like that.

Several young people exchanged glances with each other, and finally sent a girl as their representative.

The girl said, “Xiao Jin, you are lucky to meet such a handsome and affectionate person as President Lin. You don’t know, but President Lin is the dream lover of many girls. He is handsome, capable, clean and honest, and most importantly, devoted. When we heard the news of his marriage, several of my sisters cried miserably.”

Su Yuli thought that if they really married Lin Suiyan, then they would cry even more bitterly later. He turned the glass in his hand and said, “Don’t say anything else, just ask the question.”

The girl exchanged a look with her companion, and smirked. Su Yuli suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Then the girl asked in a low voice, “Is Mr. Lin’s technique good? Is it comfortable?”

Technique? What technique?

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The innocent little virgin Su Yuli didn’t understand at first, but when he reacted, he blushed. He looked at the girl with wide eyes and said to himself, Are all the girls so open now?

The girl put her face in her hands and looked embarrassed: “Oh, Xiao Jin, don’t look at others like that. You’re so shy.”

Su Yuli: “…”

I really didn’t see it at all.

How about Lin Suiyan’s technique? Su Yuli hasn’t tried it. He doesn’t know. Take 10,000 steps back. Even if he tried, he couldn’t tell outsiders about such a private topic.

He’s embarrassed.

Su Yuli picked up the wine glass in front of him, and several young people uttered regretfully, “Why did you choose to drink?” We really want to know. “

Su Yuli drank the wine dry in one breath, put the empty glass on the table, and said bravely, “Again.”

However, for some unknown reason, the god of luck no longer favored Su Yuli, and he kept losing in the next few rounds.

Su Yuli chose to tell the truth, but the questions raised by these people were more difficult to answer. Those questions were all about Lin Suiyan, and they were all private.

For example, how many times a week, how often, and what posture do you like best, these questions cannot be answered at all.

Su Yuli drank a few glasses of spirits in a row, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, “This time I choose dare!”

The girl who asked the first question eyes lit up with a biu”1 sound. She made a show of pity and said, “Xiao Jin, don’t say that your sister bullied you. I won’t let you dance and sing in public. So, why don’t you kiss Mr. Lin? Isn’t it simple?”

Su Yuli said, “What… what?” He followed the girl’s gaze and saw Lin Suiyan standing on the balcony, as if he was talking to someone. The night wind was blowing his hair and clothes, very handsome and charming.

“Oh, you’re both married. What’s so embarrassing about it?” The girl said, “What’s the problem with kissing your husband? Simple isn’t it?”

The people next to him were also teasing: “That’s right, didn’t you kiss your husband at the wedding? They had a “we are so kind” expression on their faces.

Seeing that Su Yuli did not move, someone laughed and said, “Xiao Jin, are you a coward?”

For Su Yuli this was the most unbearable provocation. “Cowardly? What a joke. This master2 hasn’t been afraid of anything since I’ve been grown.”

“Then you can go.” The man urged, “Whoever doesn’t is a dog.”

“I’ll go right away.” Su Yuli didn’t want to be a dog. He slapped the table, got up and said, “You keep your eyes open.”

Su Yuli walked towards the balcony with a murderous aura, but the closer he got to the balcony, the more nervous he became. By the time Lin Suiyan was in front of him, all the “murderous aura” had leaked out.

He was nervous.

Lin Suiyan smelled the alcohol on Su Yuli’s body and asked, “Have you been drinking?”

Su Yuli nodded, “Mm-Hmm.”

Lin Suiyan sighed lightly. It’s normal to drink alcohol on such occasions. Su Yuli stood in front of him and didn’t speak. It seemed that something was wrong. He asked warmly, “What’s the matter?”


Su Yuli looked back behind him. Those bad guys were huddled together, staring towards them with burning eyes. Seeing him look over, they even waved at him, urging him to hurry up.

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Su Yuli’s brows were furrowed and his heart was very entangled. Just at this moment, he heard Luo Xing call out Suiyan.

Su Yuli was really annoyed by this voice. He  looked at Luo Xing disapprovingly. This person is really good looking, but unfortunately, he has no sense of shame. He wanted to climb up but didn’t follow the right path. Instead he took a crooked and evil way and coveted other people’s partners. It was really hateful.

Su Yuli suddenly felt that the decision he had made a few days ago was wrong. No matter what he thought, he and Lin Suiyan were legal husbands.

And Lin Suiyan was very good to him. Since the plot in the book can be changed, why can’t the scumbag become good? If he guided him well, then this prodigal son could turn back.

Only then did Su Yuli realize that he was attracted to Lin Suiyan.

So since it’s the person he likes, why should he give him to others?

He didn’t want to be cheap like Luo Xing.

Su Yuli’s eyes became firm. It was time to show his authority.

When Lin Suiyan saw Su Yuli hesitating to speak, he thought that he was in trouble. He whispered, “What’s the matter?”

Su Yuli glanced behind him and said to Lin Suiyan, “I lost the game, so they want me to do one thing.”

Lin Suiyan had already seen the group of noisy young people. He smiled and said, “Oh, what do they want you to do that’s got you frowning so tightly?”

Su Yuli took a breath and said, “Come closer, and I’ll tell you.”

Lin Suiyan took a step forward, and Su Yuli said, “Come closer.”

Lin Suiyan took another step forward. Su Yuli was still not satisfied with this distance, so he urged him several times.

Lin Suiyan complied with Su Yuli’s wishes, and took a few more steps forward. He stopped, and if he went forward any further then he and Su Yuli would collide.

Lin Suiyan looked down at Su Yuli, and said warmly, “Now you can tell me…”

Su Yuli suddenly stood on tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

Lin Suiyan was startled. Su Yuli succeeded in his sneak attack. His cheeks flushed, he looked down at his toes, and said in a low voice and whispered quickly, “They asked me to kiss you.”

Su Yuli threatened to stake his claim and kiss him, but his face was flushed, and he didn’t dare to look into Lin Suiyan’s eyes. He fled at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

After Su Yuli sat down, he felt that his whole person was going to burn up. He kept fanning himself with his hands, trying to cool himself down.

The young people were so excited that they gathered around Su Yuli and said, “Xiao Jin, well done.”

“It’s really awesome. That’s the first time I’ve seen Mr. Lin with such an expression.”

“Haha, how envious. Your relationship is so good. I hope I can find somebody who pampers and loves me like this in the future.”

Su Yuli raised his lips, and his eyes were full of pride.

A person suddenly walked up to Su Yuli and said, “Xiao Jin, your face is very red. Are you shy?”

Su Yuli subconsciously covered his face, and quickly adjusted himself. Of course, he refused to admit that he was shy. He pretended to be calm and said,: “My face is just ruddy. It means I’m in good health.”

The people next to him laughed, and the atmosphere was even more jubilant than before.

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Su Yuli was embarrassed by their laughter. He picked up a glass of ice water and drank it to cool himself down.

Su Yuli drank a half the cup of ice water. Then he noticed that several girls were looking at something together and chattering excitedly.

Su Yuli’s intuition said that it was related to him, because those girls were all looking at him with a very strange look… and at Lin Suiyan not far away.

Su Yuli asked, “What are you looking at?”

The girl sitting in the middle handed her mobile phone to Su Yu. Su Yuli looked over and found that a photo of him kissing Lin Suiyan was displayed on the mobile phone’s screen.

Su Yuli’s eyes widened: “You, you- why are you taking pictures?”

The girl laughed: “Of course, beautiful pictures should be taken. Look, I captured them well. Ah, so eye-catching. “

Su Yuli took out his mobile phone, his eyes sparkling. “Quick, send me the photo.”

The girl probably thought Su Yuli was very cute when he blushed and asked for the picture. “All right, come on, add Wechat. We can play together later,” she said with a smile.

The people next to them also took out their mobile phones and added each other as friends.

Su Yuli happily received the photo.

He had to admit that the photo was really well taken. Outside on the balcony, the moon was bright and the environment was quiet. Su Yuli, with his eyes closed, stood on tiptoe and kissed Lin Suiyan’s lips.

Lin Suiyan had a faint smile on his face, and his lips were raised. He looked at Su Yuli with a hint of doting and pampering in his eyes.

Just looking at this picture gave off a heartwarming feeling. The more Su Yuli looked at it, the more he liked it. And the more he looked at it, the more he felt that he can’t let others take advantage.

From today on, Lin Suiyan is his, and he won’t let anyone else have him.

Su Yuli tapped on the photo and clicked save. Then he picked up the empty glass and asked, “Are we still playing?”

“Play! Play!”

Su Yuli’s kiss pushed the atmosphere to a climax, and these people were more playful.

After a few rounds, the glass fell into Su Yuli’s hands again. Su Yuli thought that he was about to burn up just now, so he couldn’t choose dare again.


Forget it, these people are so bad that Su Yuli picked up the wine cup directly.

“Drink straight, haha.” One of them laughed and said, “It seems that Xiao Jin knows how bad we are.”

Su Yuli also laughed: “I know you guys are bad enough.” He had just raised the wine glass to his lips when suddenly a powerful slender hand reached out next to him and took the wine glass. Su Yuli turned his head in surprise, and saw that Lin Suiyan had come over at some point.

biu- was written in English here. It’s basically an onomotopedia word and I’m pretty sure the author was referring to something like this:

2.小爷 (Xiao ye) – he calls himself this again. I’ve chosen to translate it as ‘master’ in this instance to make the sentence flow a little better.

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